NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing stage position program type subtype subsubtype
27522 2rnj 11024 cing 1-original 1 XPLOR/CNS distance NOE simple

assign ( resid    8 and name    HN )
       ( resid    8 and name   HE* )
        4.57  2.77  0.00 peak 10000 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name    HN )
       ( resid    8 and name    HA )
        4.15  2.35  0.00 peak 10001 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name    HN )
       ( resid    8 and name   HB2 )
        4.11  2.31  0.00 peak 10002 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name    HN )
       ( resid    8 and name   HB1 )
        4.11  2.31  0.00 peak 10003 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    7 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid    8 and name    HN )
        3.68  1.88  0.00 peak 10004 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name    HN )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD2# )
        4.26  2.46  0.00 peak 10005 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    9 and name    HN )
       ( resid   10 and name    HN )
        4.27  2.47  0.00 peak 10006 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    9 and name    HN )
       ( resid    9 and name    HA )
        4.41  2.61  0.00 peak 10007 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name    HA )
       ( resid   10 and name    HN )
        4.34  2.54  0.00 peak 10013 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   10 and name    HN )
       ( resid   10 and name   HB2 )
        4.54  2.74  0.00 peak 10014 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   10 and name    HN )
       ( resid   11 and name    HN )
        4.20  2.40  0.00 peak 10017 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   10 and name    HA )
       ( resid   11 and name    HN )
        3.83  2.03  0.00 peak 10018 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    9 and name    HA )
       ( resid   11 and name    HN )
        4.43  2.63  0.00 peak 10019 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   11 and name    HN )
       ( resid   11 and name   HB2 )
        4.13  2.33  0.00 peak 10021 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   11 and name    HN )
       ( resid   11 and name  HD1# )
        4.14  2.34  0.00 peak 10022 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   11 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   12 and name    HN )
        4.03  2.23  0.00 peak 10025 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   12 and name    HN )
       ( resid   12 and name  HG2# )
        3.70  1.90  0.00 peak 10026 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   15 and name    HN )
       ( resid   15 and name    HA )
        3.92  2.12  0.00 peak 10029 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   14 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   15 and name    HN )
        4.09  2.29  0.00 peak 10032 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   16 and name    HN )
       ( resid   17 and name    HN )
        3.63  1.83  0.00 peak 10033 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   15 and name    HN )
       ( resid   16 and name    HN )
        3.69  1.89  0.00 peak 10034 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   16 and name    HN )
       ( resid   16 and name    HA )
        4.00  2.20  0.00 peak 10035 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   16 and name    HN )
       ( resid   16 and name   HB1 )
        3.66  1.86  0.00 peak 10036 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   11 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   16 and name    HN )
        3.52  1.72  0.00 peak 10037 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   11 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   16 and name    HN )
        4.13  2.33  0.00 peak 10038 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   11 and name  HD2# )
       ( resid   16 and name    HN )
        4.33  2.53  0.00 peak 10039 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   61 and name   HB* )
       ( resid   62 and name    HN )
        3.52  1.72  0.00 peak 10043 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   62 and name    HN )
       ( resid   62 and name  HG1# )
        4.16  2.36  0.00 peak 10045 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   18 and name    HA )
        3.96  2.16  0.00 peak 10047 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   18 and name    HB )
        3.35  1.55  0.00 peak 10049 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
        4.46  2.66  0.00 peak 10050 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
        4.26  2.46  0.00 peak 10051 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG2# )
        3.89  2.09  0.00 peak 10052 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   19 and name    HN )
       ( resid   20 and name    HN )
        3.95  2.15  0.00 peak 10053 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   19 and name    HN )
        4.11  2.31  0.00 peak 10054 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HA )
       ( resid   19 and name    HN )
        4.46  2.66  0.00 peak 10056 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HB )
       ( resid   19 and name    HN )
        3.90  2.10  0.00 peak 10058 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HN )
       ( resid   21 and name    HN )
        4.40  2.60  0.00 peak 10062 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HN )
       ( resid   20 and name    HA )
        3.70  1.90  0.00 peak 10063 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HN )
       ( resid   20 and name   HB1 )
        3.84  2.04  0.00 peak 10065 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HN )
       ( resid   20 and name  HD2# )
        4.11  2.31  0.00 peak 10066 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HN )
       ( resid   20 and name   HB2 )
        3.51  1.71  0.00 peak 10067 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name    HN )
       ( resid   22 and name    HN )
        3.71  1.91  0.00 peak 10068 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name    HN )
       ( resid   21 and name    HA )
        3.62  1.82  0.00 peak 10070 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HA )
       ( resid   21 and name    HN )
        4.54  2.74  0.00 peak 10071 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   21 and name    HN )
        4.13  2.33  0.00 peak 10073 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name    HN )
       ( resid   21 and name  HD2# )
        4.48  2.68  0.00 peak 10075 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   49 and name    HN )
       ( resid   49 and name    HA )
        4.08  2.28  0.00 peak 10077 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   22 and name    HN )
       ( resid   23 and name    HN )
        4.52  2.72  0.00 peak 10080 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   23 and name    HN )
       ( resid   24 and name    HN )
        3.85  2.05  0.00 peak 10081 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   23 and name    HN )
       ( resid   23 and name    HA )
        3.98  2.18  0.00 peak 10082 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HA )
       ( resid   23 and name    HN )
        4.12  2.32  0.00 peak 10083 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   22 and name    HB )
       ( resid   23 and name    HN )
        4.41  2.61  0.00 peak 10084 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   23 and name    HN )
       ( resid   23 and name   HB* )
        3.82  2.02  0.00 peak 10085 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   22 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   23 and name    HN )
        3.73  1.93  0.00 peak 10087 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   24 and name    HN )
       ( resid   24 and name   HB1 )
        3.56  1.76  0.00 peak 10093 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   24 and name    HN )
       ( resid   25 and name    HN )
        3.54  1.74  0.00 peak 10096 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   25 and name    HN )
       ( resid   25 and name   HA2 )
        3.29  1.49  0.00 peak 10098 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   24 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   25 and name    HN )
        4.48  2.68  0.00 peak 10099 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   25 and name    HN )
       ( resid   62 and name  HG1# )
        4.18  2.38  0.00 peak 10100 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   25 and name    HN )
       ( resid   26 and name    HN )
        3.43  1.63  0.00 peak 10101 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name    HN )
       ( resid   26 and name    HA )
        4.49  2.69  0.00 peak 10105 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name    HN )
       ( resid   26 and name   HB1 )
        3.94  2.14  0.00 peak 10106 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name    HN )
       ( resid   26 and name   HB2 )
        3.29  1.49  0.00 peak 10107 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name    HN )
       ( resid   62 and name  HG1# )
        4.49  2.69  0.00 peak 10108 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   27 and name    HN )
        4.53  2.73  0.00 peak 10113 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   27 and name    HN )
        4.47  2.67  0.00 peak 10114 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   44 and name    HN )
       ( resid   44 and name    HA )
        3.41  1.61  0.00 peak 10120 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   44 and name    HN )
       ( resid   44 and name    HB )
        4.02  2.22  0.00 peak 10121 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   44 and name    HN )
       ( resid   44 and name  HG2# )
        4.16  2.36  0.00 peak 10124 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HN )
       ( resid   31 and name    HA )
        4.31  2.51  0.00 peak 10128 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HN )
       ( resid   31 and name  HG2# )
        3.85  2.05  0.00 peak 10132 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HN )
       ( resid   32 and name    HN )
        3.88  2.08  0.00 peak 10133 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HN )
       ( resid   32 and name    HA )
        3.69  1.89  0.00 peak 10136 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HA )
       ( resid   32 and name    HN )
        4.34  2.54  0.00 peak 10137 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HB )
       ( resid   32 and name    HN )
        3.54  1.74  0.00 peak 10138 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HN )
       ( resid   32 and name   HB* )
        3.70  1.90  0.00 peak 10139 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HN )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG1# )
        3.62  1.82  0.00 peak 10140 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   32 and name    HN )
        3.98  2.18  0.00 peak 10141 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HN )
       ( resid   33 and name    HN )
        3.67  1.87  0.00 peak 10142 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   33 and name    HN )
       ( resid   33 and name    HA )
        3.45  1.65  0.00 peak 10143 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   33 and name    HN )
       ( resid   33 and name   HB1 )
        3.45  1.65  0.00 peak 10144 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name   HB* )
       ( resid   33 and name    HN )
        3.15  1.35  0.00 peak 10145 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   34 and name    HN )
       ( resid   34 and name    HA )
        3.64  1.84  0.00 peak 10146 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   33 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   34 and name    HN )
        4.45  2.65  0.00 peak 10147 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HA )
       ( resid   34 and name    HN )
        4.32  2.52  0.00 peak 10148 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   34 and name    HN )
       ( resid   34 and name   HB* )
        3.45  1.65  0.00 peak 10149 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   34 and name   HB* )
       ( resid   35 and name    HN )
        3.88  2.08  0.00 peak 10154 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   37 and name    HN )
       ( resid   37 and name    HA )
        3.82  2.02  0.00 peak 10156 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   36 and name    HA )
       ( resid   37 and name    HN )
        3.47  1.67  0.00 peak 10157 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HA )
       ( resid   37 and name    HN )
        4.34  2.54  0.00 peak 10158 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   37 and name    HN )
       ( resid   37 and name    HB )
        4.38  2.58  0.00 peak 10159 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   37 and name    HN )
       ( resid   37 and name  HD1# )
        4.63  2.83  0.00 peak 10162 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   37 and name    HA )
       ( resid   38 and name    HN )
        3.37  1.57  0.00 peak 10163 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   38 and name    HN )
       ( resid   38 and name    HB )
        3.98  2.18  0.00 peak 10165 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   38 and name    HN )
       ( resid   38 and name  HG2# )
        4.29  2.49  0.00 peak 10167 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   38 and name    HN )
       ( resid   39 and name  HG2# )
        4.06  2.26  0.00 peak 10168 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   38 and name    HN )
       ( resid   38 and name    HA )
        4.12  2.32  0.00 peak 10169 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   41 and name    HA )
       ( resid   42 and name    HN )
        4.30  2.50  0.00 peak 10172 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   42 and name    HN )
       ( resid   42 and name    HA )
        3.80  2.00  0.00 peak 10174 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   42 and name    HN )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG1# )
        3.32  1.52  0.00 peak 10176 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   43 and name    HN )
       ( resid   44 and name    HN )
        4.22  2.42  0.00 peak 10180 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   43 and name    HN )
       ( resid   43 and name   HD2 )
        3.13  1.33  0.00 peak 10184 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   45 and name    HN )
       ( resid   46 and name    HN )
        4.05  2.25  0.00 peak 10188 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   44 and name    HN )
       ( resid   45 and name    HN )
        3.74  1.94  0.00 peak 10189 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   45 and name    HN )
       ( resid   45 and name    HA )
        4.11  2.31  0.00 peak 10190 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   44 and name    HA )
       ( resid   45 and name    HN )
        3.82  2.02  0.00 peak 10191 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   44 and name    HB )
       ( resid   45 and name    HN )
        4.59  2.79  0.00 peak 10192 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   45 and name    HN )
       ( resid   45 and name   HB2 )
        3.55  1.75  0.00 peak 10193 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   44 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   45 and name    HN )
        4.47  2.67  0.00 peak 10195 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   42 and name    HA )
       ( resid   46 and name    HN )
        3.53  1.73  0.00 peak 10198 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   45 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   46 and name    HN )
        4.27  2.47  0.00 peak 10199 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   46 and name    HN )
       ( resid   47 and name    HN )
        3.97  2.17  0.00 peak 10202 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   48 and name    HN )
       ( resid   49 and name    HN )
        3.88  2.08  0.00 peak 10206 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   48 and name    HN )
       ( resid   48 and name    HA )
        4.22  2.42  0.00 peak 10207 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   48 and name    HN )
       ( resid   48 and name   HB2 )
        4.01  2.21  0.00 peak 10209 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   48 and name    HN )
       ( resid   48 and name   HB1 )
        3.83  2.03  0.00 peak 10210 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   49 and name    HN )
       ( resid   49 and name    HB )
        3.30  1.50  0.00 peak 10213 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   22 and name    HN )
       ( resid   22 and name  HG2# )
        3.34  1.54  0.00 peak 10214 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   49 and name    HN )
       ( resid   50 and name    HN )
        3.90  2.10  0.00 peak 10215 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HN )
       ( resid   51 and name    HN )
        3.80  2.00  0.00 peak 10216 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   47 and name    HA )
       ( resid   50 and name    HN )
        4.27  2.47  0.00 peak 10217 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HN )
       ( resid   50 and name    HA )
        3.85  2.05  0.00 peak 10218 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HN )
       ( resid   50 and name   HB2 )
        3.59  1.79  0.00 peak 10220 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HN )
       ( resid   50 and name   HB1 )
        3.78  1.98  0.00 peak 10221 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   49 and name  HG1* )
       ( resid   50 and name    HN )
        3.79  1.99  0.00 peak 10222 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HN )
       ( resid   50 and name  HD2# )
        4.32  2.52  0.00 peak 10223 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   48 and name    HA )
       ( resid   51 and name    HN )
        4.44  2.64  0.00 peak 10225 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   51 and name    HN )
       ( resid   51 and name   HB1 )
        3.52  1.72  0.00 peak 10226 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   51 and name    HN )
       ( resid   51 and name    HA )
        3.64  1.84  0.00 peak 10227 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HA )
       ( resid   51 and name    HN )
        4.53  2.73  0.00 peak 10228 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   51 and name    HN )
        3.78  1.98  0.00 peak 10230 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   51 and name    HN )
        3.93  2.13  0.00 peak 10231 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   51 and name    HN )
       ( resid   52 and name    HN )
        3.93  2.13  0.00 peak 10234 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   51 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   52 and name    HN )
        3.60  1.80  0.00 peak 10235 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   51 and name    HA )
       ( resid   52 and name    HN )
        4.47  2.67  0.00 peak 10237 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   52 and name    HN )
       ( resid   53 and name    HN )
        3.84  2.04  0.00 peak 10241 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HN )
       ( resid   53 and name    HA )
        3.64  1.84  0.00 peak 10243 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HN )
       ( resid   53 and name   HB2 )
        3.50  1.70  0.00 peak 10245 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HN )
       ( resid   53 and name   HB1 )
        3.78  1.98  0.00 peak 10246 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HN )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD1# )
        4.13  2.33  0.00 peak 10248 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HN )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD2# )
        4.54  2.74  0.00 peak 10249 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HN )
       ( resid   54 and name    HN )
        3.20  1.40  0.00 peak 10250 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   51 and name    HA )
       ( resid   54 and name    HN )
        4.51  2.71  0.00 peak 10251 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   54 and name    HN )
       ( resid   54 and name    HA )
        4.18  2.38  0.00 peak 10252 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   54 and name    HN )
        4.53  2.73  0.00 peak 10255 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   54 and name    HN )
       ( resid   55 and name    HN )
        3.91  2.11  0.00 peak 10258 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   55 and name    HN )
       ( resid   55 and name    HA )
        3.98  2.18  0.00 peak 10259 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   54 and name    HA )
       ( resid   55 and name    HN )
        3.39  1.59  0.00 peak 10260 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   54 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   55 and name    HN )
        4.47  2.67  0.00 peak 10261 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   55 and name    HN )
        4.40  2.60  0.00 peak 10262 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   55 and name    HN )
       ( resid   55 and name  HG1# )
        3.74  1.94  0.00 peak 10263 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid   57 and name    HN )
        3.68  1.88  0.00 peak 10270 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name  HD2# )
       ( resid   57 and name    HN )
        4.34  2.54  0.00 peak 10271 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   59 and name    HN )
       ( resid   59 and name    HA )
        3.65  1.85  0.00 peak 10275 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   17 and name    HN )
       ( resid   17 and name   HB1 )
        3.88  2.08  0.00 peak 10277 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   60 and name    HN )
       ( resid   60 and name    HA )
        4.03  2.23  0.00 peak 10283 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   59 and name    HB )
       ( resid   60 and name    HN )
        4.51  2.71  0.00 peak 10284 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   60 and name    HN )
       ( resid   60 and name   HB2 )
        3.71  1.91  0.00 peak 10285 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   60 and name    HN )
       ( resid   60 and name   HB1 )
        4.37  2.57  0.00 peak 10286 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   59 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   60 and name    HN )
        4.48  2.68  0.00 peak 10288 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   60 and name    HN )
       ( resid   61 and name    HN )
        3.70  1.90  0.00 peak 10289 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   61 and name    HN )
       ( resid   61 and name    HA )
        4.01  2.21  0.00 peak 10290 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   61 and name    HN )
       ( resid   61 and name   HB* )
        3.43  1.63  0.00 peak 10293 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   55 and name  HG1# )
       ( resid   61 and name    HN )
        3.98  2.18  0.00 peak 10294 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name  HD2# )
       ( resid   61 and name    HN )
        4.42  2.62  0.00 peak 10295 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   62 and name    HN )
       ( resid   62 and name    HA )
        3.65  1.85  0.00 peak 10296 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   62 and name    HN )
       ( resid   62 and name    HB )
        3.39  1.59  0.00 peak 10297 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   62 and name    HN )
       ( resid   63 and name    HN )
        4.51  2.71  0.00 peak 10299 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   63 and name    HN )
       ( resid   63 and name    HA )
        4.38  2.58  0.00 peak 10301 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   62 and name    HB )
       ( resid   63 and name    HN )
        4.21  2.41  0.00 peak 10302 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   63 and name    HN )
       ( resid   63 and name    HB )
        3.45  1.65  0.00 peak 10303 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   63 and name    HN )
       ( resid   63 and name  HG1* )
        4.12  2.32  0.00 peak 10304 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   63 and name    HN )
       ( resid   64 and name    HN )
        3.84  2.04  0.00 peak 10305 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name    HN )
       ( resid   64 and name    HA )
        3.67  1.87  0.00 peak 10306 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name    HN )
       ( resid   64 and name   HB2 )
        3.37  1.57  0.00 peak 10307 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name    HN )
       ( resid   64 and name   HB1 )
        3.40  1.60  0.00 peak 10308 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   63 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   64 and name    HN )
        4.42  2.62  0.00 peak 10311 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name   HD* )
       ( resid   65 and name    HN )
        4.56  2.76  0.00 peak 10313 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   65 and name    HN )
       ( resid   65 and name    HA )
        3.79  1.99  0.00 peak 10314 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name    HA )
       ( resid   65 and name    HN )
        4.63  2.83  0.00 peak 10315 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   65 and name    HN )
        4.00  2.20  0.00 peak 10316 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   65 and name    HN )
        4.32  2.52  0.00 peak 10317 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   65 and name    HN )
       ( resid   65 and name   HB* )
        3.02  1.22  0.00 peak 10318 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   66 and name    HN )
       ( resid   67 and name    HN )
        3.64  1.84  0.00 peak 10319 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   66 and name    HN )
       ( resid   66 and name    HA )
        4.40  2.60  0.00 peak 10321 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   65 and name    HA )
       ( resid   66 and name    HN )
        4.44  2.64  0.00 peak 10322 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   65 and name   HB* )
       ( resid   66 and name    HN )
        3.51  1.71  0.00 peak 10324 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   67 and name    HN )
       ( resid   68 and name    HN )
        4.06  2.26  0.00 peak 10325 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   68 and name    HN )
       ( resid   68 and name    HA )
        4.61  2.81  0.00 peak 10328 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   68 and name    HN )
       ( resid   68 and name   HB1 )
        4.13  2.33  0.00 peak 10330 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   68 and name    HN )
       ( resid   68 and name   HB2 )
        3.79  1.99  0.00 peak 10331 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   69 and name    HN )
       ( resid   70 and name    HN )
        4.20  2.40  0.00 peak 10332 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   68 and name    HN )
       ( resid   69 and name    HN )
        4.31  2.51  0.00 peak 10333 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   69 and name    HN )
       ( resid   69 and name    HA )
        3.38  1.58  0.00 peak 10335 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   69 and name    HA )
       ( resid   70 and name    HN )
        3.95  2.15  0.00 peak 10338 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   70 and name    HN )
       ( resid   70 and name    HA )
        4.26  2.46  0.00 peak 10339 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   70 and name    HN )
       ( resid   70 and name  HD1# )
        4.51  2.71  0.00 peak 10341 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   70 and name    HN )
       ( resid   70 and name  HD2# )
        4.33  2.53  0.00 peak 10342 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   71 and name    HN )
       ( resid   71 and name    HA )
        3.56  1.76  0.00 peak 10346 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   71 and name    HN )
       ( resid   72 and name    HN )
        4.53  2.73  0.00 peak 10350 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   72 and name    HN )
       ( resid   72 and name    HA )
        3.91  2.11  0.00 peak 10352 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   71 and name    HA )
       ( resid   72 and name    HN )
        3.22  1.42  0.00 peak 10353 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   71 and name    HB )
       ( resid   72 and name    HN )
        4.59  2.79  0.00 peak 10356 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    7 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   53 and name    HA )
        3.84  2.04  0.00 peak 20002 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    7 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   53 and name   HB1 )
        3.45  1.65  0.00 peak 20003 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    7 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid    8 and name   HE* )
        4.46  2.66  0.00 peak 20005 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    7 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid    7 and name  HD1# )
        3.33  1.53  0.00 peak 20008 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD1# )
        3.65  1.85  0.00 peak 20010 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD2# )
        3.64  1.84  0.00 peak 20011 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name    HA )
       ( resid    8 and name   HB1 )
        3.91  2.11  0.00 peak 20013 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name    HA )
       ( resid   19 and name  HD2# )
        3.74  1.94  0.00 peak 20014 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    9 and name    HN )
       ( resid    9 and name    HA )
        4.39  2.59  0.00 peak 20018 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   19 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   19 and name  HD1# )
        3.91  2.11  0.00 peak 20019 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   12 and name    HN )
       ( resid   12 and name  HG2# )
        3.77  1.97  0.00 peak 20026 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   14 and name    HA )
       ( resid   17 and name    HN )
        4.53  2.73  0.00 peak 20027 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   14 and name    HA )
       ( resid   14 and name   HG2 )
        3.49  1.69  0.00 peak 20029 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   14 and name    HA )
       ( resid   14 and name   HB2 )
        3.84  2.04  0.00 peak 20030 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   14 and name    HA )
       ( resid   14 and name   HB1 )
        4.29  2.49  0.00 peak 20031 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   14 and name    HA )
       ( resid   14 and name   HD3 )
        4.30  2.50  0.00 peak 20032 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   14 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   14 and name   HD2 )
        3.96  2.16  0.00 peak 20036 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   14 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   14 and name   HD3 )
        4.03  2.23  0.00 peak 20037 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   14 and name   HD3 )
       ( resid   18 and name  HD1# )
        4.33  2.53  0.00 peak 20038 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   14 and name   HD2 )
       ( resid   18 and name  HD1# )
        4.43  2.63  0.00 peak 20039 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   16 and name    HA )
       ( resid   16 and name   HB1 )
        4.00  2.20  0.00 peak 20041 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   11 and name  HD2# )
       ( resid   16 and name    HA )
        4.23  2.43  0.00 peak 20043 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   71 and name    HA )
       ( resid   72 and name    HN )
        3.96  2.16  0.00 peak 20044 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   71 and name    HN )
       ( resid   71 and name    HA )
        4.53  2.73  0.00 peak 20045 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   17 and name    HN )
       ( resid   17 and name   HB2 )
        4.38  2.58  0.00 peak 20046 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   17 and name    HA )
       ( resid   17 and name   HB2 )
        4.43  2.63  0.00 peak 20047 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   18 and name    HA )
        4.20  2.40  0.00 peak 20049 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HA )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
        4.26  2.46  0.00 peak 20050 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HA )
       ( resid   18 and name    HB )
        3.54  1.74  0.00 peak 20051 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HA )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
        3.80  2.00  0.00 peak 20052 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HA )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG2# )
        3.37  1.57  0.00 peak 20053 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HA )
       ( resid   18 and name  HD1# )
        3.98  2.18  0.00 peak 20054 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   18 and name    HB )
        3.82  2.02  0.00 peak 20055 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HB )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
        4.54  2.74  0.00 peak 20057 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   18 and name    HB )
        3.38  1.58  0.00 peak 20059 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HB )
       ( resid   18 and name  HD1# )
        4.19  2.39  0.00 peak 20060 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
        4.38  2.58  0.00 peak 20061 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
        4.00  2.20  0.00 peak 20062 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
        3.38  1.58  0.00 peak 20065 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   19 and name    HN )
        4.51  2.71  0.00 peak 20069 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG2# )
        4.51  2.71  0.00 peak 20070 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
        3.60  1.80  0.00 peak 20073 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HN )
       ( resid   18 and name  HD1# )
        4.24  2.44  0.00 peak 20074 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid   42 and name    HA )
        3.92  2.12  0.00 peak 20077 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
       ( resid   18 and name  HD1# )
        3.69  1.89  0.00 peak 20081 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG1# )
        2.94  1.14  0.00 peak 20082 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   18 and name  HD1# )
        2.69  0.89  0.00 peak 20083 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HN )
       ( resid   20 and name    HA )
        4.45  2.65  0.00 peak 20084 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   19 and name    HA )
       ( resid   22 and name    HB )
        4.43  2.63  0.00 peak 20085 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HA )
       ( resid   20 and name   HB2 )
        3.18  1.38  0.00 peak 20086 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HA )
       ( resid   20 and name  HD1# )
        4.13  2.33  0.00 peak 20087 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HN )
       ( resid   53 and name   HB2 )
        4.54  2.74  0.00 peak 20089 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   19 and name    HN )
       ( resid   19 and name  HD1# )
        4.28  2.48  0.00 peak 20090 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   19 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD1# )
        3.21  1.41  0.00 peak 20095 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HN )
       ( resid   20 and name   HB1 )
        4.35  2.55  0.00 peak 20096 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HN )
       ( resid   20 and name   HB2 )
        4.42  2.62  0.00 peak 20097 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HA )
       ( resid   20 and name   HB1 )
        4.28  2.48  0.00 peak 20098 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HN )
       ( resid   20 and name  HD1# )
        4.17  2.37  0.00 peak 20100 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   20 and name  HD1# )
        3.31  1.51  0.00 peak 20105 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HN )
       ( resid   20 and name  HD2# )
        4.25  2.45  0.00 peak 20108 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   20 and name  HD2# )
        4.13  2.33  0.00 peak 20113 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name    HN )
       ( resid   21 and name    HA )
        4.03  2.23  0.00 peak 20115 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name    HN )
       ( resid   21 and name   HB1 )
        4.36  2.56  0.00 peak 20118 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name    HA )
       ( resid   21 and name   HB2 )
        4.46  2.66  0.00 peak 20119 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HA )
       ( resid   21 and name   HB1 )
        4.45  2.65  0.00 peak 20120 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   31 and name  HG1* )
        3.98  2.18  0.00 peak 20121 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   21 and name  HD2# )
        4.39  2.59  0.00 peak 20123 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name    HN )
       ( resid   21 and name  HD1# )
        3.93  2.13  0.00 peak 20124 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name    HA )
       ( resid   21 and name  HD1# )
        4.11  2.31  0.00 peak 20125 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid   31 and name    HA )
        4.35  2.55  0.00 peak 20126 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid   30 and name   HB2 )
        4.45  2.65  0.00 peak 20127 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name    HN )
       ( resid   21 and name  HD2# )
        4.24  2.44  0.00 peak 20131 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name    HA )
       ( resid   21 and name  HD2# )
        4.18  2.38  0.00 peak 20134 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name  HD2# )
       ( resid   34 and name   HB* )
        3.86  2.06  0.00 peak 20137 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid   21 and name  HD2# )
        2.80  1.00  0.00 peak 20139 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   49 and name    HN )
       ( resid   49 and name    HA )
        4.38  2.58  0.00 peak 20140 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   22 and name    HA )
       ( resid   22 and name    HB )
        4.36  2.56  0.00 peak 20141 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   22 and name    HN )
       ( resid   22 and name  HG2# )
        4.32  2.52  0.00 peak 20146 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   22 and name    HA )
       ( resid   22 and name  HG2# )
        3.59  1.79  0.00 peak 20149 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   22 and name    HB )
       ( resid   22 and name  HG2# )
        3.08  1.28  0.00 peak 20150 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   22 and name    HA )
       ( resid   22 and name  HD1# )
        4.09  2.29  0.00 peak 20155 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   22 and name    HB )
       ( resid   22 and name  HD1# )
        3.53  1.73  0.00 peak 20156 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   23 and name   HB* )
       ( resid   23 and name    HA )
        3.34  1.54  0.00 peak 20160 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   23 and name    HA )
       ( resid   62 and name  HG1# )
        3.91  2.11  0.00 peak 20162 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name    HA )
       ( resid   23 and name   HB* )
        3.44  1.64  0.00 peak 20166 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   20 and name  HD2# )
       ( resid   23 and name   HB* )
        3.10  1.30  0.00 peak 20169 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   25 and name    HN )
       ( resid   25 and name   HA2 )
        4.51  2.71  0.00 peak 20175 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   25 and name   HA2 )
       ( resid   62 and name  HG1# )
        4.40  2.60  0.00 peak 20176 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   30 and name    HA )
       ( resid   30 and name   HB1 )
        4.10  2.30  0.00 peak 20180 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   30 and name    HA )
       ( resid   30 and name   HB2 )
        4.30  2.50  0.00 peak 20181 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HN )
       ( resid   31 and name    HA )
        4.43  2.63  0.00 peak 20182 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HA )
       ( resid   31 and name  HG2# )
        3.47  1.67  0.00 peak 20185 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HN )
       ( resid   31 and name    HB )
        4.09  2.29  0.00 peak 20186 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HB )
       ( resid   32 and name    HN )
        4.37  2.57  0.00 peak 20187 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name    HA )
       ( resid   31 and name  HD1# )
        4.21  2.41  0.00 peak 20190 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HA )
       ( resid   31 and name  HG1* )
        3.82  2.02  0.00 peak 20191 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   31 and name  HG1* )
        4.22  2.42  0.00 peak 20193 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HB )
       ( resid   31 and name  HG1* )
        4.00  2.20  0.00 peak 20194 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HA )
       ( resid   31 and name  HG2# )
        3.32  1.52  0.00 peak 20195 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HB )
       ( resid   31 and name  HG2# )
        3.45  1.65  0.00 peak 20197 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
       ( resid   31 and name  HG2# )
        4.18  2.38  0.00 peak 20198 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HA )
       ( resid   34 and name    HN )
        4.50  2.70  0.00 peak 20199 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name   HB* )
       ( resid   32 and name    HA )
        3.72  1.92  0.00 peak 20200 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HN )
       ( resid   32 and name   HB* )
        3.66  1.86  0.00 peak 20204 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name   HB* )
       ( resid   37 and name  HG2# )
        3.04  1.24  0.00 peak 20208 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   33 and name    HN )
       ( resid   33 and name    HA )
        4.38  2.58  0.00 peak 20209 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   33 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   34 and name    HN )
        4.49  2.69  0.00 peak 20210 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   34 and name    HN )
       ( resid   34 and name    HA )
        3.91  2.11  0.00 peak 20211 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   34 and name   HB* )
       ( resid   34 and name    HA )
        3.34  1.54  0.00 peak 20212 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   34 and name    HN )
       ( resid   34 and name   HB* )
        3.02  1.22  0.00 peak 20213 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HA )
       ( resid   34 and name   HB* )
        3.67  1.87  0.00 peak 20217 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   21 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid   34 and name   HB* )
        3.41  1.61  0.00 peak 20219 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   37 and name    HB )
       ( resid   38 and name    HN )
        4.24  2.44  0.00 peak 20221 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   37 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   37 and name    HB )
        3.49  1.69  0.00 peak 20223 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   37 and name    HB )
       ( resid   37 and name  HD1# )
        4.10  2.30  0.00 peak 20224 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   37 and name    HN )
       ( resid   37 and name  HG2# )
        4.37  2.57  0.00 peak 20225 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HA )
       ( resid   37 and name  HG2# )
        4.53  2.73  0.00 peak 20226 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   37 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   37 and name  HD1# )
        3.76  1.96  0.00 peak 20228 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   42 and name    HA )
       ( resid   42 and name    HB )
        4.48  2.68  0.00 peak 20239 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HA )
       ( resid   42 and name    HB )
        4.30  2.50  0.00 peak 20242 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   42 and name    HN )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG1# )
        3.66  1.86  0.00 peak 20244 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HA )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG1# )
        3.50  1.70  0.00 peak 20245 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   42 and name    HA )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG1# )
        3.48  1.68  0.00 peak 20246 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   42 and name    HB )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG1# )
        3.25  1.45  0.00 peak 20247 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HB )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG1# )
        3.93  2.13  0.00 peak 20248 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name  HG1* )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG1# )
        3.94  2.14  0.00 peak 20249 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HN )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG2# )
        4.25  2.45  0.00 peak 20252 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   32 and name    HA )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG2# )
        4.01  2.21  0.00 peak 20253 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   42 and name    HA )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG2# )
        3.68  1.88  0.00 peak 20254 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   42 and name    HB )
       ( resid   42 and name  HG2# )
        3.68  1.88  0.00 peak 20255 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   44 and name    HA )
       ( resid   44 and name  HG2# )
        3.38  1.58  0.00 peak 20258 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   44 and name    HB )
       ( resid   44 and name  HG2# )
        3.82  2.02  0.00 peak 20259 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   46 and name    HA )
       ( resid   46 and name    HB )
        3.81  2.01  0.00 peak 20260 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   46 and name    HN )
       ( resid   46 and name  HG1# )
        3.79  1.99  0.00 peak 20262 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   46 and name    HN )
       ( resid   46 and name  HG2# )
        4.39  2.59  0.00 peak 20263 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   46 and name    HA )
       ( resid   46 and name  HG2# )
        3.53  1.73  0.00 peak 20265 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   31 and name    HB )
       ( resid   46 and name  HG2# )
        4.28  2.48  0.00 peak 20267 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   47 and name    HN )
       ( resid   47 and name    HA )
        3.99  2.19  0.00 peak 20268 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   48 and name    HN )
       ( resid   48 and name   HB1 )
        4.33  2.53  0.00 peak 20271 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   49 and name  HG2# )
       ( resid   50 and name    HN )
        4.36  2.56  0.00 peak 20273 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   49 and name    HB )
       ( resid   49 and name  HG2# )
        3.33  1.53  0.00 peak 20275 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HA )
       ( resid   50 and name   HB2 )
        4.12  2.32  0.00 peak 20280 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HA )
       ( resid   50 and name   HB1 )
        3.92  2.12  0.00 peak 20281 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HN )
       ( resid   50 and name   HB2 )
        4.52  2.72  0.00 peak 20284 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HN )
       ( resid   50 and name   HB1 )
        4.37  2.57  0.00 peak 20285 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   50 and name  HD1# )
        3.73  1.93  0.00 peak 20288 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   50 and name  HD1# )
        3.48  1.68  0.00 peak 20289 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   50 and name  HD2# )
        4.07  2.27  0.00 peak 20291 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HN )
       ( resid   50 and name  HD1# )
        4.25  2.45  0.00 peak 20292 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HA )
       ( resid   50 and name  HD1# )
        4.45  2.65  0.00 peak 20294 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid   61 and name   HB* )
        4.27  2.47  0.00 peak 20298 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HN )
       ( resid   50 and name  HD2# )
        4.06  2.26  0.00 peak 20300 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name  HD2# )
       ( resid   61 and name    HN )
        4.43  2.63  0.00 peak 20301 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HA )
       ( resid   50 and name  HD2# )
        4.14  2.34  0.00 peak 20302 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   50 and name  HD2# )
        3.43  1.63  0.00 peak 20305 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   51 and name    HN )
       ( resid   51 and name   HB1 )
        4.29  2.49  0.00 peak 20308 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   51 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   52 and name    HN )
        4.50  2.70  0.00 peak 20309 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   52 and name    HN )
       ( resid   52 and name    HA )
        4.24  2.44  0.00 peak 20310 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   58 and name    HA )
       ( resid   61 and name    HN )
        4.49  2.69  0.00 peak 20311 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   58 and name    HA )
       ( resid   61 and name   HB* )
        3.41  1.61  0.00 peak 20313 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HA )
       ( resid   53 and name   HB2 )
        4.28  2.48  0.00 peak 20316 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HA )
       ( resid   53 and name   HB1 )
        3.60  1.80  0.00 peak 20317 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HA )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD2# )
        3.51  1.71  0.00 peak 20318 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   53 and name   HB2 )
        3.78  1.98  0.00 peak 20320 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD1# )
        3.83  2.03  0.00 peak 20321 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HN )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD1# )
        4.15  2.35  0.00 peak 20323 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name    HA )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD1# )
        4.29  2.49  0.00 peak 20324 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name  HD2# )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD1# )
        2.89  1.09  0.00 peak 20328 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name   HE* )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD2# )
        4.28  2.48  0.00 peak 20329 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    7 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD2# )
        3.26  1.46  0.00 peak 20332 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD2# )
        3.66  1.86  0.00 peak 20333 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   11 and name  HD2# )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD2# )
        2.90  1.10  0.00 peak 20334 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   54 and name    HA )
       ( resid   55 and name    HN )
        4.43  2.63  0.00 peak 20335 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   54 and name    HN )
       ( resid   54 and name    HA )
        3.74  1.94  0.00 peak 20336 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   54 and name    HA )
       ( resid   54 and name   HB1 )
        3.86  2.06  0.00 peak 20337 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   55 and name    HN )
       ( resid   55 and name  HG1# )
        3.94  2.14  0.00 peak 20338 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HA )
       ( resid   55 and name  HG1# )
        4.30  2.50  0.00 peak 20341 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   53 and name  HD2# )
       ( resid   55 and name  HG1# )
        4.21  2.41  0.00 peak 20346 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   55 and name    HN )
       ( resid   55 and name  HG2# )
        3.94  2.14  0.00 peak 20347 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   61 and name    HN )
       ( resid   61 and name   HB* )
        3.46  1.66  0.00 peak 20352 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   61 and name    HA )
       ( resid   61 and name   HB* )
        3.39  1.59  0.00 peak 20353 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name    HA )
       ( resid   61 and name   HB* )
        3.62  1.82  0.00 peak 20354 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   22 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid   61 and name   HB* )
        3.30  1.50  0.00 peak 20355 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   50 and name  HD2# )
       ( resid   61 and name   HB* )
        2.99  1.19  0.00 peak 20356 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name   HD* )
       ( resid   62 and name  HG2# )
        3.54  1.74  0.00 peak 20362 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   62 and name    HA )
       ( resid   62 and name  HG2# )
        4.51  2.71  0.00 peak 20363 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   62 and name    HB )
       ( resid   62 and name  HG2# )
        3.20  1.40  0.00 peak 20364 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name    HA )
       ( resid   64 and name   HB1 )
        3.89  2.09  0.00 peak 20373 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name   HD* )
       ( resid   64 and name   HB1 )
        4.49  2.69  0.00 peak 20377 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name   HD* )
       ( resid   64 and name   HB2 )
        4.34  2.54  0.00 peak 20378 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   65 and name    HA )
       ( resid   70 and name  HD1# )
        3.61  1.81  0.00 peak 20381 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   65 and name    HA )
       ( resid   65 and name   HB* )
        3.28  1.48  0.00 peak 20383 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   62 and name    HA )
       ( resid   65 and name   HB* )
        3.63  1.83  0.00 peak 20384 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   69 and name    HN )
       ( resid   69 and name    HA )
        4.04  2.24  0.00 peak 20385 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   69 and name    HA )
       ( resid   69 and name   HB2 )
        3.63  1.83  0.00 peak 20386 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   69 and name    HA )
       ( resid   69 and name   HB1 )
        3.83  2.03  0.00 peak 20387 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   70 and name    HA )
       ( resid   70 and name   HB2 )
        3.13  1.33  0.00 peak 20389 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name   HE* )
       ( resid   70 and name  HD1# )
        3.97  2.17  0.00 peak 20392 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name   HD* )
       ( resid   70 and name  HD2# )
        4.22  2.42  0.00 peak 20400 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   70 and name    HA )
       ( resid   70 and name  HD2# )
        3.72  1.92  0.00 peak 20402 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   70 and name  HD1# )
       ( resid   70 and name  HD2# )
        2.97  1.17  0.00 peak 20405 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   67 and name    HN )
       ( resid   67 and name    HA )
        4.12  2.32  0.00 peak 20406 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   17 and name    HA )
       ( resid   17 and name   HB1 )
        3.47  1.67  0.00 peak 20408 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   72 and name    HA )
       ( resid   72 and name   HB1 )
        4.27  2.47  0.00 peak 20420 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   72 and name    HA )
       ( resid   72 and name   HB2 )
        4.46  2.66  0.00 peak 20421 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   14 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   18 and name  HD1# )
        3.73  1.93  0.00 peak 20422 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   18 and name    HB )
       ( resid   19 and name    HN )
        4.66  2.86  0.00 peak 20425 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   26 and name   HD* )
        4.00  2.20  0.00 peak 30000 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name   HD* )
       ( resid   62 and name  HG2# )
        3.82  2.02  0.00 peak 30001 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name   HE* )
       ( resid   64 and name   HD* )
        2.42  0.62  0.00 peak 30002 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid   64 and name   HD* )
        3.47  1.67  0.00 peak 30004 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   64 and name   HD* )
        3.23  1.43  0.00 peak 30005 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name   HD* )
       ( resid   65 and name   HB* )
        4.16  2.36  0.00 peak 30006 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name   HB2 )
       ( resid    8 and name   HD* )
        3.52  1.72  0.00 peak 30010 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid    8 and name   HD* )
        3.50  1.70  0.00 peak 30011 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name   HE* )
       ( resid   70 and name  HD1# )
        3.51  1.71  0.00 peak 30019 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name   HE* )
       ( resid   53 and name  HD2# )
        3.95  2.15  0.00 peak 30020 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   64 and name   HD* )
       ( resid   64 and name   HE* )
        2.40  0.60  0.00 peak 30021 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name   HE* )
       ( resid   42 and name    HB )
        4.00  2.20  0.00 peak 30025 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name   HD* )
       ( resid    9 and name    HA )
        4.38  2.58  0.00 peak 30032 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   26 and name   HE* )
       ( resid   26 and name   HD* )
        4.01  2.21  0.00 peak 30033 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid   24 and name   HB1 )
       ( resid   66 and name   HD* )
        4.12  2.32  0.00 peak 30037 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

assign ( resid    8 and name   HD* )
       ( resid   70 and name  HD1# )
        4.21  2.41  0.00 peak 30039 volume 0.00 ppm1 0.000 ppm2 0.000

Please acknowledge these references in publications where the data from this site have been utilized.

Contact the webmaster for help, if required. Saturday, September 21, 2024 12:20:30 AM GMT (wattos1)