NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
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image mrblock_id pdb_id cing stage program type
3358 1dmd cing 1-original MR format comment

*HEADER   METALLOTHIONEIN                         22-NOV-94   1DMD    
*COMPND  2 (NMR, 18 STRUCTURES)                                       
*SOURCE   CRAB (CALLINECTES SAPIDUS)                                  
*REVDAT  1   07-FEB-95 1DMD    0                                      

!ct_dihe.tbl, numbered 1,2, 3 etc.

!Dihedral angle of Lys 38 and Ala 40 is changed from -120+-40 to -20+-140 
!to consider type I and II turn, July 15
!Dihedral angles for C-terminal cluster, Feb 18, 1993
!The force constant is 2 
!The range of the side chain angles is +-30 
!The Values are based on the following arguments:
! for J> 9.0 Hz, phi= -120+-30;
! for J between 9.0 and 8.0 Hz, phi= -120+-40;
! for J between 8.0 and 5.0 Hz, phi= -105+-55;
! for J less than 5 Hz, phi= -60+-30
! For all Gly and Pro, phi= -105+-55; (Maximum Range).

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