NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
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image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing stage program type
632634 6mci 30512 cing 1-original MR format comment

*HEADER    RNA                                     31-AUG-18   6MCI              
*TITLE     SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF 7SK STEM-LOOP 1                                 
*COMPND    MOL_ID: 1;                                                            
*COMPND   2 MOLECULE: 7SK RNA;                                                   
*COMPND   3 CHAIN: A;                                                            
*COMPND   4 ENGINEERED: YES                                                      
*SOURCE    MOL_ID: 1;                                                            
*SOURCE   2 SYNTHETIC: YES;                                                      
*SOURCE   3 ORGANISM_SCIENTIFIC: HOMO SAPIENS;                                   
*SOURCE   4 ORGANISM_COMMON: HUMAN;                                              
*SOURCE   5 ORGANISM_TAXID: 9606                                                 
*KEYWDS    TRANSCRIPTION, RNA                                                    
*EXPDTA    SOLUTION NMR                                                          
*NUMMDL    10                                                                    
*AUTHOR    V.V.PHAM,V.M.D'SOUZA                                                  
*REVDAT   1   31-OCT-18 6MCI    0                                                

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