NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
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image mrblock_id pdb_id cing stage program type
30617 1d19 cing 2-parsed STAR comment


    _Study_list.Sf_category  study_list 
    _Study_list.Entry_ID     parsed_1d19 
    _Study_list.ID           1 


        1   "Conversion project"    NMR   .   parsed_1d19   1   


    _Entry.Sf_category                  entry_information 
    _Entry.ID                           parsed_1d19 
    _Entry.Title                       "Original constraint list(s)" 
    _Entry.Version_type                 original 
    _Entry.Submission_date              . 
    _Entry.Accession_date               . 
    _Entry.Last_release_date            . 
    _Entry.Original_release_date        . 
    _Entry.Origination                  . 
    _Entry.NMR_STAR_version             3.1 
    _Entry.Original_NMR_STAR_version    . 
    _Entry.Experimental_method          NMR 
    _Entry.Experimental_method_subtype  . 


        PDB   1d19   "Master copy"    parsed_1d19   


    _Constraint_stat_list.Sf_category  constraint_statistics 
    _Constraint_stat_list.Entry_ID     parsed_1d19 
    _Constraint_stat_list.ID           1 


        1   1d19.mr   .   .   "MR format"     1    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1d19   1   
        1   1d19.mr   .   .    n/a            2    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1d19   1   
        1   1d19.mr   .   .    unknown        3    distance                  NOE                 simple             0   parsed_1d19   1   
        1   1d19.mr   .   .    n/a            4    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1d19   1   
        1   1d19.mr   .   .    unknown        5    distance                  NOE                 simple             0   parsed_1d19   1   
        1   1d19.mr   .   .    n/a            6    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1d19   1   
        1   1d19.mr   .   .    unknown        7    distance                  NOE                 simple             0   parsed_1d19   1   
        1   1d19.mr   .   .    n/a            8    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1d19   1   
        1   1d19.mr   .   .    unknown        9   "dihedral angle"          "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1d19   1   
        1   1d19.mr   .   .    n/a           10    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1d19   1   
        1   1d19.mr   .   .   "MR format"    11   "nomenclature mapping"    "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_1d19   1   


    _Org_constr_file_comment.Sf_category         org_constr_file_comment 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Entry_ID            parsed_1d19 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.ID                  1 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Constraint_file_ID  1 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Block_ID            8 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Details            "Generated by Wattos" 
aThe absence of an entry indicates that no distance estimate
 was made, or that the NOE intensity was not tabulated. 5'
 and 5" NOE intensities and distances were not used stereo-
 specifically because the ratio of J5'5" to the difference in
 chemical shifts is often not small, leading to second order
 effects. 5's and 2's refer to non-stereospecifc NOEs to the
 protons on the 2' and 5' methylene carbons, respectively.
 NOE intensities are given for one of the two symmetry
 related strands.
bNOE noted in subsequent analysis of the data, but not used
 in structure refinement.
cNOE and distances are included with the previous entry.
dNOE and distances are approximately equal to the previous
eDistance noted in subsequent analysis and was only used
 during energy minimization of structures produced from
 molecular dynamics calculations.

B.  Glycosidic dihedral angle restraints
  Allowed ranges of dihedral angles


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