NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing stage program type subtype subsubtype
546266 2rsd 11469 cing 4-filtered-FRED Wattos check stereo assignment distance


    _Stereo_assign_list.Sf_category          stereo_assignments
    _Stereo_assign_list.Triplet_count        87
    _Stereo_assign_list.Swap_count           41
    _Stereo_assign_list.Swap_percentage      47.1
    _Stereo_assign_list.Deassign_count       86
    _Stereo_assign_list.Deassign_percentage  98.9
    _Stereo_assign_list.Model_count          20
    _Stereo_assign_list.Total_e_low_states   9739.612
    _Stereo_assign_list.Total_e_high_states  11188.169
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_abs_e_diff      0.100
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_rel_e_diff      0.000
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_mdls_favor_pct  75.0
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_sing_mdl_viol   1.000
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_multi_mdl_viol  0.500
    _Stereo_assign_list.Crit_multi_mdl_pct   50.0
Description of the tags in this list:
*  1 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  2 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  3 * NMR-STAR 3 administrative tag
*  4 * Number of triplets (atom-group pair and pseudo)
*  5 * Number of triplets that were swapped
*  6 * Percentage of triplets that were swapped
*  7 * Number of deassigned triplets
*  8 * Percentage of deassigned triplets
*  9 * Number of models in ensemble
* 10 * Energy of the states with the lower energies summed for all triplets (Ang.**2)
* 11 * Energy of the states with the higher energies summed for all triplets (Ang.**2)
* 12 * Item 9-8
* 13 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the absolute energy difference (Ang.**2)
* 14 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the relative energy difference (Ang.**2)
* 15 * Criterium for swapping assignment on the percentage of models favoring a swap
* 16 * Criterium for deassignment on a single model violation (Ang.)
* 17 * Criterium for deassignment on a multiple model violation (Ang.)
* 18 * Criterium for deassignment on a percentage of models
* 19 * this tag

Description of the tags in the table below:
*  1 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)
*  2 * Residue number
*  3 * Residue name
*  4 * Name of pseudoatom representing the triplet
*  5 * Ordinal number of assignment (1 is assigned first)
*  6 * 'yes' if assignment state is swapped with respect to restraint file
*  7 * Percentage of models in which the assignment with the lowest
        overall energy is favoured
*  8 * Percentage of difference between lowest and highest overall energy
        with respect to the highest overall energy
*  9 * Difference between lowest and highest overall energy
* 10 * Energy of the highest overall energy state (Ang.**2)
* 11 * Energy of the lowest overall energy state (Ang.**2)
* 12 * Number of restraints involved with the triplet. The highest ranking
        triplet on this number, is assigned first
* 13 * Number of restraints involved with the triplet that are ambiguous
        besides the ambiguity from this triplet
* 14 * 'yes' if restraints included in this triplet are deassigned
* 15 * Maximum unaveraged violation before deassignment (Ang.)
* 16 * Number of violated restraints above threshold for a single model
        before deassignment (given by Single_mdl_crit_count)
* 17 * Number of violated restraints above threshold for a multiple models
        before deassignment (given by Multi_mdl_crit_count)
* 18 * NMR-STAR 3.0 administrative tag
* 19 * NMR-STAR 3.0 administrative tag


       1  4 SER QB 83 yes  80.0  12.5  7.813  62.296  54.483  4  2 yes 6.102  40  40 
       1  5 PHE QB 77 no   80.0   5.6  3.986  70.853  66.867  6  0 yes 7.624  71  75 
       1  6 GLN QB 46 yes  90.0   8.0 16.835 210.780 193.946 15  0 yes 8.120 160 162 
       1  6 GLN QE 64 no  100.0  15.0 38.989 260.568 221.579 12  8 yes 7.120 139 157 
       1  7 PRO QB 82 no  100.0   4.1  1.334  32.554  31.220  4  0 yes 4.342  42  60 
       1  7 PRO QG 72 yes 100.0   4.5  5.915 131.454 125.539  8  4 yes 5.540 100 100 
       1  8 GLU QB 51 yes 100.0   5.7 10.021 177.143 167.122 15  5 yes 7.541 140 140 
       1 10 LYS QB 33 no  100.0  30.3 32.515 107.433  74.918 20  4 yes 4.782 120 139 
       1 10 LYS QG 44 yes 100.0   7.4 13.801 186.455 172.654 16  2 yes 7.491 160 180 
       1 11 VAL QG  7 yes 100.0  15.8 12.969  82.265  69.295 32  4 yes 4.651 120 180 
       1 12 ARG QB 37 no  100.0   4.2  8.303 195.614 187.310 19  7 yes 7.904 180 180 
       1 12 ARG QD 71 yes 100.0   6.9  6.221  89.981  83.760  8  2 yes 5.541  80  84 
       1 12 ARG QG 79 yes 100.0  26.0 13.164  50.633  37.468  5  0 yes 4.430  60  80 
       1 13 CYS QB 26 no  100.0  20.5 14.217  69.363  55.146 22  2 yes 4.215 100 120 
       1 14 ILE QG 22 yes 100.0   2.1  8.391 407.659 399.268 25  9 yes 7.598 240 242 
       1 15 CYS QB 41 no  100.0  21.5 28.593 132.926 104.332 17  2 yes 5.063 140 140 
       1 16 SER QB 87 yes  95.0   1.1  0.380  35.358  34.978  2  0 yes 5.896  20  40 
       1 17 SER QB 57 no  100.0  24.8 12.120  48.775  36.656 13  0 yes 4.222  60  61 
       1 19 MET QB 70 no   75.0   7.3  6.009  81.760  75.751  9  0 yes 5.753 109 138 
       1 19 MET QG 76 no   45.0   1.0  0.550  54.077  53.527  6  0 yes 5.614  67  70 
       1 20 VAL QG 29 yes 100.0  23.5 33.776 143.966 110.190 21  2 yes 5.461 137 155 
       1 21 ASN QB 42 yes 100.0  26.1 16.488  63.067  46.579 17  7 yes 3.688 100 100 
       1 21 ASN QD  5 no  100.0  12.0 19.562 163.095 143.533 41 24 yes 5.347 220 230 
       1 23 SER QB  6 no  100.0  26.0 79.725 306.788 227.063 36 20 yes 5.942 303 338 
       1 24 MET QB 28 no  100.0  14.3 16.583 116.340  99.757 21  0 yes 6.559 107 139 
       1 24 MET QG 14 yes 100.0  16.7 45.956 275.208 229.252 28  4 yes 6.082 320 357 
       1 25 ILE QG 56 no   70.0   1.2  0.354  29.503  29.149 13  0 yes 4.758  40  40 
       1 26 GLN QB 52 yes 100.0  15.5 10.416  67.136  56.721 15  7 yes 4.007  80  80 
       1 26 GLN QE  2 no  100.0  14.9 38.878 260.442 221.564 48 25 yes 6.508 240 240 
       1 26 GLN QG 18 no  100.0  15.9 15.518  97.746  82.227 26  7 yes 5.317 120 120 
       1 27 CYS QB 11 no  100.0   9.3 17.395 186.690 169.294 29  3 yes 7.680 160 160 
       1 28 GLU QB 47 yes 100.0  36.8 17.167  46.606  29.438 15  2 yes 4.118  60  60 
       1 28 GLU QG 40 yes  95.0  10.9  6.366  58.252  51.886 17  2 yes 5.167  80 125 
       1 29 ASP QB 17 no  100.0  33.6 40.937 122.005  81.068 27  5 yes 4.744 120 176 
       1 30 GLN QB 38 no   40.0   1.2  2.763 233.812 231.050 19  8 yes 7.104 180 180 
       1 30 GLN QE 78 no  100.0   0.0  0.000  27.897  27.897  6  4 yes 4.135  40  40 
       1 31 ARG QB 69 yes 100.0  35.9 16.058  44.757  28.699  9  0 yes 3.975  80 111 
       1 31 ARG QD 81 no   85.0   0.1  0.034  35.534  35.500  4  0 yes 4.977  40  40 
       1 32 CYS QB 30 no   70.0   3.7  4.046 109.934 105.888 21  3 yes 5.298 141 157 
       1 33 GLN QE 16 no  100.0  11.5 21.428 186.195 164.767 28 14 yes 7.093 160 167 
       1 33 GLN QG 12 yes 100.0  21.4 39.084 182.759 143.674 29 10 yes 5.906 219 242 
       1 34 VAL QG  3 no  100.0  37.1 58.752 158.209  99.456 46 24 yes 5.569 100 100 
       1 35 TRP QB 36 yes 100.0  14.9 23.844 160.143 136.299 19  2 yes 5.446 180 218 
       1 36 GLN QB 35 no  100.0   6.3  7.147 112.653 105.507 20  8 yes 5.293 120 120 
       1 36 GLN QE  4 no  100.0  23.2 90.432 389.528 299.095 46 30 yes 7.848 280 280 
       1 36 GLN QG 24 no   95.0   3.6  6.897 192.943 186.046 24  7 yes 7.481 160 160 
       1 37 HIS QB 10 no  100.0  25.1 26.897 106.991  80.094 30 10 yes 4.951 140 140 
       1 38 LEU QB 13 no  100.0   1.3  2.947 229.917 226.970 29 14 yes 6.605 260 260 
       1 38 LEU QD  1 yes 100.0   7.0 39.870 573.595 533.725 48 14 yes 8.228 542 601 
       1 39 ASN QB 63 yes 100.0  39.3 25.930  65.928  39.999 12  4 yes 4.444  97 106 
       1 39 ASN QD 55 no   40.0   1.6  0.638  40.310  39.672 14  8 yes 5.274  40  40 
       1 40 CYS QB 15 yes 100.0  31.3 46.100 147.379 101.279 28  8 yes 5.187 140 205 
       1 41 VAL QG  8 no  100.0  32.7 39.569 121.062  81.493 31  9 yes 5.594  80  95 
       1 42 LEU QB 48 yes 100.0  32.2 27.758  86.337  58.579 15  3 yes 4.628 100 120 
       1 42 LEU QD 21 yes 100.0  48.3 10.595  21.920  11.325 25  7 yes 2.595  60  60 
       1 43 ILE QG 62 yes  95.0   9.3 13.912 149.885 135.973 12  1 yes 7.981 118 136 
       1 44 PRO QB 45 yes 100.0  10.1 15.622 154.898 139.276 15  0 yes 4.904 200 200 
       1 44 PRO QD 23 yes 100.0   4.0  6.887 172.253 165.365 24  0 yes 7.275 176 200 
       1 45 ASP QB 80 no   60.0  18.8  4.318  22.968  18.650  4  0 yes 4.131  40  43 
       1 46 LYS QB 73 yes  85.0  33.4  4.174  12.482   8.309  7  3 yes 4.055  20  21 
       1 47 PRO QD 65 yes  95.0   1.9  3.008 160.245 157.236 11  2 yes 7.504  80  89 
       1 49 GLU QB 27 no   35.0   2.7  2.696  99.963  97.267 22  6 yes 5.147 180 185 
       1 49 GLU QG 32 no   80.0   6.0 11.175 184.848 173.673 21  5 yes 7.953 201 218 
       1 50 SER QB 61 yes 100.0   5.5 10.930 197.643 186.713 12  0 yes 7.808 140 140 
       1 52 GLU QB 68 no   90.0   7.8  3.828  49.171  45.343  9  0 yes 4.474  78  98 
       1 52 GLU QG 75 yes  75.0  11.6  6.656  57.563  50.907  6  0 yes 5.497  60  73 
       1 54 PRO QB 85 yes 100.0  53.0 10.631  20.063   9.432  3  0 yes 2.919  40  40 
       1 54 PRO QD 50 no  100.0   7.6  5.970  78.323  72.352 15  4 yes 5.907  60  60 
       1 54 PRO QG 66 yes 100.0   4.9  3.944  80.135  76.190 10  0 yes 6.544  80  84 
       1 55 PRO QB 86 no  100.0 100.0  0.287   0.287   0.000  2  0 no  0.000   0   0 
       1 56 VAL QG 25 no   60.0  16.1  8.590  53.384  44.794 23  4 yes 6.277  60  62 
       1 57 PHE QB 60 no  100.0   2.2  2.026  91.189  89.163 12  0 yes 5.861 100 100 
       1 58 TYR QB  9 no  100.0   5.0 19.672 391.332 371.660 31 12 yes 7.315 323 373 
       1 59 CYS QB 19 yes 100.0  16.8 21.914 130.823 108.908 26 10 yes 6.335 160 166 
       1 60 GLU QB 67 no  100.0  30.6 17.417  56.917  39.500 10  2 yes 4.198  62  80 
       1 60 GLU QG 43 yes 100.0  20.4 17.750  87.019  69.268 16  2 yes 5.922 100 100 
       1 61 LEU QB 54 yes 100.0  22.0 25.446 115.911  90.465 14  3 yes 5.901 100 100 
       1 61 LEU QD 20 no   85.0   8.4 14.929 177.921 162.992 25  6 yes 6.948 137 139 
       1 62 CYS QB 34 yes 100.0  15.4 27.395 177.603 150.208 20  6 yes 5.874 214 220 
       1 63 ARG QB 39 yes 100.0   8.7 23.423 269.752 246.329 18  4 yes 8.615 224 225 
       1 63 ARG QG 31 yes 100.0  10.4 19.733 189.923 170.189 21  4 yes 6.306 202 225 
       1 64 LEU QB 49 no  100.0  11.6  8.848  76.072  67.225 15  4 yes 5.918  96 100 
       1 64 LEU QD 58 yes 100.0  20.3  8.246  40.603  32.357 13  4 yes 5.893  20  26 
       1 65 SER QB 74 no   70.0  13.3  6.633  50.043  43.410  6  0 yes 5.934  68  72 
       1 66 ARG QB 53 yes 100.0  21.5 13.822  64.201  50.379 14  0 yes 5.153 101 111 
       1 66 ARG QD 59 no   50.0  13.6 15.138 111.157  96.019 12  0 yes 7.000  84  90 
       1 68 ASP QB 84 no   65.0  13.6  1.494  10.998   9.504  3  0 yes 4.082  20  20 


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