NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing stage program type subtype subsubtype
644793 6q44 27146 cing 4-filtered-FRED Wattos check stereo assignment distance


    _Stereo_assign_list.Sf_category          stereo_assignments
    _Stereo_assign_list.Triplet_count        47
    _Stereo_assign_list.Swap_count           0
    _Stereo_assign_list.Swap_percentage      0.0
    _Stereo_assign_list.Deassign_count       0
    _Stereo_assign_list.Deassign_percentage  0.0
    _Stereo_assign_list.Model_count          20
    _Stereo_assign_list.Total_e_low_states   1.397
    _Stereo_assign_list.Total_e_high_states  245.700
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_abs_e_diff      0.100
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_rel_e_diff      0.000
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_mdls_favor_pct  75.0
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_sing_mdl_viol   1.000
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_multi_mdl_viol  0.500
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_multi_mdl_pct   50.0
Description of the tags in this list:
*  1 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  2 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  3 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  4 * Number of triplets (atom-group pair and pseudo)
*  5 * Number of triplets that were swapped
*  6 * Percentage of triplets that were swapped
*  7 * Number of deassigned triplets
*  8 * Percentage of deassigned triplets
*  9 * Number of models in ensemble
* 10 * Energy of the states with the lower energies summed for all triplets (Ang.**2)
* 11 * Energy of the states with the higher energies summed for all triplets (Ang.**2)
* 12 * Item 9-8
* 13 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the absolute energy difference (Ang.**2)
* 14 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the relative energy difference (Ang.**2)
* 15 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the percentage of models favoring a swap
* 16 * Criterium for deassignment on a single model violation (Ang.)
* 17 * Criterium for deassignment on a multiple model violation (Ang.)
* 18 * Criterium for deassignment on a percentage of models
* 19 * this tag

Description of the tags in the table below:
*  1 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)
*  2 * Residue number
*  3 * Residue name
*  4 * Name of pseudoatom representing the triplet
*  5 * Ordinal number of assignment (1 is assigned first)
*  6 * 'yes' if assignment state is swapped with respect to restraint file
*  7 * Percentage of models in which the assignment with the lowest
        overall energy is favoured
*  8 * Percentage of difference between lowest and highest overall energy
        with respect to the highest overall energy
*  9 * Difference between lowest and highest overall energy
* 10 * Energy of the highest overall energy state (Ang.**2)
* 11 * Energy of the lowest overall energy state (Ang.**2)
* 12 * Number of restraints involved with the triplet. The highest ranking
        triplet on this number, is assigned first
* 13 * Number of restraints involved with the triplet that are ambiguous
        besides the ambiguity from this triplet
* 14 * 'yes' if restraints included in this triplet are deassigned
* 15 * Maximum unaveraged violation before deassignment (Ang.)
* 16 * Number of violated restraints above threshold for a single model
        before deassignment (given by Single_mdl_crit_count)
* 17 * Number of violated restraints above threshold for a multiple models
        before deassignment (given by Multi_mdl_crit_count)
* 18 * NMR-STAR 3.0 administrative tag
* 19 * NMR-STAR 3.0 administrative tag


       1   5 PRO QD 37 no  10.0 100.0  0.001  0.001 0.000  6 0 no 0.000 0 0 
       1   6 PRO QD 41 no  65.0  99.8  0.006  0.006 0.000  5 0 no 0.017 0 0 
       1  12 VAL QG 30 no 100.0  95.4  1.025  1.074 0.049  7 0 no 0.202 0 0 
       1  14 VAL QG 40 no 100.0  99.9  4.968  4.972 0.003  5 0 no 0.134 0 0 
       1  24 LEU QD  5 no 100.0  99.8 13.583 13.616 0.033 22 3 no 0.293 0 0 
       1  26 PRO QD 24 no 100.0  98.8  1.750  1.772 0.022  9 1 no 0.238 0 0 
       1  27 VAL QG  9 no 100.0  99.0 18.318 18.500 0.182 19 4 no 0.332 0 0 
       1  28 LEU QD 38 no  90.0  97.0  0.589  0.607 0.018  6 1 no 0.315 0 0 
       1  33 LEU QD 10 no 100.0  86.0  0.866  1.007 0.142 18 6 no 0.434 0 0 
       1  36 ASN QD 36 no  50.0  95.4  0.166  0.175 0.008  6 0 no 0.369 0 0 
       1  39 VAL QG  2 no 100.0  99.1 11.450 11.557 0.107 24 5 no 0.408 0 0 
       1  42 VAL QG  6 no 100.0  99.7 14.484 14.522 0.038 21 0 no 0.395 0 0 
       1  43 LEU QD  8 no 100.0  99.9 11.075 11.085 0.010 19 1 no 0.148 0 0 
       1  45 VAL QG 17 no 100.0  99.4 10.034 10.092 0.057 13 0 no 0.336 0 0 
       1  46 LEU QD 31 no  90.0  87.9  0.599  0.681 0.082  7 1 no 0.373 0 0 
       1  50 PRO QD 45 no 100.0  99.9  2.105  2.107 0.002  3 0 no 0.113 0 0 
       1  53 ASN QD 35 no  15.0  68.6  0.005  0.007 0.002  6 0 no 0.092 0 0 
       1  55 LEU QD 15 no 100.0  98.0  4.206  4.293 0.087 14 0 no 0.437 0 0 
       1  58 LEU QD 12 no 100.0  99.8 10.107 10.123 0.015 15 0 no 0.200 0 0 
       1  60 LEU QD 11 no 100.0  99.5  7.930  7.967 0.036 15 0 no 0.224 0 0 
       1  62 LEU QD 21 no 100.0  99.6  5.978  6.002 0.024 10 0 no 0.282 0 0 
       1  66 ASN QD 39 no  45.0  97.7  0.037  0.038 0.001  5 0 no 0.069 0 0 
       1  68 LYS QE 47 no  65.0 100.0  0.307  0.307 0.000  1 0 no 0.019 0 0 
       1  70 LEU QD  7 no 100.0  99.7 13.604 13.641 0.037 21 3 no 0.286 0 0 
       1  74 ASN QD 44 no  70.0 100.0  0.578  0.578 0.000  3 0 no 0.015 0 0 
       1  89 VAL QG 14 no 100.0  97.0  2.725  2.809 0.084 14 0 no 0.296 0 0 
       1  91 GLN QE 20 no 100.0  99.0  3.041  3.073 0.032 10 0 no 0.320 0 0 
       1  92 ASN QD 34 no 100.0  93.1  0.247  0.266 0.018  6 0 no 0.313 0 0 
       1  93 LEU QD 42 no  80.0  98.9  2.731  2.761 0.029  4 0 no 0.320 0 0 
       1  94 LEU QD 29 no 100.0  99.5  4.154  4.174 0.020  7 0 no 0.295 0 0 
       1  95 ASN QD 25 no  70.0  97.4  0.191  0.196 0.005  8 0 no 0.130 0 0 
       1 113 VAL QG  4 no 100.0  99.9 21.015 21.047 0.031 23 5 no 0.260 0 0 
       1 114 GLN QE 19 no 100.0  99.5  2.543  2.555 0.012 11 1 no 0.260 0 0 
       1 120 LEU QD 28 no 100.0  99.9  4.944  4.950 0.006  7 0 no 0.163 0 0 
       1 124 GLN QE 18 no 100.0  99.5  2.243  2.254 0.011 12 0 no 0.186 0 0 
       1 128 LEU QD 27 no 100.0  97.9  1.784  1.821 0.037  7 0 no 0.388 0 0 
       1 130 PRO QD 26 no 100.0 100.0  0.001  0.001 0.000  7 0 no 0.076 0 0 
       1 133 LEU QD 13 no 100.0  99.7 10.667 10.700 0.033 15 3 no 0.315 0 0 
       1 134 VAL QG  3 no 100.0  99.9 12.279 12.290 0.010 23 1 no 0.131 0 0 
       1 135 LEU QD  1 no 100.0  99.7 23.864 23.939 0.075 28 2 no 0.245 0 0 
       1 138 ASN QD 33 no 100.0  99.8  2.858  2.863 0.005  6 0 no 0.169 0 0 
       1 144 ASN QD 43 no 100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000 0.000  3 0 no 0.000 0 0 
       1 148 LEU QD 32 no  90.0  99.7  1.727  1.731 0.005  6 0 no 0.186 0 0 
       1 150 LEU QD 16 no 100.0  99.9  9.087  9.099 0.011 14 2 no 0.172 0 0 
       1 152 ASN QD 23 no  40.0  99.3  0.330  0.332 0.002  9 1 no 0.092 0 0 
       1 156 ILE QG 46 no 100.0  99.9  2.515  2.517 0.002  1 0 no 0.111 0 0 
       1 159 LEU QD 22 no  45.0  99.4  1.582  1.592 0.010  9 0 no 0.227 0 0 


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