NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
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image mrblock_id pdb_id cing stage program type
5216 1gps cing 1-original MR format comment

*HEADER   PLANT TOXIN                             29-JUL-92   1GPS    
*COMPND   GAMMA-1-P THIONIN (NMR, 8 STRUCTURES)                       
*SOURCE   WHEAT (TRITICUM TURGIDUM)                                   
*AUTHOR  2 E.MENDEZ,M.RICO                                            
*REVDAT  1   31-OCT-93 1GPS    0                                      

        Distance constraints used in the calculation of the solution structure
 of gamma-1-P thionin (Triticum turgidum). (Bruix et al., july 1992.)
         Characters in colummns 10-40 indicate the atoms involved in the
 constraint (P means pseudoatoms for methilene groups. Methyl groups are
 represented by its carbon atom). The real number indicate the distance 
 constraint in angstroms.  

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