NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id cing stage program type
33565 1ihv cing 2-parsed STAR comment


    _Study_list.Sf_category  study_list 
    _Study_list.Entry_ID     parsed_1ihv 
    _Study_list.ID           1 


        1   "Conversion project"    NMR   .   parsed_1ihv   1   


    _Entry.Sf_category                  entry_information 
    _Entry.ID                           parsed_1ihv 
    _Entry.Title                       "Original constraint list(s)" 
    _Entry.Version_type                 original 
    _Entry.Submission_date              . 
    _Entry.Accession_date               . 
    _Entry.Last_release_date            . 
    _Entry.Original_release_date        . 
    _Entry.Origination                  . 
    _Entry.NMR_STAR_version             3.1 
    _Entry.Original_NMR_STAR_version    . 
    _Entry.Experimental_method          NMR 
    _Entry.Experimental_method_subtype  . 


        PDB   1ihv   "Master copy"    parsed_1ihv   


    _Constraint_stat_list.Sf_category  constraint_statistics 
    _Constraint_stat_list.Entry_ID     parsed_1ihv 
    _Constraint_stat_list.ID           1 


        1   1ihv.mr   .   .   "MR format"     1    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    n/a            2    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    XPLOR/CNS      3    distance                  NOE                 simple             0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    XPLOR/CNS      4    distance                 "hydrogen bond"      simple             0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    n/a            5    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    XPLOR/CNS      6    distance                  NOE                 simple             0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    n/a            7    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    XPLOR/CNS      8    distance                  NOE                 ambi               0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    n/a            9    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    XPLOR/CNS     10   "dihedral angle"          "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    n/a           11    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    XPLOR/CNS     12   "coupling constant"       "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    n/a           13    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    XPLOR/CNS     14   "chemical shift"          "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    n/a           15    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .    PIPP          16   "chemical shift"          "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   
        1   1ihv.mr   .   .   "MR format"    17   "nomenclature mapping"    "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1ihv   1   


    _Org_constr_file_comment.Sf_category         org_constr_file_comment 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Entry_ID            parsed_1ihv 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.ID                  1 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Constraint_file_ID  1 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Block_ID            2 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Details            "Generated by Wattos" 
REMARK  Solution structure of the DNA binding domain of HIV-1 integrase
REMARK   Authors: G.M. Clore, P.J. Lodi, J. A. Ernst, and A.M. Gronenborn
REMARK            Laboratory of Chemical Physics, Bldg 5, Rm 132
REMARK            NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
REMARK            Bethesda, MD 20892-0520
REMARK  Tel: (301) 496 0782; FAX (301) 496 0825; 
REMARK  e-mail: clore@vger.niddk.nih.gov
REMARK   References:
REMARK   P.J. Lodi, J.R. Ernst, J. Kuszewski, A. Engelman, A.N. Hickman, 
REMARK   R. Craigie, G.M. Clore & A.M. Gronenborn (1995) Solution structure
REMARK   of the DNA binding domain of HIV-1 integrase. Biochemistry submitted
REMARK   The 3D structure of the human SRY-DNA complex
REMARK   solved by multid-dimensional heteronuclear-edited and -filtered 
REMARK   NMR is based on 2386 experimental restraints (for the dimer):
REMARK   (a) intrasubunit: 332 sequential (|i-j|=1), 202 medium
REMARK   range (1 < |i-j| >=5) and 530 long range (|i-j| >5) interresidues and
REMARK   318 intraresidue approximate interproton distance restraints; 74
REMARK   distance restraints for 37 hydrogen bonds; 192 torsion angle
REMARK   (98 phi, 20 psi, 50 chi1 and 24 chi2) restraints; 78 three-bond
REMARK   HN-Ha coupling constant restraints;  194 (100 Calpha and 94 Cbeta)
REMARK   13C shift restraints; and 392 1H chemical shift restraints (102 CaH,
REMARK   52 methyl and 238 others).
REMARK   (b) 44 intersubunit interproton distance restraints
REMARK   (c) 30 ambiguous interproton distance restraints that can arise
REMARK   from intra and/or intersubunit interactions.
REMARK    The structures were calculated using the simulated annealing
REMARK    protocol of Nilges et al. (1988) FEBS Lett. 229, 129-136
REMARK    using the program XPLOR 3.1 (Brunger) modified to incorporate
REMARK    coupling constant (Garrett et al. (1984) J. Magn Reson. Series B
REMARK    104, 99-103), carbon chemical shift (Kuszewski et al. (1995)
REMARK    J. Magn. Reson. Series B 106, 92-96) and 1H chemical shift
REMARK    (Kuszweski et al., 1995 J. Magn Reson. Series B in press) restraints
REMARK    The structures have been provided in sry_complex.pdb
REMARK    The NOE restraints are given in (A), the torsion angle restraints
REMARK    in (B), the coupling constant restraints in (C), the carbon
REMARK    chemical shift restraints in (D); the 1H chemical shift
REMARK    restraints in (E), and the complete set of 1H, 15N and 
REMARK    13C assignments in (F)

A. NOE interproton distance restraints

The restraints are represented by square-well potentials with the upper (u)
and lower (l) limits given  by u=i+k and l=i-j where the numbers are
entered in the order i,j,k. [Clore et al. (1986) EMBO J. 5, 2729-2735]

The NOEs are classified into three distance ranges corresponding to
strong, medium, weak and very weak NOEs.  These are 1.8-2.7 A, 1.8-3.3 A and 
1.8-5.0 A, 1.8-6.0, respectively.  (1.8-2.9 and 1.8-3.5 for distances 
involving NH protons).

The atom notation follows standard PDB format.  The # indicates a single
wild card, and the * a full wild card. e.g. For Leu, HD* representes all the
methyl protons; for a normal methylene beta proton, HB# represents the 
two protons.  In these cases, the distances are calculated as sum

Note that the hard sphere van der Waals repulsion term ensures that
the minimum lower limit for all distances is the sum of the relevant
hard sphere atom radii.

B. Torsion angle restraints

The torsion angle restraints are derived from coupling constant and NOE data
using the conformational grid search program STEREOSEARCH [Nilges, M.,
Clore, G.M. & Gronenborn, A.M. (1990) Biopolymers 29, 813-822].
They are represented by a square well potential
[Clore et al. (1986) EMBO J. 5, 2729-2735].  The upper and lower limits are 
given by i+j and i-j respectively, where the numbers are entered in the order
x,i,j,m.  x is the force constant and m the exponent used to compute the
torsion angle restraints target function.

C. Three-bond HN-HA coupling constant restraints.
The value of the coupling constant is given by the first number, and the
second number has no meaning.

D. Ca and Cb carbon chemical shift restraints: the Ca shift is given 
by the first number and the Cb one by the second.

(a) intrasubunit


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