NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing stage program type subtype subsubtype
576815 2ru7 11489 cing 4-filtered-FRED Wattos check stereo assignment distance


    _Stereo_assign_list.Sf_category          stereo_assignments
    _Stereo_assign_list.Triplet_count        40
    _Stereo_assign_list.Swap_count           20
    _Stereo_assign_list.Swap_percentage      50.0
    _Stereo_assign_list.Deassign_count       40
    _Stereo_assign_list.Deassign_percentage  100.0
    _Stereo_assign_list.Model_count          5
    _Stereo_assign_list.Total_e_low_states   8033.113
    _Stereo_assign_list.Total_e_high_states  8949.905
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_abs_e_diff      0.100
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_rel_e_diff      0.000
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_mdls_favor_pct  75.0
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_sing_mdl_viol   1.000
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_multi_mdl_viol  0.500
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_multi_mdl_pct   50.0
Description of the tags in this list:
*  1 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  2 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  3 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  4 * Number of triplets (atom-group pair and pseudo)
*  5 * Number of triplets that were swapped
*  6 * Percentage of triplets that were swapped
*  7 * Number of deassigned triplets
*  8 * Percentage of deassigned triplets
*  9 * Number of models in ensemble
* 10 * Energy of the states with the lower energies summed for all triplets (Ang.**2)
* 11 * Energy of the states with the higher energies summed for all triplets (Ang.**2)
* 12 * Item 9-8
* 13 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the absolute energy difference (Ang.**2)
* 14 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the relative energy difference (Ang.**2)
* 15 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the percentage of models favoring a swap
* 16 * Criterium for deassignment on a single model violation (Ang.)
* 17 * Criterium for deassignment on a multiple model violation (Ang.)
* 18 * Criterium for deassignment on a percentage of models
* 19 * this tag

Description of the tags in the table below:
*  1 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)
*  2 * Residue number
*  3 * Residue name
*  4 * Name of pseudoatom representing the triplet
*  5 * Ordinal number of assignment (1 is assigned first)
*  6 * 'yes' if assignment state is swapped with respect to restraint file
*  7 * Percentage of models in which the assignment with the lowest
        overall energy is favoured
*  8 * Percentage of difference between lowest and highest overall energy
        with respect to the highest overall energy
*  9 * Difference between lowest and highest overall energy
* 10 * Energy of the highest overall energy state (Ang.**2)
* 11 * Energy of the lowest overall energy state (Ang.**2)
* 12 * Number of restraints involved with the triplet. The highest ranking
        triplet on this number, is assigned first
* 13 * Number of restraints involved with the triplet that are ambiguous
        besides the ambiguity from this triplet
* 14 * 'yes' if restraints included in this triplet are deassigned
* 15 * Maximum unaveraged violation before deassignment (Ang.)
* 16 * Number of violated restraints above threshold for a single model
        before deassignment (given by Single_mdl_crit_count)
* 17 * Number of violated restraints above threshold for a multiple models
        before deassignment (given by Multi_mdl_crit_count)
* 18 * NMR-STAR 3.0 administrative tag
* 19 * NMR-STAR 3.0 administrative tag


       1  1 G Q2   2 no  100.0  3.3 13.401 409.107 395.707 26 5 yes  7.271 125 129 
       1  1 G Q5' 24 yes 100.0 15.1 23.297 154.751 131.454 15 0 yes  7.268  65  75 
       1  2 G Q2  38 no  100.0 23.5 10.704  45.605  34.902  4 0 yes  5.024  20  20 
       1  2 G Q5' 14 no   60.0  0.6  1.940 323.963 322.023 20 3 yes  7.440  89  99 
       1  3 A Q5' 12 yes 100.0 17.0 65.194 384.473 319.279 21 4 yes  7.660  89 103 
       1  3 A Q6  26 no  100.0 17.2 24.655 143.372 118.717 15 5 yes  5.003  62  73 
       1  4 G Q2   4 yes 100.0 14.7 52.261 355.158 302.897 24 2 yes  6.357 118 120 
       1  4 G Q5' 16 no  100.0  4.4 15.463 349.686 334.223 18 2 yes 10.887  72  89 
       1  5 G Q2  30 no   80.0  2.0  2.845 144.860 142.015 12 0 yes  6.396  60  60 
       1  5 G Q5' 18 no   60.0  0.1  0.487 352.350 351.863 18 4 yes  8.096  75  89 
       1  6 A Q5' 34 no  100.0 36.6 28.754  78.502  49.748  7 1 yes  5.573  29  33 
       1  7 G Q2   8 yes 100.0  7.8 29.174 371.971 342.797 24 5 yes  5.868 115 120 
       1  7 G Q5' 28 no  100.0  5.1  4.984  97.502  92.518 14 0 yes  4.531  55  66 
       1  8 G Q2  40 yes 100.0  4.0  2.026  50.739  48.713  3 0 yes  5.564  15  15 
       1  8 G Q5'  6 yes 100.0 16.6 47.070 283.860 236.790 24 3 yes  7.063 108 120 
       1  9 A Q5' 22 yes 100.0 28.1 66.192 235.847 169.655 16 1 yes  5.970  66  80 
       1  9 A Q6  10 yes 100.0  0.5  1.259 244.797 243.538 23 7 yes  5.623  90 115 
       1 11 G Q2  37 no  100.0 25.0  6.976  27.872  20.896  4 0 yes  3.898  20  20 
       1 11 G Q5' 20 no  100.0 11.6 26.291 226.940 200.649 17 1 yes  6.999  68  85 
       1 12 A Q5' 32 yes 100.0 14.3 37.184 259.695 222.511 11 1 yes  9.002  52  53 
       2  1 G Q2   1 no  100.0  3.9 15.979 409.540 393.561 26 5 yes  6.819 125 129 
       2  1 G Q5' 23 yes 100.0 13.8 20.995 152.396 131.401 15 0 yes  7.575  66  73 
       2  2 G Q2  36 no  100.0 24.9 10.845  43.571  32.726  4 0 yes  4.306  20  20 
       2  2 G Q5' 13 yes 100.0  1.5  5.629 369.881 364.252 20 3 yes  8.959  92 100 
       2  3 A Q5' 11 yes 100.0 18.7 70.806 378.496 307.690 21 4 yes  7.254  87 103 
       2  3 A Q6  25 no  100.0 17.0 23.485 137.762 114.277 15 5 yes  4.708  62  73 
       2  4 G Q2   3 yes 100.0 15.2 53.305 350.112 296.808 24 2 yes  6.165 115 119 
       2  4 G Q5' 15 no  100.0  5.0 14.989 301.645 286.656 18 2 yes 11.029  67  89 
       2  5 G Q2  29 no  100.0  3.2  4.819 150.716 145.896 12 0 yes  6.475  60  60 
       2  5 G Q5' 17 yes  80.0  0.8  2.529 335.557 333.028 18 4 yes  7.727  79  87 
       2  6 A Q5' 33 no  100.0 33.4 28.611  85.593  56.982  7 1 yes  6.162  29  31 
       2  7 G Q2   7 yes 100.0  8.0 28.981 362.224 333.243 24 5 yes  5.993 115 120 
       2  7 G Q5' 27 no  100.0  5.8  6.268 108.488 102.219 14 0 yes  4.551  55  67 
       2  8 G Q2  39 yes 100.0  5.4  2.661  49.724  47.063  3 0 yes  5.510  15  15 
       2  8 G Q5'  5 yes 100.0 14.8 41.627 280.913 239.286 24 3 yes  6.888 107 118 
       2  9 A Q5' 21 yes 100.0 29.5 60.587 205.271 144.684 16 1 yes  5.828  66  80 
       2  9 A Q6   9 yes 100.0  0.7  1.586 237.151 235.565 23 7 yes  5.530  90 115 
       2 11 G Q2  35 no  100.0 29.2  8.119  27.759  19.640  4 0 yes  3.361  20  20 
       2 11 G Q5' 19 no  100.0 12.5 24.782 197.537 172.756 17 1 yes  6.840  68  85 
       2 12 A Q5' 31 yes 100.0 13.4 30.037 224.521 194.483 11 1 yes  8.511  51  52 


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