NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id cing in_recoord stage position type
3252 1dec cing recoord 1-original 1 comment

!BIOSYM restraint 1
1:LEU_4:HD1*    1:LEU_4:HD2*    1:LEU_4:CD1     1:LEU_4:CD2     1:LEU_4:CG     
! this should be automatic but I fix it anyway
1:CYS_7:CB         R
1:CYS_15:CB        R
1:CYS_17:CB        R
1:CYS_22:CB        R
1:CYS_27:CB        R
1:CYS_38:CB        R
1:ALAN_1:CA        S
1:PRO_2:CA         S
1:ARG+_3:CA        S
1:LEU_4:CA         S
1:PRO_5:CA         S
1:GLN_6:CA         S
1:CYS_7:CA         R
1:GLN_8:CA         S
1:ASP-_10:CA       S
1:ASP-_11:CA       S
1:GLN_12:CA        S
1:GLU-_13:CA       S
1:LYS+_14:CA       S
1:CYS_15:CA        R
1:LEU_16:CA        S
1:CYS_17:CA        R
1:ASN_18:CA        S
1:LYS+_19:CA       S
1:ASP-_20:CA       S
1:GLU-_21:CA       S
1:CYS_22:CA        R
1:PRO_23:CA        S
1:PRO_24:CA        S
1:GLN_26:CA        S
1:CYS_27:CA        R
1:ARG+_28:CA       S
1:PHE_29:CA        S
1:PRO_30:CA        S
1:ARG+_31:CA       S
1:ASP-_33:CA       S
1:ALA_34:CA        S
1:ASP-_35:CA       S
1:PRO_36:CA        S
1:TYR_37:CA        S
1:CYS_38:CA        R
1:GL-C_39:CA       S

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