NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing in_recoord stage program type
534465 1brv 4020 cing recoord 3-converted-DOCR DYANA/DIANA sequence

ASN   158
HIS   159
GLN   160
ASP   161
HIS   162
ASN   163
ASN   164
PHE   165
GLN   166
THR   167
LEU   168
PRO   169
TYR   170
VAL   171
PRO   172
CYS   173
SER   174
THR   175
CYS   176
GLU   177
GLY   178
ASN   179
LEU   180
ALA   181
CYS   182
LEU   183
SER   184
LEU   185
CYS   186
HIS   187
ILE   188
GLU   189

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