NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
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image mrblock_id pdb_id cing stage position type
12448 1szy cing 1-original 5 comment

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JPR topology and parameter files, March 1996

dna-rna-allatom.top JPR top file plus changes:
    Commented out remarks and set echo/message statements
    Commented out all dihedrals except alpha-gamma, epsilon, zeta (and their
 equivalents on 5' and 3' termini).
    Commented out remaining dihedrals, since they weren't helpful
dna-rna-allatom.top.old JPR top file
dna-rna-allatom.par JPR par file plus changes:
    Commented out remarks and set echo/message statements
    Commented out second definitions of terminal hydroxyl dihedrals with
 periodicity 2 (?!?)
    Commented out erroneous "DIHEdral    X    C6A  N4C  X"
    Commented out all dihedrals except alpha-gamma, epsilon, zeta (and their
 equivalents on 5' and 3' termini). Note that I commented out the amino
 dihedrals because they have no counterpart in the topology file, but
 that there are impropers which do the same job.
    Changed x_eq for backbone dihedrals to A-form angles from Sanger
    Commented out remaining dihedrals, since they weren't helpful
dna-rna-allatom.par.old JPR par file
Number of segments = 1
Number of residues = 21
segid  num res  alpha    beta   gamma     eps    zeta     chi     nu0     nu1     nu2     nu3     nu4
------ --- ---  ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
     A   1 GUA    0.00 -168.88   40.92 -147.66  -74.73 -157.97    1.66  -24.57   36.86  -36.92   22.21
     A   2 GUA  -58.81  173.82   43.71 -155.75  -72.41 -155.47   -0.36  -24.25   38.22  -39.48   25.07
     A   3 CYT  -63.42  178.55   48.26 -151.81  -75.88 -161.20    1.96  -25.16   37.49  -37.41   22.36
     A   4 ADE  -58.35  175.38   45.83 -152.66  -74.26 -154.76    0.57  -24.13   37.19  -37.89   23.52
     A   5 GUA  -55.22  173.78   44.73 -152.21  -74.20 -155.90   -0.86  -23.50   37.61  -39.09   25.17
     A   6 GUA  -60.11  174.36   47.15 -158.30  -70.95 -155.59    0.08  -24.67   38.52  -39.46   24.82
     A   7 GUA  -61.81  178.43   52.45 -151.57  -60.89 -156.64   -0.32  -21.55   33.92  -35.15   22.39
     A   8 CYT  -68.45 -162.99   43.90 -125.92  -85.01 -161.69   14.44  -30.25   33.72  -26.47    7.73
     A   9 URI  -37.87  161.65   39.08 -149.53  -50.59 -162.25   -1.54  -20.06   32.74  -34.66   22.80
     A  10 CYT  119.21  167.25   68.15 -116.32  -81.40 -127.59  -13.47   22.64  -22.62   15.73   -1.62
     A  11 ADE  -97.54  157.10   51.30 -169.84  -71.20 -124.34   -7.64  -17.16   33.90  -39.21   29.44
     A  12 URI  -64.22  169.84   69.80  -98.91  -93.75 -127.79  -30.44   24.14   -9.56   -7.42   23.63
     A  13 ADE  -91.56  154.78   53.07 -159.94  -70.77 -150.17   12.77  -34.71   42.35  -36.04   14.73
     A  14 ADE  -64.91  149.14   84.18 -117.45  -68.27  175.75    5.57  -28.29   39.03  -36.90   19.75
     A  15 CYT  -52.77  162.66   44.20 -151.63  -80.21 -162.89   -0.11  -24.70   38.68  -39.81   25.13
     A  16 CYT  -52.99  175.42   41.66 -148.81  -76.91 -161.01    3.84  -26.07   37.15  -36.01   20.31
     A  17 CYT  -57.88  172.14   45.46 -154.01  -77.64 -162.81    1.56  -25.61   38.60  -38.73   23.42
     A  18 URI  -53.22  176.02   42.70 -149.29  -77.46 -161.44    3.93  -26.39   37.56  -36.36   20.48
     A  19 GUA  -52.85  171.81   42.78 -153.56  -72.65 -156.43    0.60  -24.86   38.36  -39.04   24.22
     A  20 CYT  -60.61  177.86   45.73 -154.70  -74.38 -161.79    2.02  -25.27   37.63  -37.51   22.36
     A  21 CYT  -62.35  177.52   49.84    0.00    0.00 -161.13    1.80  -23.87   35.53  -35.59   21.32

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