NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
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image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing in_dress stage position program type
3831 1e8p 3322 cing dress 1-original 7 XPLOR/CNS dihedral angle

! RESIDUE     C 3 , 9.7 (L)    6.0 (S):   HNHB :  nil nil
!     constrainted to g+ and t
!      contrainted to g+ on 08sep00 as per xplor cals so far,
!      hence stereoassingment done (hb = hb2, hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  3  and name N)  (resid  3  and name CA)
       (resid  3  and name CB) (resid  3  and name SG)  1.0 -120.0 90.0 2  !(CYS 3)
! RESIDUE     W 4 , 5.3 (S)   4.1 (S):    HNHB:  S  L
!     constrained to g-, as noes also agree well
!      stereospecific assignment done (hb = hb1; hb'= hb2)
assign (resid  4  and name N)  (resid  4  and name CA)
       (resid  4  and name CB) (resid  4  and name CG)  1.0 60.0 30.0 2  !(TRP 4)
! RESIDUE     Q 6,   7.7 (M)  6.5 (M)   :   HNHB:  M  L
!     constrained to g- ,
!      stereospecific assignment done (hb = hb1,  hb' = hb2)
!      (introduced on 25aug00 - based on few initial struc. from xplor)
assign (resid  6  and name N)  (resid  6  and name CA)
       (resid  6  and name CB) (resid  6  and name CG)  1.0 60.0 30.0 2  !(GLN 6)
! RESIDUE     Q 8,   8.0 (L)  4 (S)   :   HNHB:  S  L
!     constrained to g+ ,
!      stereospecific assignment done (hb = hb2,  hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  8  and name N)  (resid  8  and name CA)
       (resid  8  and name CB) (resid  8  and name CG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(GLN 8)
! RESIDUE     Y 10,    ?    ?    :   HNHB:  S  L
!     constrained to g-/g+ ,
!    constrained to g+ after xplor on 25aug00 also noe agree
!       sterospecific assignment done on 01sep00 (hb = hb2, hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  10  and name N)  (resid  10  and name CA)
       (resid  10  and name CB) (resid  10  and name CG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(TYR 10)
! RESIDUE     N 11,     L ?  5.3 (S?)    :   HNHB:  S  L
!     constrained to g-/g+, initially, now on 25aug00, to g+
!       so also stereo assignment on 25aug00 (hb = hb2, hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  11  and name N)  (resid  11  and name CA)
       (resid  11  and name CB) (resid  11  and name CG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(ASN 11)
! RESIDUE     C 12 ,     (L)     (S):   HNHB : S  L 
!     constrainted to g+  (noes match well, so also initial XPLOR struc!)  
!      stereospecific assigment done  (hb = hb2,  hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  12  and name N)  (resid  12  and name CA)
       (resid  12  and name CB) (resid  12  and name SG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(CYS 12)
! RESIDUE     C 13 ,    11.1 (L)    5.0 (S):   HNHB : S  L
!     constrainted to g+  (noes, sort of agree!!)  
!      stereospecific assigment done (hb = hb2, hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  13  and name N)  (resid  13  and name CA)
       (resid  13  and name CB) (resid  13  and name SG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(CYS 13)
! RESIDUE     N14, not contrained as hb+ are degenerate  
! RESIDUE     N15,    8.6 (L ?)   7.2 (M ?)    :   HNHB:  S  L
!     constrained to g-/g+ ,
!     constrained to g+ as per xplor on 25aug00 and noes on 01sep00 
!      stereoassignment done (hb = hb2, hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  15  and name N)  (resid  15  and name CA)
       (resid  15  and name CB) (resid  15  and name CG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(ASN 15)
! RESIDUE     T 19,   J (alfa-beta) = 7.8 (L ?)
!    constrained to -60  (it is t for Thr), 
assign (resid  19  and name N)  (resid  19  and name CA)
       (resid  19  and name CB) (resid  19  and name OG1)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(THR 19)
! RESIDUE    V 21,  J (alfa-beta) = 9.0 (L)
!             constrained to t (180)
!        stereospecific assignment done  (hgch3 = hg1,  hg'ch3 = hg2)
assign (resid  21  and name N)  (resid  21  and name CA)
       (resid  21  and name CB) (resid  21  and name CG1)  1.0 180.0 30.0 2   !(VAL 21)
! RESIDUE     E 22,  11.4 (L)  3.8 (S)  :   HNHB:  S  L
!     constrained to g+ ,  noes also agree well
!      stereospecific assignment done  (hb = hb2,  hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  22  and name N)  (resid  22  and name CA)
       (resid  22  and name CB) (resid  22  and name CG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(GLU 22)
! RESIDUE     Y 23,    (7.2 L?)  (5.6 S ?)    :   HNHB: (M /S?)  (M/L?)
!     (Note:  constrained to g+ / t,
!     removed for current calculation, reintroduced on 22aug00  
!       further contrained to t on  25aug00
!       stereo assignment done on 25aug00 (hb = hb1, hb'= hb2)
assign (resid  23  and name N)  (resid  23  and name CA)
       (resid  23  and name CB) (resid  23  and name CG)  1.0 180 30.0 2  !(TYR 23)
! RESIDUE     T 24,   J (alfa-beta) = 8.0 (L ?)
!    constrained to -60  (it is t for Thr),
assign (resid  24  and name N)  (resid  24  and name CA)
       (resid  24  and name CB) (resid  24  and name OG1)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(THR 24)
! RESIDUE     D 25, 3.9? (S?) (S?) not well defined  :  HNHB: S  L    
!     constrained to g-/g+ ,  (mostly g-  as noes match??)
!     contrained to g+ on 12sep00, as per xplor cals. so far
!     stereo asignment done on 12sep00 (hb = hb2, hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  25  and name N)  (resid  25  and name CA)
       (resid  25  and name CB) (resid  25  and name CG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(ASN 25)
! RESIDUE     S 27 ,  5.5 (S?) 8.8 (L):  HNHB : L  S 
!   constrained to g+, noes, sort of  match!!
!      stereospecific assignment done (hb = hb1,  hb = hb2)
assign (resid  27  and name N)  (resid  27  and name CA)
       (resid  27  and name CB) (resid  27  and name OG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(SER 27)
! RESIDUE     Q 29 ( 3? S?)  (12 ? L?)  :  HNHB :  L  S 
!     constrained to g+ ,
!    stereospecific assignment done (hb = hb1,  hb' = hb2)
assign (resid  29  and name N)  (resid  29  and name CA)
       (resid  29  and name CB) (resid  29  and name CG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(GLN 29)
! RESIDUE     W 30 ,10.6 (L)   3.4 (S):    HNHB:  S  L
!     constrained to g+, as noes also agree well
!     stereospecific assignment done  (hb = hb2,  hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  30  and name N)  (resid  30  and name CA)
       (resid  30  and name CB) (resid  30  and name CG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(TRP 30)
! RESIDUE    V 32,  J (alfa-beta) = 8.5 (L)
!             constrained to t (180)
!         stereospecific assignment done (hgch3 = hg2+,  hg'ch3 = hg1)
assign (resid  32  and name N)  (resid  32  and name CA)
       (resid  32  and name CB) (resid  32  and name CG1)  1.0 180.0 30.0 2   !(VAL 32)
! RESIDUE    Q 36,  ( 9 L??)  (5 S??)   HNHB : S   L 
!     constrained to g+ ,  (could be g-  noes indicate ??)
!     stereospecific assignment done  (hb = hb2, hb' = hb1, could be otherway if g-)
!   (REMOVED FOR  CALCULATIONS on (22AUG00)  (kept at g- for 25aug00!)
assign (resid  36  and name N)  (resid  36  and name CA)
       (resid  36  and name CB) (resid  36  and name CG)  1.0 60.0 30.0 2  !(GLN 36)
! RESIDUE     W 37 ,10.8 (L)   4.4 (S):    HNHB:  S  L
!     constrained to g+,  may be t also, 
!      stereospecific assignment done  (hb = hb2,  hb' = hb1, if t then reverse)
assign (resid  37  and name N)  (resid  37  and name CA)
       (resid  37  and name CB) (resid  37  and name CG)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2  !(TRP 37)
! RESIDUE     C 38 ,   3.6 (S)  4.1 (S):   HNHB : L  S
!     constrainted to g-  (noes match well)  
!       stereospecific assignment done  (hb = hb2,  hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  38  and name N)  (resid  38  and name CA)
       (resid  38  and name CB) (resid  38  and name SG)  1.0 60.0 30.0 2  !(CYS 38)
! RESIDUE    I 40, J (alfa-beta) = ~ 9 (L)
!     noes pattern agree with this configuration
!     i.e.,  Nh - hb (strong); ha - hb (weak), etc.,!!
!      hence assigned to -60 (t for ILE!)
assign (resid  40  and name N)  (resid  40  and name CA)
       (resid  40  and name CB) (resid  40  and name CG1)  1.0 -60.0 30.0 2 !(ILE 40)
! RESIDUE     D 41,  4.8 (S)   11.1 (L) :  HNHB: S  S (not measured!)
!     constrained to t (180) ,
!      stereospecific assignment done  (hb = hb2,  hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  41  and name N)  (resid  41  and name CA)
       (resid  41  and name CB) (resid  41  and name CG)  1.0 180.0 30.0 2  !(ASN 41)
! RESIDUE     Y 42,   10.5 (L) 4.2 (S)  :   HNHB: S  L
!     constrained to g+ 
!    NO  stereospecific assignment done  (hb = hb2,  hb' = hb1)
assign (resid  42  and name N)  (resid  42  and name CA)
       (resid  42  and name CB) (resid  42  and name CG)  1.0 -60 30.0 2  !(TYR 42)
! RESIDUE     Y 44,   10.9 (L) 5.8 (S)  :   HNHB: S  S
!     constrained to t (180) 
!      stereospecific assignment done  (hb = hb1,  hb' = hb2)
assign (resid  44  and name N)  (resid  44  and name CA)
       (resid  44  and name CB) (resid  44  and name CG)  1.0 180 30.0 2  !(TYR 44)

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