NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id cing stage program type
482532 1q1v cing 3-converted-DOCR DYANA/DIANA sequence

ASP   309
GLU   310
PRO   311
LEU   312
ILE   313
LYS   314
LYS   315
LEU   316
LYS   317
LYS   318
PRO   319
PRO   320
THR   321
ASP   322
GLU   323
GLU   324
LEU   325
LYS   326
GLU   327
THR   328
ILE   329
LYS   330
LYS   331
LEU   332
LEU   333
ALA   334
SER   335
ALA   336
ASN   337
LEU   338
GLU   339
GLU   340
VAL   341
THR   342
MET   343
LYS   344
GLN   345
ILE   346
CYS   347
LYS   348
LYS   349
VAL   350
TYR   351
GLU   352
ASN   353
TYR   354
PRO   355
THR   356
TYR   357
ASP   358
LEU   359
THR   360
GLU   361
ARG   362
LYS   363
ASP   364
PHE   365
ILE   366
LYS   367
THR   368
THR   369
VAL   370
LYS   371
GLU   372
LEU   373
ILE   374
SER   375
LEU   376
GLU   377
HIS   378

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