NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing stage program type subtype subsubtype
569511 4bxu 19368 cing 4-filtered-FRED Wattos check violation distance


    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Sf_category                   distance_constraint_statistics
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_list_ID            1
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_count              72
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_count                    2
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_total                    2.699
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_max                      0.203
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_rms                      0.0080
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_all_restraints   0.0004
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_violations_only  0.1349
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Cutoff_violation_report       0.500
Description of the tags in this list:
*  1 * Administrative tag
*  2 * Administrative tag
*  3 * Administrative tag
*  4 * ID of the restraint list.                                                              
*  5 * Number of restraints in list.                                                          
*  6 * Number of violated restraints (each model violation is used).                          
*  7 * Sum of violations in Angstrom.                                                         
*  8 * Maximum violation of a restraint without averaging in any way.                         
*  9 * Rms of violations over all restraints.                                                 
*  10 * Average violation over all restraints.                                                 
*  11 * Average violation over violated restraints.                                            
           This violation is averaged over only those models in which the restraint is violated.   
           These definitions are from: Doreleijers, et al., J. Mol. Biol. 281, 149-164 (1998).     
*  12 * Threshold for reporting violations (in Angstrom) in the last columns of the next table.
*  13 * This tag                                                                               

Description of the tags in the per residue table below:
*  1 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  2 * Residue number                                                     
*  3 * Residue name                                                       
*  4 * Maximum violation in ensemble of models (without any averaging)
*  5 * Model number with the maximum violation
*  6 * Number of models with a violation above cutoff
*  7 * List of models (1 character per model) with a violation above cutoff.
           An '*' marks a violation above the cutoff. A '+' indicates the largest
           violation above the cutoff and a '-' marks the smallest violation over cutoff.
           For models  5, 15, 25,... a ' ' is replaced by a '.'.
           For models 10, 20, 30,... a ' ' is replaced by a digit starting at 1.
*  8 * Administrative tag
*  9 * Administrative tag

Description of the tags in the per restraint table below:
*  1 * Restraint ID within restraint list.                                
           First node, FIRST member, first atom's:                              
*  2 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  3 * Residue number                                                     
*  4 * Residue name                                                       
*  5 * Name of (pseudo-)atom                                              
           First node, SECOND member, first atom's:                             
*  6 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  7 * Residue number                                                     
*  8 * Residue name                                                       
*  9 * Name of (pseudo-)atom                                              
           FIRST node's:
*  10 * Target distance value (Angstrom)
*  11 * Lower bound distance (Angstrom)
*  12 * Upper bound distance (Angstrom)
*  13 * Average distance in ensemble of models
*  14 * Minimum distance in ensemble of models
*  15 * Maximum distance in ensemble of models
*  16 * Maximum violation (without any averaging)
*  17 * Model number with the maximum violation
*  18 * Number of models with a violation above cutoff
*  19 * List of models with a violation above cutoff. See description above.
*  20 * Administrative tag
*  21 * Administrative tag


       2  1 ALA 0.000 0.000  . 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  2 SER 0.000 0.000  . 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  3 GLU 0.000 0.000  . 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  4 ASP 0.000 0.000  . 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  5 GLU 0.067 0.067  1 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  6 LEU 0.067 0.067  1 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  7 VAL 0.000 0.000  . 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  8 ALA 0.000 0.000  . 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  9 GLU 0.067 0.067  1 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2 10 PHE 0.000 0.000  . 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2 11 LEU 0.203 0.203 10 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2 12 GLN 0.000 0.000  . 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2 13 ASP 0.000 0.000  . 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2 14 GLN 0.000 0.000  . 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2 15 ASN 0.000 0.000  . 0 "[    .    1]" 


        1 2  3 GLU HA   2  6 LEU MD1 4.230 . 4.230 2.959 1.525 3.524     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        2 2  3 GLU H    2  4 ASP H   4.460 . 4.460 2.473 2.337 2.665     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        3 2 11 LEU H    2 12 GLN H   4.100 . 4.100 2.614 2.577 2.630     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        4 2 10 PHE H    2 10 PHE QD  4.650 . 4.650 4.134 4.116 4.146     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        5 2 10 PHE QD   2 11 LEU H       . . 4.210 2.471 2.295 2.694     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        6 2 13 ASP HA   2 14 GLN H   4.060 . 4.060 3.518 3.493 3.551     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        7 2  2 SER HA   2  3 GLU H   3.730 . 3.730 2.377 2.140 2.800     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        8 2  4 ASP HA   2  5 GLU H   4.130 . 4.130 3.542 3.494 3.587     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        9 2 14 GLN HA   2 15 ASN H   4.090 . 4.090 3.229 2.955 3.550     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       10 2  3 GLU HA   2  4 ASP H   4.070 . 4.070 3.371 3.264 3.462     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       11 2  5 GLU HA   2  6 LEU H   4.050 . 4.050 3.524 3.491 3.557     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       12 2 12 GLN HA   2 13 ASP H   3.840 . 3.840 3.543 3.512 3.579     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       13 2  9 GLU HA   2 10 PHE H   4.630 . 4.630 3.488 3.474 3.500     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       14 2  8 ALA HA   2 11 LEU H   4.290 . 4.290 3.813 3.401 4.075     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       15 2  2 SER H    2  2 SER HB2 4.370 . 4.370 2.550 2.491 2.650     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       16 2 11 LEU HA   2 14 GLN H   4.880 . 4.880 3.138 2.710 3.593     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       17 2 11 LEU HA   2 12 GLN H   4.410 . 4.410 3.480 3.467 3.562     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       18 2 10 PHE QD   2 11 LEU HA  4.390 . 4.390 3.252 2.918 3.809     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       19 2 10 PHE HA   2 11 LEU H   4.220 . 4.220 3.601 3.501 3.619     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       20 2 10 PHE H    2 10 PHE HB3     . . 3.800 2.393 2.353 2.446     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       21 2 10 PHE HB3  2 11 LEU H   4.220 . 4.220 2.164 1.970 2.304     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       22 2  4 ASP H    2  4 ASP QB  3.750 . 3.750 2.375 2.216 2.559     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       23 2  4 ASP QB   2  5 GLU H   4.300 . 4.300 2.738 2.350 3.575     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       24 2 13 ASP H    2 13 ASP QB  3.440 . 3.440 2.272 2.247 2.308     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       25 2 13 ASP QB   2 14 GLN H   4.370 . 4.370 2.629 2.465 2.828     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       26 2 12 GLN QG   2 13 ASP H   4.820 . 4.820 4.225 4.122 4.291     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       27 2 12 GLN H    2 12 GLN QG  4.050 . 4.050 2.557 2.442 2.659     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       28 2  3 GLU H    2  3 GLU QG  4.160 . 4.160 2.797 1.650 3.745     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       29 2 10 PHE HB2  2 11 LEU H   4.110 . 4.110 3.673 3.486 3.778     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       30 2  7 VAL HB   2  8 ALA H   4.080 . 4.080 3.558 2.650 3.849     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       31 2 12 GLN H    2 12 GLN QB  3.440 . 3.440 2.364 2.299 2.439     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       32 2 12 GLN QB   2 13 ASP H   3.910 . 3.910 2.636 2.378 2.819     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       33 2 14 GLN HE22 2 14 GLN HG3 4.070 . 4.070 3.710 3.480 4.061     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       34 2  6 LEU HB3  2  7 VAL H   4.370 . 4.370 3.397 3.151 3.582     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       35 2 11 LEU H    2 11 LEU HB3 3.560 . 3.560 3.119 2.315 3.264     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       36 2  6 LEU H    2  6 LEU HB3 3.990 . 3.990 3.557 3.527 3.592     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       37 2 10 PHE QD   2 11 LEU HB3 3.700 . 3.700 2.898 2.631 3.281     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       38 2 11 LEU H    2 11 LEU HB2 3.840 . 3.840 3.510 2.489 3.640     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       39 2 14 GLN H    2 14 GLN QB  3.860 . 3.860 2.326 2.141 2.421     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       40 2 11 LEU HB2  2 12 GLN H   4.580 . 4.580 3.844 3.742 4.059     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       41 2  6 LEU H    2  6 LEU HB2 3.830 . 3.830 2.418 2.245 2.618     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       42 2  8 ALA MB   2  9 GLU H   3.860 . 3.860 2.409 2.259 2.739     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       43 2  8 ALA H    2  8 ALA MB  3.340 . 3.340 2.189 2.169 2.238     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       44 2 11 LEU H    2 11 LEU HG  4.070 . 4.070 3.751 3.645 4.273 0.203 10 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       45 2 11 LEU HG   2 12 GLN H   4.770 . 4.770 4.606 4.086 4.750     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       46 2  1 ALA MB   2  2 SER H   4.370 . 4.370 2.707 1.905 3.647     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       47 2  7 VAL H    2  7 VAL QG  3.760 . 3.760 2.457 2.236 2.815     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       48 2  6 LEU H    2  6 LEU HG  4.460 . 4.460 2.813 2.104 3.861     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       49 2  7 VAL QG   2  8 ALA H       . . 4.500 1.964 1.832 2.489     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       50 2 10 PHE QE   2 11 LEU MD1 3.890 . 3.890 2.938 2.646 3.025     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       51 2 10 PHE QD   2 11 LEU MD1 3.410 . 3.410 1.758 1.621 2.728     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       52 2  6 LEU H    2  6 LEU QD  4.230 . 4.230 2.563 2.258 2.992     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       53 2  5 GLU H    2  6 LEU QD  5.090 . 5.090 4.221 3.889 4.389     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       54 2 15 ASN H    2 15 ASN HB2 4.160 . 4.160 2.808 2.546 3.606     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       55 2 10 PHE HA   2 10 PHE QD      . . 3.470 2.865 2.603 3.069     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       56 2 11 LEU HB3  2 11 LEU MD1 3.240 . 3.240 2.242 2.136 2.872     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       57 2  6 LEU HA   2  9 GLU H   4.330 . 4.330 3.715 3.322 4.059     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       58 2 11 LEU HA   2 11 LEU MD1 3.950 . 3.950 3.255 2.772 3.328     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       59 2  6 LEU QD   2  7 VAL H   5.140 . 5.140 3.908 3.720 4.068     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       60 2 11 LEU HB2  2 11 LEU MD2 3.540 . 3.540 2.555 2.492 2.815     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       61 2  7 VAL HA   2 10 PHE HB3 4.450 . 4.450 2.450 2.242 2.848     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       62 2  7 VAL QG   2  8 ALA MB  4.130 . 4.130 2.620 2.612 2.631     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       63 2  4 ASP HA   2  7 VAL QG  4.230 . 4.230 2.056 1.654 2.967     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       64 2  5 GLU H    2  6 LEU HG  5.240 . 5.240 4.627 4.129 5.307 0.067  1 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       65 2  5 GLU H    2  6 LEU HB2 5.100 . 5.100 4.504 4.321 4.641     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       66 2 11 LEU HA   2 14 GLN QB  3.820 . 3.820 2.508 2.001 3.432     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       67 2  6 LEU HA   2  6 LEU HG  4.000 . 4.000 2.841 2.210 3.507     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       68 2  6 LEU HA   2  6 LEU QD  3.230 . 3.230 2.355 1.992 2.765     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       69 2  6 LEU HA   2  9 GLU QB  4.040 . 4.040 2.780 2.346 3.178     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       70 2 11 LEU HA   2 11 LEU MD2 4.310 . 4.310 3.510 3.464 3.766     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       71 2  8 ALA HA   2 11 LEU MD2 4.100 . 4.100 2.279 1.991 3.555     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       72 2  9 GLU HA   2  9 GLU QG  3.810 . 3.810 2.435 2.375 2.497     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 


    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Sf_category                   distance_constraint_statistics
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_list_ID            2
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_count              16
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_count                    89
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_total                    50.306
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_max                      0.144
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_rms                      0.0398
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_all_restraints   0.0314
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_violations_only  0.0565
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Cutoff_violation_report       0.500
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Details                       .


       2  3 GLU 0.426 0.089  3 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  4 ASP 0.707 0.110  3 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  5 GLU 0.685 0.115  2 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  6 LEU 0.099 0.033  7 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  7 VAL 1.882 0.144  4 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  8 ALA 1.433 0.134  2 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2  9 GLU 1.092 0.115  2 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2 10 PHE 0.624 0.143 10 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2 11 LEU 1.456 0.144  4 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2 12 GLN 0.726 0.134  2 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2 13 ASP 0.407 0.103  2 0 "[    .    1]" 
       2 14 GLN 0.525 0.143 10 0 "[    .    1]" 


        1 2  3 GLU O 2  7 VAL H 1.900     . 2.000 1.782 1.711 1.863 0.089  3 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
        2 2  3 GLU O 2  7 VAL N 2.850 2.700 3.000 2.750 2.649 2.834 0.051  6 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
        3 2  4 ASP O 2  8 ALA H 1.900     . 2.000 2.039 1.931 2.110 0.110  3 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
        4 2  4 ASP O 2  8 ALA N 2.850 2.700 3.000 2.986 2.876 3.050 0.050  3 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
        5 2  5 GLU O 2  9 GLU H 1.900     . 2.000 2.027 1.869 2.115 0.115  2 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
        6 2  5 GLU O 2  9 GLU N 2.850 2.700 3.000 2.980 2.830 3.089 0.089  2 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
        7 2  6 LEU O 2 10 PHE H 1.900     . 2.000 1.844 1.789 1.911 0.011  4 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
        8 2  6 LEU O 2 10 PHE N 2.850 2.700 3.000 2.722 2.667 2.781 0.033  7 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
        9 2  7 VAL O 2 11 LEU H 1.900     . 2.000 2.088 1.938 2.144 0.144  4 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
       10 2  7 VAL O 2 11 LEU N 2.850 2.700 3.000 3.042 2.905 3.102 0.102  4 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
       11 2  8 ALA O 2 12 GLN H 1.900     . 2.000 2.063 1.929 2.134 0.134  2 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
       12 2  8 ALA O 2 12 GLN N 2.850 2.700 3.000 2.960 2.800 3.028 0.028  2 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
       13 2  9 GLU O 2 13 ASP H 1.900     . 2.000 2.036 1.954 2.103 0.103  2 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
       14 2  9 GLU O 2 13 ASP N 2.850 2.700 3.000 2.926 2.827 3.001 0.001  2 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
       15 2 10 PHE O 2 14 GLN H 1.900     . 2.000 1.997 1.862 2.143 0.143 10 0 "[    .    1]" 2 
       16 2 10 PHE O 2 14 GLN N 2.850 2.700 3.000 2.919 2.780 3.106 0.106 10 0 "[    .    1]" 2 


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