NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing stage program type subtype subsubtype
555498 2rsx 11507 cing 4-filtered-FRED Wattos check stereo assignment distance


    _Stereo_assign_list.Sf_category          stereo_assignments
    _Stereo_assign_list.Triplet_count        189
    _Stereo_assign_list.Swap_count           7
    _Stereo_assign_list.Swap_percentage      3.7
    _Stereo_assign_list.Deassign_count       26
    _Stereo_assign_list.Deassign_percentage  13.8
    _Stereo_assign_list.Model_count          20
    _Stereo_assign_list.Total_e_low_states   122.559
    _Stereo_assign_list.Total_e_high_states  299.071
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_abs_e_diff      0.100
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_rel_e_diff      0.000
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_mdls_favor_pct  75.0
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_sing_mdl_viol   1.000
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_multi_mdl_viol  0.500
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_multi_mdl_pct   50.0
Description of the tags in this list:
*  1 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  2 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  3 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  4 * Number of triplets (atom-group pair and pseudo)
*  5 * Number of triplets that were swapped
*  6 * Percentage of triplets that were swapped
*  7 * Number of deassigned triplets
*  8 * Percentage of deassigned triplets
*  9 * Number of models in ensemble
* 10 * Energy of the states with the lower energies summed for all triplets (Ang.**2)
* 11 * Energy of the states with the higher energies summed for all triplets (Ang.**2)
* 12 * Item 9-8
* 13 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the absolute energy difference (Ang.**2)
* 14 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the relative energy difference (Ang.**2)
* 15 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the percentage of models favoring a swap
* 16 * Criterium for deassignment on a single model violation (Ang.)
* 17 * Criterium for deassignment on a multiple model violation (Ang.)
* 18 * Criterium for deassignment on a percentage of models
* 19 * this tag

Description of the tags in the table below:
*  1 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)
*  2 * Residue number
*  3 * Residue name
*  4 * Name of pseudoatom representing the triplet
*  5 * Ordinal number of assignment (1 is assigned first)
*  6 * 'yes' if assignment state is swapped with respect to restraint file
*  7 * Percentage of models in which the assignment with the lowest
        overall energy is favoured
*  8 * Percentage of difference between lowest and highest overall energy
        with respect to the highest overall energy
*  9 * Difference between lowest and highest overall energy
* 10 * Energy of the highest overall energy state (Ang.**2)
* 11 * Energy of the lowest overall energy state (Ang.**2)
* 12 * Number of restraints involved with the triplet. The highest ranking
        triplet on this number, is assigned first
* 13 * Number of restraints involved with the triplet that are ambiguous
        besides the ambiguity from this triplet
* 14 * 'yes' if restraints included in this triplet are deassigned
* 15 * Maximum unaveraged violation before deassignment (Ang.)
* 16 * Number of violated restraints above threshold for a single model
        before deassignment (given by Single_mdl_crit_count)
* 17 * Number of violated restraints above threshold for a multiple models
        before deassignment (given by Multi_mdl_crit_count)
* 18 * NMR-STAR 3.0 administrative tag
* 19 * NMR-STAR 3.0 administrative tag


       1   8 LEU QB  55 no    5.0 100.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 14  5 no  0.000   0   0 
       1   8 LEU QD   2 no  100.0 100.0  2.026  2.026  0.000 49 18 no  0.015   0   0 
       1   9 SER QB 187 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  10 GLN QE 136 no   95.0 100.0  0.015  0.015  0.000  6  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  10 GLN QG  28 no  100.0 100.0  0.189  0.189  0.000 20  8 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  11 LYS QB 162 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  11 LYS QG 110 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  12 GLN QB  50 no  100.0 100.0  0.653  0.653  0.000 15  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  12 GLN QE 186 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  14 LEU QB  63 no   10.0 100.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 13  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  14 LEU QD   8 no  100.0 100.0  1.264  1.264  0.000 35  8 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  15 GLN QG  26 no  100.0 100.0  0.285  0.285  0.000 20  6 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  16 LEU QB  46 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 15  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  16 LEU QD  17 no  100.0 100.0  0.228  0.228  0.000 26  9 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  18 LEU QB  80 no   25.0 100.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 12  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  18 LEU QD   6 no  100.0  57.3  9.494 16.576  7.082 36 13 yes 2.236  40  40 
       1  19 SER QB 161 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  21 ARG QB  95 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 10  6 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  21 ARG QD  27 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  6.009  6.009 20  8 yes 2.395  32  40 
       1  21 ARG QG 160 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  5.084  5.084  4  0 yes 2.758  21  30 
       1  22 GLU QG  79 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 12  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  23 HIS QB  75 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 12  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  24 PHE QB 130 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  25 TRP QB 159 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  26 ASN QB 129 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  26 ASN QD  78 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 12  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  28 MET QB 158 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  28 MET QG 128 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  29 SER QB 108 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  31 HIS QB 157 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  32 ASN QB 185 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  33 PRO QD 184 no  100.0  68.0  1.726  2.538  0.813  2  0 yes 0.992   0  35 
       1  33 PRO QG 165 yes  75.0  10.5  0.183  1.748  1.565  3  0 yes 1.412  20  20 
       1  34 LYS QB 183 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  34 LYS QG 182 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  35 VAL QG  69 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.217  0.217 12  0 no  0.778   0   8 
       1  36 LYS QG 181 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  37 LYS QB 156 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  37 LYS QG 180 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  39 VAL QG 155 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  40 CYS QB 154 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.065  0.065  4  0 no  0.497   0   0 
       1  41 PRO QB 138 no    0.0   0.0  0.000  0.229  0.229  6  4 no  0.511   0   3 
       1  41 PRO QG 139 no   55.0  78.9  0.210  0.266  0.056  5  4 no  0.475   0   0 
       1  42 SER QB 179 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  43 GLY QA 178 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  46 GLU QB 177 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  46 GLU QG  68 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 12  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  47 TYR QB  74 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 12  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  47 TYR QD  60 yes 100.0  76.1  0.585  0.769  0.184 14  9 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  47 TYR QE 121 yes 100.0 100.0  0.184  0.184  0.000  7  7 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  48 GLN QB  99 no  100.0 100.0  0.163  0.163  0.000  9  5 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  48 GLN QE 189 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  48 GLN QG 135 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  49 ASN QD 153 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  50 LEU QB  58 no  100.0  87.9  6.584  7.491  0.906 14  8 no  0.515   0   3 
       1  50 LEU QD  34 no  100.0  99.4  3.585  3.607  0.022 18 12 no  0.322   0   0 
       1  51 GLN QE 127 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  52 TYR QB  88 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 10  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  52 TYR QD   9 no  100.0  84.1 10.445 12.423  1.978 35 23 yes 1.660  20  21 
       1  52 TYR QE  24 no  100.0 100.0  6.751  6.751  0.000 21 21 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  53 VAL QG  20 no  100.0 100.0  0.551  0.551  0.000 23  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  54 TYR QB  43 no  100.0  90.7  0.057  0.063  0.006 16  7 no  0.235   0   0 
       1  54 TYR QD  16 no  100.0  97.5  1.229  1.261  0.032 27 16 no  0.373   0   0 
       1  54 TYR QE  67 no  100.0 100.0  6.280  6.280  0.000 13 13 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  55 MET QB 107 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  55 MET QG  18 no   10.0 100.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 25 13 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  56 CYS QB 126 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  59 LEU QB  66 no  100.0 100.0  0.701  0.701  0.000 13  6 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  59 LEU QD   7 no  100.0 100.0  0.748  0.748  0.000 36 14 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  62 LYS QB  51 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 15  5 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  62 LYS QE  45 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 16 10 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  62 LYS QG 115 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  64 LYS QB 106 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  0 no  0.008   0   0 
       1  64 LYS QD 105 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  64 LYS QG 152 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  66 VAL QG  13 no  100.0 100.0  2.556  2.556  0.000 30  5 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  67 ASN QB  87 no  100.0 100.0  0.233  0.233  0.000 11  3 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  67 ASN QD  97 no   75.0 100.0  0.239  0.239  0.000  9  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  68 TYR QB  92 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 10  3 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  68 TYR QD  39 no  100.0  96.7  5.140  5.313  0.173 17 12 no  0.615   0   4 
       1  68 TYR QE 116 no   85.0 100.0  0.174  0.174  0.000  8  8 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  69 LEU QB  49 no  100.0 100.0  0.359  0.359  0.000 15  3 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  69 LEU QD  10 no  100.0  90.8 16.866 18.565  1.699 34  8 yes 1.598  20  20 
       1  71 PRO QB 151 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  1.125  1.125  4  0 yes 0.974   0  20 
       1  71 PRO QD 134 no  100.0  47.9  5.799 12.097  6.297  6  2 yes 2.251  31  66 
       1  71 PRO QG 118 yes  75.0  35.7  0.119  0.333  0.214  7  0 no  0.504   0   2 
       1  72 ILE QG 150 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  73 PHE QB  48 no   45.0 100.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 15  3 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  75 LYS QG 104 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  78 ILE QG  65 no  100.0 100.0  0.440  0.440  0.000 13  5 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  79 GLU QG  30 no  100.0 100.0  0.069  0.069  0.000 19  1 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  80 LYS QB 149 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  81 GLY QA  38 no  100.0 100.0  0.078  0.078  0.000 17 11 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  82 PHE QB  91 no  100.0 100.0  0.089  0.089  0.000 10  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  83 LYS QG 125 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  84 ASP QB  57 no   20.0 100.0  0.004  0.004  0.000 14  8 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  85 TYR QB  86 no  100.0 100.0  0.958  0.958  0.000 11  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  85 TYR QD  14 no  100.0 100.0  7.227  7.227  0.000 29 18 no  0.063   0   0 
       1  85 TYR QE  61 no  100.0 100.0  6.923  6.923  0.000 14 14 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  86 HIS QB  98 no  100.0  98.6  2.493  2.528  0.035  9  5 no  0.288   0   0 
       1  87 PHE QB  73 no  100.0 100.0  1.212  1.212  0.000 12  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  87 PHE QE  94 no  100.0 100.0 10.063 10.063  0.000 10  5 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  89 VAL QG 133 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  90 SER QB 103 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  91 LYS QD 176 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  92 GLY QA 119 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  7  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  93 LYS QB 137 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  93 LYS QG 124 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  94 LEU QB  64 no  100.0 100.0  0.006  0.006  0.000 13  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  94 LEU QD  15 no  100.0 100.0  0.303  0.303  0.000 28 10 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  96 VAL QG  11 no   50.0  13.0  0.048  0.371  0.323 33  6 yes 0.636   0  20 
       1  97 PRO QB 164 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.035  0.035  4  4 no  0.288   0   0 
       1  97 PRO QD  96 no  100.0  27.4  8.388 30.599 22.210  9  2 yes 2.720 122 140 
       1  97 PRO QG 120 no   75.0  19.0  0.085  0.446  0.361  7  4 no  0.522   0  11 
       1  98 ILE QG 102 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1  99 GLY QA 148 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 100 ASP QB 175 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 101 GLY QA 174 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.279  0.279  2  0 yes 1.119   2   7 
       1 103 ASN QB 114 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 103 ASN QD 163 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 104 LEU QB 113 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 104 LEU QD  56 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 14  8 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 105 LEU QB  90 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.072  0.072 10  2 no  0.474   0   0 
       1 105 LEU QD  42 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 16  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 106 ASN QB  52 no  100.0  98.0  2.961  3.022  0.062 15  7 no  0.395   0   0 
       1 106 ASN QD  33 no  100.0  94.5  5.158  5.459  0.301 18 11 yes 0.695   0  17 
       1 107 TRP QB  37 no  100.0  37.8  2.399  6.342  3.943 17 10 yes 2.001  20  20 
       1 108 LYS QB 109 no  100.0 100.0  1.277  1.277  0.000  8  1 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 109 LYS QB  82 no  100.0  77.8  0.807  1.037  0.230 12  5 no  0.531   0   4 
       1 109 LYS QG  93 no  100.0 100.0  0.273  0.273  0.000 10  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 110 SER QB  29 no  100.0   8.6  0.587  6.803  6.216 20 10 yes 2.292  40  40 
       1 113 LYS QB  62 no   30.0 100.0  0.023  0.023  0.000 13  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 113 LYS QG 173 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 114 LEU QB  59 no  100.0 100.0  0.071  0.071  0.000 14  9 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 114 LEU QD  12 no  100.0 100.0  0.086  0.086  0.000 31 10 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 115 ILE QG  22 no  100.0 100.0  0.165  0.165  0.000 22  3 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 116 SER QB  40 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 16  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 117 LYS QB 112 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 117 LYS QG 147 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 118 LYS QB 146 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 120 SER QB 172 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 122 ILE QG  35 no  100.0  89.4  2.326  2.602  0.276 17  2 no  0.725   0   9 
       1 124 TYR QB  31 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 18  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 124 TYR QD   4 no  100.0  80.6  5.274  6.541  1.267 45 29 yes 1.220  14  20 
       1 124 TYR QE  21 no  100.0 100.0  8.755  8.755  0.000 23 23 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 125 GLU QB  81 no  100.0 100.0  1.646  1.646  0.000 12  5 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 125 GLU QG 145 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 126 PHE QB  36 no  100.0  95.9  0.142  0.148  0.006 17  7 no  0.222   0   0 
       1 128 VAL QG   1 no  100.0 100.0  3.199  3.199  0.001 65 20 no  0.040   0   0 
       1 129 PRO QB 100 no  100.0  49.3  2.068  4.199  2.131  9  7 yes 1.283  20  24 
       1 129 PRO QG 171 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.319  0.319  2  0 yes 0.659   0  20 
       1 131 LEU QD  77 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 12  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 132 ASP QB 111 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  8  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 134 SER QB 170 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 135 PRO QD 169 yes  90.0  24.7  2.192  8.872  6.680  2  0 yes 2.449  40  40 
       1 135 PRO QG 168 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  1.249  1.249  2  0 yes 1.106  18  20 
       1 136 SER QB 123 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 138 LYS QB 101 no  100.0 100.0  0.271  0.271  0.000  8  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 138 LYS QD 122 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 138 LYS QG 144 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 139 ARG QB  32 yes 100.0  56.8  0.877  1.543  0.666 18  7 yes 0.818   0  27 
       1 139 ARG QD 132 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.003  0.003  6  2 no  0.151   0   0 
       1 139 ARG QG 131 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  6  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 140 LYS QB 117 no   75.0 100.0  0.001  0.001  0.000  7  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 140 LYS QG  84 no  100.0 100.0  0.134  0.134  0.000 11  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 141 VAL QG   5 no  100.0 100.0  2.739  2.739  0.000 41  6 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 143 PHE QB  85 yes 100.0  20.1  1.999  9.958  7.959 11  2 yes 2.919  20  39 
       1 144 VAL QG  72 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 12  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 145 LYS QB  41 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 16  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 145 LYS QE  83 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.407  0.407 12  6 yes 0.741   0  20 
       1 145 LYS QG  23 no  100.0  99.9  3.603  3.607  0.004 22  4 no  0.156   0   0 
       1 146 GLU QG 143 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 147 ASN QB 142 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 148 LYS QD 167 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 150 TRP QB  44 no  100.0  26.7  1.268  4.744  3.476 16  9 yes 1.885  20  20 
       1 151 LYS QB 141 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 151 LYS QD 140 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  4  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 151 LYS QE 188 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  4.470  4.470  2  2 yes 1.652  20  20 
       1 151 LYS QG 166 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 152 VAL QG  25 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 20  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 153 ASN QB  19 no  100.0 100.0  0.710  0.710  0.000 24  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 153 ASN QD  71 no  100.0 100.0  0.022  0.022  0.000 12  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 154 GLN QB  89 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 10  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 154 GLN QE  54 no  100.0 100.0  0.200  0.200  0.000 14  5 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 154 GLN QG  70 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 12  2 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 155 PHE QB  76 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 12  4 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 156 ASP QB  47 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  0.000  0.000 15  3 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 158 VAL QG   3 no  100.0 100.0  1.184  1.184  0.000 48  8 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 159 ILE QG  53 no   70.0   0.3  0.089 25.911 25.822 14  0 yes 3.681  60  60 


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