NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
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image mrblock_id pdb_id cing stage position type
16177 1zo0 cing 1-original 1 comment

{ Distances were derived from NOE cross peaks as follows:

  When possble, NOE cross peak intensities are estimated
  using NOE spectra collected with 60 msec mixing time. When
  the same NOE was observed in multiple spectra, priority is
  given to the shorter mixing time NOE spectra.

  From 60 msec mixing time spectra:

  strong peak  :  d < 3.00 A  
  medium peak  :  d < 3.60 A 
  weak peak    :  d < 4.00 A
  v. weak peak :  d < 4.50 A 

  From 120 ms 3-D N15 NOE spectrum and 3-D C13 NOE spectrum:

  strong peak  :  d < 3.50 A 
  medium peak  :  d < 4.20 A 
  weak peak    :  d < 5.00 A 
  v. weak peak :  d < 6.00 A 

  For peaks observed in the homonuclear NOE spectra collected 
  with longer mixing time, but not observed in the short mixing
  time NOE spectra:

  strong peak  :  d < 4.00 A 
  medium peak  :  d < 5.00 A 
  weak peak    :  d < 6.00 A  

  For NOEs from ambiguous val/leu methyl pairs :  add 2.4 A and measure from center of 6H's
  For NOEs from single methyls :  add 1.0 A and measure from center of 3H's
  For NOEs from ambiguous methylene groups:  add 0.7 A and measure from center of 2H's
  For NOEs from phe/tyr delta H's:  add 2.4 A and measure from center of 2H's
  For NOEs from phe/tyr epsilon H's:  add 2.4 A and measure from center of 2H's

************ Begin NOE list here **********  }

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