NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
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image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing stage position type
11267 1r7w 6076 cing 1-original 7 dihedral angle

#  (5) Sugar pucker restraints
#  Based on DQFCOSY H1'-H2' cross-peaks,
#  residues U9, U10, C11, C12, U13, and G27 were restrained to
#  C2'-endo sugar pucker; the rest of residues were restrained
#  to C3'-endo sugar pucker.
#  The following restrints were used for the C3'-endo sugar pucker
#  (using AMBER flat-well potential):
#  C5'-C4'-C3'-O3' = 79 to 95 deg. (delta backbone torsion angle)
#  C3'-C2'-C1'-O4' = -30 to -18 deg. (endocyclic torsion angle)
#  C4'-C3'-C2'-C1' = 35 to 39 deg. (endocyclic torsion angle)
#  The following restrints were used for the C2'-endo sugar pucker
#  (using AMBER flat-well potential):
#  C5'-C4'-C3'-O3' = 120 to 160 deg. (delta backbone torsion angle)
#  C3'-C2'-C1'-O4' = 34 to 37 deg. (endocyclic torsion angle)
#  C4'-C3'-C2'-C1' = -37 to -19 deg. (endocyclic torsion angle)

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