NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing stage program type subtype subsubtype
639495 6q6e 34336 cing 4-filtered-FRED Wattos check completeness distance


    _NOE_completeness_stats.Sf_category                      NOE_completeness_statistics
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Model_count                      10
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Residue_count                    221
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Total_atom_count                 3564
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Observable_atom_definition       ob_standard
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Observable_atom_count            1255
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Use_intra_residue_restraints     no
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Redundancy_threshold_pct         5.0
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Distance_averaging_power         1.00
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Completeness_cutoff              4.00
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Completeness_cumulative_pct      34.6
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_unexpanded_count      2491
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_count                 2673
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_exp_unfiltered_count  2483
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_exceptional_count     0
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_nonobservable_count   122
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_intraresidue_count    1096
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_surplus_count         156
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_observed_count        1299
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_expected_count        2367
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_matched_count         819
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_unmatched_count       480
    _NOE_completeness_stats.Constraint_exp_nonobs_count      1548
A detailed methodology description is available at:

Please note that the contributions in ambiguous restraints are considered
separate 'restraints' for the sets defined below.
The cut off for all statistics except those in the by-shell table is
given below by the above tag: _NOE_completeness_stats.Completeness_cutoff

Description of the tags in this list:
*  1 * Administrative tag
*  2 * Administrative tag
*  3 * Administrative tag
*  4 * Number of models
*  5 * Number of residues
*  6 * Number of atoms
*  7 * Standard set name of observable atom definitions
see: Doreleijers et al., J.Biomol.NMR 14, 123-132 (1999).
*  8 * Observable atom(group)s
*  9 * Include intra residue restraints
*  10 * Surplus threshold for determining redundant restraints
*  11 * Power for averaging the distance over models
*  12 * Up to what distance are NOEs expected
*  13 * Cumulative completeness percentage
*  14 * Number of unexpanded restraints in restraint list.
*  15 * Number of restraints in restraint list.           Set U
*  16 * Expected restraints based on criteria in list.    Set V
Set V differs from set B only if intra residue restraints are analyzed.
*  17 * Exceptional restraints, i.e. with an unknown atom.Set E
*  18 * Not observable NOEs with e.g. hydroxyl Ser HG.    Set O
Even though restraints with these atom types might have been observed they are
excluded from the analysis.
*  19 * Intra-residue restraints if not to be analyzed.   Set I
*  20 * Surplus like double restraints.                   Set S
*  21 * Observed restraints.                              Set A = U - (E u O u I u S)
*  22 * Expected restraints based on criteria as in A.    Set B = V - (I u S)
*  23 * Observed restraints matched to the expected.      Set M = A n B
*  24 * Observed restraints that were not expected.       Set C = A - M
*  25 * Expected restraints that were not observed.       Set D = B - M
*  26 * This tag

Description of the tags in the class table:
*  1 * Class of restraint. Note that 'medium-range' involves (2<=i<=4) contacts.
Possible values are: intraresidue,sequential,medium-range,long-range, and intermolecular.
*  2 * Observed restraints.                              Set A = U - (E u O u I u S)
*  3 * Expected restraints based on criteria as in A.    Set B = V - (I u S)
*  4 * Observed restraints matched to the expected.      Set M = A n B
*  5 * Completeness percentage
*  6 * Standard deviation from the average over the classes.
*  7 * Extra information
*  8 * Administrative tag
*  9 * Administrative tag

Description of the tags in the shell table.
The first row shows the lower limit of the shells requested and
The last row shows the total number of restraints over the shells.
*  1 * Description of the content of the row: edges, shell, or sums.
The value determines the meaning of the values to the nine 'Matched_shell_x' tags among others.
*  2 * Lower limit of shell of expected restraints.
*  3 * Upper limit of shell of expected restraints.
*  4 * Expected restraints based on criteria as in A.    Set B = V - (I u S)
*  5 * Observed restraints matched to the expected.      Set M = A n B
*  6 * Matched restraints with experimental distance in shell 1
*  7 * Matched restraints with experimental distance in shell 2
*  8 * Matched restraints with experimental distance in shell 3
*  9 * Matched restraints with experimental distance in shell 4
*  10 * Matched restraints with experimental distance in shell 5
*  11 * Matched restraints with experimental distance in shell 6
*  12 * Matched restraints with experimental distance in shell 7
*  13 * Matched restraints with experimental distance in shell 8
*  14 * Matched restraints with experimental distance in shell 9
*  15 * Matched restraints overflowing the last shell
*  16 * Completeness percentage for this shell
*  17 * Completeness percentage up to upper limit of this shell
*  18 * Administrative tag
*  19 * Administrative tag

Description of the tags in the residue table:
*  1 * Chain identifier
*  2 * Residue number
*  3 * Residue name
*  4 * Observable atom(group)s for this residue.
*  5 * Observed restraints.                              Set A = U - (E u O u I u S)
*  6 * Expected restraints based on criteria as in A.    Set B = V - (I u S)
*  7 * Observed restraints matched to the expected.      Set M = A n B
*  8 * Completeness percentage
*  9 * Standard deviation from the average over the residues.
*  10 * Extra information
*  11 * Administrative tag
*  12 * Administrative tag


       intraresidue     0    0   0    .    . "no intras"   
       sequential     683 1006 529 52.6  1.0  >sigma       
       medium-range   298  723 130 18.0 -0.7  .            
       long-range     318  638 160 25.1 -0.3  .            
       intermolecular   0    0   0    .    . "no multimer" 


       edges    .    .     .    . 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 .   .    .    . 
       shell 0.00 2.00    10    5    1    0    0    2    1    0    0    1 .   0 50.0 50.0 
       shell 2.00 2.50   103   60    0   11   12   14   12    3    1    2 .   5 58.3 57.5 
       shell 2.50 3.00   493  261    0    6   27   72   80   41   13    4 .  18 52.9 53.8 
       shell 3.00 3.50   633  194    0    3    7   33   27   51   31   11 .  31 30.6 42.0 
       shell 3.50 4.00  1128  299    0    0    9   27   34   60   68   29 .  72 26.5 34.6 
       shell 4.00 4.50  1716  196    0    0    1    0    5   30   33   23 . 104 11.4 24.9 
       shell 4.50 5.00  2570  108    0    0    1    1    2    9   13    7 .  75  4.2 16.9 
       shell 5.00 5.50  3492   87    0    0    0    0    0    0    2    3 .  82  2.5 11.9 
       shell 5.50 6.00  4165   54    0    0    0    0    0    0    3    3 .  48  1.3  8.8 
       shell 6.00 6.50  4334   20    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0 .  19  0.5  6.9 
       shell 6.50 7.00  4549    9    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 .   9  0.2  5.6 
       shell 7.00 7.50  4828    3    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0 .   2  0.1  4.6 
       shell 7.50 8.00  5545    2    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 .   2  0.0  3.9 
       shell 8.00 8.50  5687    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 .   0  0.0  3.3 
       shell 8.50 9.00  5956    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 .   1  0.0  2.9 
       sums     .    . 45209 1299    1   20   57  149  162  194  165   83 . 468    .    . 


       1   1 GLY  3  0  2  0   0.0 -2.0 >sigma 
       1   2 HIS  6  0  6  0   0.0 -2.0 >sigma 
       1   3 MET  6  0  9  0   0.0 -2.0 >sigma 
       1   4 ARG  7  2  9  1  11.1 -1.4 >sigma 
       1   5 ALA  3  5  6  3  50.0  0.7 .      
       1   6 VAL  5  5  5  3  60.0  1.2 >sigma 
       1   7 THR  4  7  9  5  55.6  1.0 .      
       1   8 PRO  5  9  8  8 100.0  3.4 >sigma 
       1   9 MET  6  7  9  5  55.6  1.0 .      
       1  10 LYS  7  5  7  3  42.9  0.3 .      
       1  11 ARG  7  8  8  5  62.5  1.3 >sigma 
       1  12 VAL  5 10 10  6  60.0  1.2 >sigma 
       1  13 PRO  5  4 21  3  14.3 -1.3 >sigma 
       1  14 ILE  6 20 26 10  38.5  0.0 .      
       1  15 LEU  7  7 28  4  14.3 -1.3 >sigma 
       1  16 ALA  3  5 20  2  10.0 -1.5 >sigma 
       1  17 ASN  6 11 20  6  30.0 -0.4 .      
       1  18 PHE  7 21 47 16  34.0 -0.2 .      
       1  19 GLU  5 14 20 10  50.0  0.7 .      
       1  20 GLU  5 10 20  8  40.0  0.1 .      
       1  21 TRP 10 29 46 11  23.9 -0.7 .      
       1  22 MET  6 22 30 12  40.0  0.1 .      
       1  23 LYS  7  5 16  2  12.5 -1.3 >sigma 
       1  24 MET  6 14 42  3   7.1 -1.6 >sigma 
       1  25 ALA  3 16 27 11  40.7  0.2 .      
       1  26 THR  4 11 15  7  46.7  0.5 .      
       1  27 ASP  4  8 10  5  50.0  0.7 .      
       1  28 ASN  6 12 12  7  58.3  1.1 >sigma 
       1  29 LYS  7  9 22  5  22.7 -0.8 .      
       1  30 ILE  6 39 48 16  33.3 -0.2 .      
       1  31 ASN  6 18 14  6  42.9  0.3 .      
       1  32 ALA  3 17 17  8  47.1  0.5 .      
       1  33 ALA  3 15 15  8  53.3  0.8 .      
       1  34 ASN  6 19 24  6  25.0 -0.7 .      
       1  35 SER  4 15 26  7  26.9 -0.6 .      
       1  36 TRP 10 41 42 16  38.1  0.0 .      
       1  37 ASN  6 11  7  6  85.7  2.6 >sigma 
       1  38 PHE  7 28 35 12  34.3 -0.2 .      
       1  39 ALA  3  5 20  0   0.0 -2.0 >sigma 
       1  40 LEU  7 11 43  3   7.0 -1.6 >sigma 
       1  41 ILE  6 18 48  7  14.6 -1.2 >sigma 
       1  42 ASP  4  6 16  5  31.3 -0.3 .      
       1  43 TYR  6 18 37  8  21.6 -0.9 .      
       1  44 PHE  7 13 41  8  19.5 -1.0 .      
       1  45 HIS  6 10 17  5  29.4 -0.4 .      
       1  46 ASP  4  2 11  2  18.2 -1.0 >sigma 
       1  47 MET  6 17 37 13  35.1 -0.1 .      
       1  48 SER  4  0 10  0   0.0 -2.0 >sigma 
       1  49 LEU  7 20 36 13  36.1 -0.1 .      
       1  50 LEU  7  9 16  6  37.5 -0.0 .      
       1  51 LYS  7 12 37  8  21.6 -0.9 .      
       1  52 GLU  5 12  7  6  85.7  2.6 >sigma 
       1  53 GLY  3  5  5  3  60.0  1.2 >sigma 
       1  54 ASP  4  5  5  3  60.0  1.2 >sigma 
       1  55 SER  4 14 11  6  54.5  0.9 .      
       1  56 VAL  5 44 43 21  48.8  0.6 .      
       1  57 ASN  6  5 16  3  18.8 -1.0 >sigma 
       1  58 PHE  7 33 57 15  26.3 -0.6 .      
       1  59 GLN  7 24 22 13  59.1  1.2 >sigma 
       1  60 LYS  7 17 28 13  46.4  0.5 .      
       1  61 ALA  3 15 31 12  38.7  0.1 .      
       1  62 SER  4  6 26  5  19.2 -1.0 .      
       1  63 CYS  4  7 14  6  42.9  0.3 .      
       1  64 THR  4 10 23  7  30.4 -0.4 .      
       1  65 LEU  7  7 39  6  15.4 -1.2 >sigma 
       1  66 ASP  4  8 16  6  37.5 -0.0 .      
       1  67 GLY  3  9 13  6  46.2  0.5 .      
       1  68 CYS  4  7 22  6  27.3 -0.6 .      
       1  69 VAL  5 20 36 12  33.3 -0.2 .      
       1  70 LYS  7  6 16  5  31.3 -0.3 .      
       1  71 ILE  6 19 51 10  19.6 -1.0 .      
       1  72 TYR  6 39 53 23  43.4  0.3 .      
       1  73 THR  4 22 35 15  42.9  0.3 .      
       1  74 SER  4  9 19  7  36.8 -0.0 .      
       1  75 ARG  7  6 56  4   7.1 -1.6 >sigma 
       1  76 VAL  5 30 58 23  39.7  0.1 .      
       1  77 ASP  4  9 16  9  56.3  1.0 >sigma 
       1  78 SER  4 13 23  9  39.1  0.1 .      
       1  79 VAL  5 36 50 24  48.0  0.6 .      
       1  80 ALA  3 19 23 14  60.9  1.3 >sigma 
       1  81 THR  4  9 18  8  44.4  0.4 .      
       1  82 GLU  5  9 28  8  28.6 -0.5 .      
       1  83 THR  4 14 28  9  32.1 -0.3 .      
       1  84 GLY  3  6 11  5  45.5  0.4 .      
       1  85 LYS  7  5 18  4  22.2 -0.8 .      
       1  86 LEU  7  5 19  3  15.8 -1.2 >sigma 
       1  87 LEU  7  6 15  3  20.0 -0.9 .      
       1  88 SER  4  9 12  5  41.7  0.2 .      
       1  89 GLY  3  8 11  6  54.5  0.9 .      
       1  90 LEU  7 10 12  7  58.3  1.1 >sigma 
       1  91 ALA  3 15 14 10  71.4  1.8 >sigma 
       1  92 ASP  4  5 11  5  45.5  0.4 .      
       1  93 SER  4  3 10  3  30.0 -0.4 .      
       1  94 ARG  7  5 12  5  41.7  0.2 .      
       1  95 ASP  4  5  7  3  42.9  0.3 .      
       1  96 SER  4  4  5  1  20.0 -0.9 .      
       1  97 LYS  7  3  7  2  28.6 -0.5 .      
       1  98 LYS  7  4  8  4  50.0  0.7 .      
       1  99 LYS  7  3  7  3  42.9  0.3 .      
       1 100 ASP  4  3  7  2  28.6 -0.5 .      
       1 101 ARG  7  5  8  5  62.5  1.3 >sigma 
       1 102 GLU  5 10  9  7  77.8  2.2 >sigma 
       1 103 ASP  4  7  7  5  71.4  1.8 >sigma 
       1 104 GLY  3  3  7  3  42.9  0.3 .      
       1 105 GLY  3  2  6  2  33.3 -0.2 .      
       1 106 GLY  3  2  6  2  33.3 -0.2 .      
       1 107 SER  4  1  6  1  16.7 -1.1 >sigma 
       1 108 GLY  3  0  6  0   0.0 -2.0 >sigma 
       1 109 GLY  3  2  6  1  16.7 -1.1 >sigma 
       1 110 SER  4  3  6  3  50.0  0.7 .      
       1 111 LEU  7  4  7  2  28.6 -0.5 .      
       1 112 ARG  7  2  8  1  12.5 -1.3 >sigma 
       1 113 LYS  7  2  8  2  25.0 -0.7 .      
       1 114 LYS  7 13  9  5  55.6  1.0 .      
       1 115 ILE  6 39 17 12  70.6  1.8 >sigma 
       1 116 ASN  6 17 20  8  40.0  0.1 .      
       1 117 PRO  5  9 12  5  41.7  0.2 .      
       1 118 LYS  7 18 20 11  55.0  0.9 .      
       1 119 VAL  5 28 29 16  55.2  0.9 .      
       1 120 MET  6 29 21 11  52.4  0.8 .      
       1 121 ASN  6 27 18 12  66.7  1.6 >sigma 
       1 122 MET  6  6 16  4  25.0 -0.7 .      
       1 123 ILE  6 26 43 18  41.9  0.2 .      
       1 124 ASP  4 11 17  8  47.1  0.5 .      
       1 125 SER  4 10 14  8  57.1  1.1 >sigma 
       1 126 VAL  5 25 34 16  47.1  0.5 .      
       1 127 GLU  5 17 22 15  68.2  1.6 >sigma 
       1 128 LYS  7  7 18  6  33.3 -0.2 .      
       1 129 LYS  7  5 17  5  29.4 -0.4 .      
       1 130 GLU  5 11 19  9  47.4  0.5 .      
       1 131 MET  6 10 19  8  42.1  0.2 .      
       1 132 SER  4 13 14  9  64.3  1.4 >sigma 
       1 133 LEU  7 15 39 10  25.6 -0.6 .      
       1 134 LYS  7  8 16  6  37.5 -0.0 .      
       1 135 HIS  6 16 19 10  52.6  0.8 .      
       1 136 MET  6 26 36 20  55.6  1.0 .      
       1 137 MET  6 24 37 17  45.9  0.4 .      
       1 138 LYS  7  3 17  3  17.6 -1.1 >sigma 
       1 139 THR  4 14 22  8  36.4 -0.1 .      
       1 140 VAL  5 29 44 18  40.9  0.2 .      
       1 141 LEU  7 13 32  9  28.1 -0.5 .      
       1 142 LYS  7  9 22  6  27.3 -0.6 .      
       1 143 ASP  4 12 32  6  18.8 -1.0 >sigma 
       1 144 LYS  7  3 40  2   5.0 -1.8 >sigma 
       1 145 HIS  6 13 19  8  42.1  0.2 .      
       1 146 LYS  7  7 35  7  20.0 -0.9 .      
       1 147 ILE  6 22 49 14  28.6 -0.5 .      
       1 148 GLU  5  9 22  7  31.8 -0.3 .      
       1 149 GLU  5 13 17  7  41.2  0.2 .      
       1 150 THR  4 21 29 12  41.4  0.2 .      
       1 151 ILE  6 19 44 12  27.3 -0.6 .      
       1 152 ALA  3 11 15  7  46.7  0.5 .      
       1 153 THR  4 21 23 15  65.2  1.5 >sigma 
       1 154 LEU  7 33 58 24  41.4  0.2 .      
       1 155 ASP  4 14 26 11  42.3  0.3 .      
       1 156 GLU  5  7 18  6  33.3 -0.2 .      
       1 157 TYR  6 18 37 12  32.4 -0.3 .      
       1 158 LYS  7  8 46  6  13.0 -1.3 >sigma 
       1 159 ARG  7  8 18  6  33.3 -0.2 .      
       1 160 LYS  7  8 15  7  46.7  0.5 .      
       1 161 ALA  3 16 14  8  57.1  1.1 >sigma 
       1 162 SER  4  7  6  4  66.7  1.6 >sigma 
       1 163 GLY  3  2  8  2  25.0 -0.7 .      
       1 164 GLY  3  1  6  1  16.7 -1.1 >sigma 
       1 165 SER  4  2  7  1  14.3 -1.3 >sigma 
       1 166 ALA  3  0  8  0   0.0 -2.0 >sigma 
       1 167 GLY  3  1 14  1   7.1 -1.6 >sigma 
       1 168 THR  4 21 24 11  45.8  0.4 .      
       1 169 ARG  7  3 12  3  25.0 -0.7 .      
       1 170 MET  6 11 31  7  22.6 -0.8 .      
       1 171 PHE  7 21 64 13  20.3 -0.9 .      
       1 172 GLU  5 10 30  7  23.3 -0.8 .      
       1 173 ASP  4 14 15 10  66.7  1.6 >sigma 
       1 174 ARG  7 14 30  9  30.0 -0.4 .      
       1 175 LYS  7 18 50 13  26.0 -0.6 .      
       1 176 GLU  5 14 23 11  47.8  0.6 .      
       1 177 LYS  7  8 22  8  36.4 -0.1 .      
       1 178 ALA  3 13 29 10  34.5 -0.2 .      
       1 179 LEU  7 15 31 12  38.7  0.1 .      
       1 180 LYS  7 10 17  8  47.1  0.5 .      
       1 181 THR  4  9 25  8  32.0 -0.3 .      
       1 182 MET  6 15 44 12  27.3 -0.6 .      
       1 183 ALA  3  6 19  6  31.6 -0.3 .      
       1 184 LYS  7  8 19  7  36.8 -0.0 .      
       1 185 LYS  7  4 31  4  12.9 -1.3 >sigma 
       1 186 ASP  4  5 18  4  22.2 -0.8 .      
       1 187 LEU  7 10 16  7  43.8  0.3 .      
       1 188 LYS  7  6 18  4  22.2 -0.8 .      
       1 189 LEU  7 13 53  8  15.1 -1.2 >sigma 
       1 190 GLN  7  6 19  3  15.8 -1.2 >sigma 
       1 191 GLU  5 11 22  7  31.8 -0.3 .      
       1 192 ILE  6 24 43 16  37.2 -0.0 .      
       1 193 THR  4 16 25 12  48.0  0.6 .      
       1 194 GLU  5  7 15  6  40.0  0.1 .      
       1 195 LEU  7 12 19  9  47.4  0.5 .      
       1 196 LEU  7 20 34 13  38.2  0.0 .      
       1 197 ARG  7 11 12  7  58.3  1.1 >sigma 
       1 198 ASP  4  9 11  6  54.5  0.9 .      
       1 199 GLU  5 10 12  6  50.0  0.7 .      
       1 200 ILE  6 11 22  7  31.8 -0.3 .      
       1 201 GLU  5 12 11  7  63.6  1.4 >sigma 
       1 202 PRO  5 10 16  8  50.0  0.7 .      
       1 203 LYS  7 11 13  9  69.2  1.7 >sigma 
       1 204 LEU  7 19 29 13  44.8  0.4 .      
       1 205 GLU  5 12 18 10  55.6  1.0 .      
       1 206 LYS  7 13 18  8  44.4  0.4 .      
       1 207 LEU  7 28 41 15  36.6 -0.1 .      
       1 208 ARG  7 11 19  6  31.6 -0.3 .      
       1 209 GLN  7  5 13  3  23.1 -0.8 .      
       1 210 GLU  5  1 15  1   6.7 -1.7 >sigma 
       1 211 LYS  7  0 23  0   0.0 -2.0 >sigma 
       1 212 ARG  7  2 12  2  16.7 -1.1 >sigma 
       1 213 ALA  3  6  9  4  44.4  0.4 .      
       1 214 PHE  7  6 16  4  25.0 -0.7 .      
       1 215 LEU  7  7 22  5  22.7 -0.8 .      
       1 216 ASP  4  8  8  6  75.0  2.0 >sigma 
       1 217 PHE  7 22 16 12  75.0  2.0 >sigma 
       1 218 GLN  7  7 11  7  63.6  1.4 >sigma 
       1 219 GLN  7 11 11  7  63.6  1.4 >sigma 
       1 220 THR  4 14 13  9  69.2  1.7 >sigma 
       1 221 GLN  7  4  5  3  60.0  1.2 >sigma 


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