NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id cing stage program type subtype subsubtype
400460 1uyb cing 4-filtered-FRED Wattos check violation distance


    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Sf_category                   distance_constraint_statistics
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_list_ID            1
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_count              68
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_count                    119
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_total                    67.149
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_max                      0.218
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_rms                      0.0285
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_all_restraints   0.0099
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_violations_only  0.0564
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Cutoff_violation_report       0.500
Description of the tags in this list:
*  1 * Administrative tag
*  2 * Administrative tag
*  3 * Administrative tag
*  4 * ID of the restraint list.                                                              
*  5 * Number of restraints in list.                                                          
*  6 * Number of violated restraints (each model violation is used).                          
*  7 * Sum of violations in Angstrom.                                                         
*  8 * Maximum violation of a restraint without averaging in any way.                         
*  9 * Rms of violations over all restraints.                                                 
*  10 * Average violation over all restraints.                                                 
*  11 * Average violation over violated restraints.                                            
           This violation is averaged over only those models in which the restraint is violated.   
           These definitions are from: Doreleijers, et al., J. Mol. Biol. 281, 149-164 (1998).     
*  12 * Threshold for reporting violations (in Angstrom) in the last columns of the next table.
*  13 * This tag                                                                               

Description of the tags in the per residue table below:
*  1 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  2 * Residue number                                                     
*  3 * Residue name                                                       
*  4 * Maximum violation in ensemble of models (without any averaging)
*  5 * Model number with the maximum violation
*  6 * Number of models with a violation above cutoff
*  7 * List of models (1 character per model) with a violation above cutoff.
           An '*' marks a violation above the cutoff. A '+' indicates the largest
           violation above the cutoff and a '-' marks the smallest violation over cutoff.
           For models  5, 15, 25,... a ' ' is replaced by a '.'.
           For models 10, 20, 30,... a ' ' is replaced by a digit starting at 1.
*  8 * Administrative tag
*  9 * Administrative tag

Description of the tags in the per restraint table below:
*  1 * Restraint ID within restraint list.                                
           First node, FIRST member, first atom's:                              
*  2 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  3 * Residue number                                                     
*  4 * Residue name                                                       
*  5 * Name of (pseudo-)atom                                              
           First node, SECOND member, first atom's:                             
*  6 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  7 * Residue number                                                     
*  8 * Residue name                                                       
*  9 * Name of (pseudo-)atom                                              
           FIRST node's:
*  10 * Target distance value (Angstrom)
*  11 * Lower bound distance (Angstrom)
*  12 * Upper bound distance (Angstrom)
*  13 * Average distance in ensemble of models
*  14 * Minimum distance in ensemble of models
*  15 * Maximum distance in ensemble of models
*  16 * Maximum violation (without any averaging)
*  17 * Model number with the maximum violation
*  18 * Number of models with a violation above cutoff
*  19 * List of models with a violation above cutoff. See description above.
*  20 * Administrative tag
*  21 * Administrative tag


       1  1 ASN 0.153 0.087 10 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1  2 ASP 0.164 0.087 10 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1  3 ASP 0.038 0.026  1 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1  4 CYS 0.038 0.026  1 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1  5 GLU 1.741 0.108 10 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1  6 LEU 1.725 0.108 10 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1  7 CYS 0.081 0.027  5 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1  8 VAL 0.980 0.177  9 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1  9 ASN 0.922 0.177  9 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1 10 VAL 0.125 0.034  1 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1 11 ALA 0.880 0.146  3 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1 12 CYS 1.024 0.146  3 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1 13 THR 0.786 0.113  8 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1 14 GLY 0.448 0.113  8 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1 15 CYS 2.295 0.218  8 0 "[    .    1]" 
       1 16 LEU 2.029 0.218  8 0 "[    .    1]" 


        1 1  1 ASN HA   1  2 ASP H    2.000 . 3.000 2.652 2.361 3.087 0.087 10 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        2 1  1 ASN HB2  1  2 ASP H    2.000 . 4.000 3.435 2.206 4.050 0.050 10 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        3 1  1 ASN HB3  1  2 ASP H    2.000 . 4.000 2.846 2.150 4.016 0.016 10 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        4 1  2 ASP H    1  3 ASP H    2.000 . 3.000 2.673 2.187 2.915     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        5 1  2 ASP HA   1  3 ASP H    2.000 . 3.000 2.847 2.609 3.010 0.010  1 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        6 1  3 ASP HA   1  4 CYS H    2.000 . 3.000 2.639 2.280 3.026 0.026  1 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        7 1  3 ASP HB2  1  4 CYS H    2.000 . 4.000 3.555 2.354 4.002 0.002  1 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        8 1  3 ASP HB3  1  4 CYS H    2.000 . 5.000 3.021 2.166 4.552     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
        9 1  4 CYS H    1  5 GLU H    2.000 . 4.000 2.891 2.193 3.635     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       10 1  4 CYS HA   1  5 GLU H    2.000 . 3.000 2.826 2.586 3.007 0.007  2 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       11 1  4 CYS HB2  1  5 GLU H    2.000 . 5.000 4.437 4.016 4.520     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       12 1  4 CYS HB3  1  5 GLU H    2.000 . 5.000 4.557 4.209 4.675     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       13 1  5 GLU H    1  6 LEU H    2.000 . 3.000 2.625 2.572 2.673     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       14 1  5 GLU HA   1  6 LEU H    2.000 . 3.000 3.099 3.085 3.108 0.108 10 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       15 1  5 GLU HA   1  7 CYS H    2.000 . 5.000 4.186 3.766 4.666     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       16 1  5 GLU HA   1 10 VAL QG   2.000 . 5.500 4.013 2.009 5.512 0.012 10 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       17 1  5 GLU QB   1  6 LEU H    2.000 . 3.500 3.573 3.554 3.588 0.088  6 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       18 1  5 GLU QB   1  6 LEU HG   2.000 . 5.500 3.604 2.818 4.564     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       19 1  5 GLU QG   1  6 LEU H    2.000 . 5.500 4.391 4.159 4.562     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       20 1  5 GLU QG   1  6 LEU MD1  2.000 . 5.500 3.982 3.152 5.372     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       21 1  5 GLU QG   1  6 LEU MD2  2.000 . 5.500 4.838 3.087 5.310     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       22 1  5 GLU QG   1  6 LEU HG   2.000 . 5.500 4.213 3.767 5.013     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       23 1  6 LEU H    1  7 CYS H    2.000 . 3.000 2.609 2.001 3.006 0.006  2 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       24 1  6 LEU HB2  1  7 CYS H    2.000 . 5.000 4.217 3.636 4.546     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       25 1  6 LEU HB3  1  7 CYS H    2.000 . 5.000 4.421 4.248 4.672     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       26 1  6 LEU MD2  1  7 CYS H    2.000 . 5.500 5.069 3.894 5.409     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       27 1  7 CYS H    1  8 VAL H    2.000 . 5.000 4.379 4.106 4.662     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       28 1  7 CYS HA   1  8 VAL H    2.000 . 3.000 2.752 2.541 3.027 0.027  5 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       29 1  7 CYS QB   1  8 VAL H    2.000 . 3.500 2.198 1.984 2.875 0.016  5 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       30 1  8 VAL H    1  9 ASN H    2.000 . 4.000 3.313 2.759 4.165 0.165  6 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       31 1  8 VAL HA   1  9 ASN H    2.000 . 3.000 2.885 2.285 3.177 0.177  9 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       32 1  8 VAL HA   1 16 LEU H    2.000 . 5.000 4.956 4.862 5.037 0.037  8 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       33 1  8 VAL QG   1  9 ASN H    2.000 . 5.500 3.469 1.967 3.737 0.033  9 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       34 1  8 VAL QG   1  9 ASN HD21 2.000 . 5.500 4.211 2.717 5.454     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       35 1  8 VAL QG   1  9 ASN HD22 2.000 . 5.500 4.839 4.047 5.498     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       36 1  8 VAL QG   1 16 LEU H    2.000 . 4.500 2.192 1.977 2.609 0.023 10 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       37 1  9 ASN HA   1 10 VAL H    2.000 . 3.000 2.711 2.383 3.032 0.032 10 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       38 1  9 ASN HB2  1 10 VAL H    2.000 . 4.000 2.556 1.966 3.952 0.034  1 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       39 1  9 ASN HB3  1 10 VAL H    2.000 . 5.000 3.604 2.726 4.247     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       40 1  9 ASN HD22 1 11 ALA MB   2.000 . 5.500 3.494 2.007 5.222     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       41 1  9 ASN HD22 1 13 THR HB   2.000 . 5.000 4.468 3.570 5.014 0.014  7 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       42 1 10 VAL HA   1 11 ALA H    2.000 . 3.000 2.777 2.479 2.987     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       43 1 10 VAL HA   1 12 CYS H    2.000 . 4.000 3.668 3.377 3.887     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       44 1 10 VAL HB   1 11 ALA H    2.000 . 5.000 4.439 4.212 4.672     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       45 1 10 VAL QG   1 11 ALA H    2.000 . 5.500 3.492 3.263 3.724     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       46 1 10 VAL QG   1 11 ALA HA   2.000 . 5.500 3.897 3.447 4.200     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       47 1 11 ALA HA   1 12 CYS H    2.000 . 3.000 3.066 3.035 3.146 0.146  3 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       48 1 11 ALA MB   1 12 CYS H    2.000 . 3.500 3.509 3.404 3.550 0.050  1 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       49 1 11 ALA MB   1 13 THR H    2.000 . 3.500 3.034 2.763 3.269     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       50 1 12 CYS H    1 13 THR H    2.000 . 3.000 2.917 2.729 3.063 0.063  3 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       51 1 12 CYS HA   1 13 THR H    2.000 . 4.000 2.979 2.791 3.114     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       52 1 12 CYS HA   1 15 CYS HB2  2.000 . 5.000 4.241 3.156 5.039 0.039  1 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       53 1 12 CYS HB2  1 13 THR H    2.000 . 5.000 4.167 3.974 4.512     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       54 1 13 THR H    1 14 GLY H    2.000 . 4.000 3.486 1.982 4.113 0.113  8 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       55 1 13 THR HA   1 14 GLY H    2.000 . 3.000 2.464 2.185 3.055 0.055 10 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       56 1 13 THR HA   1 15 CYS H    2.000 . 4.000 4.012 3.904 4.054 0.054  1 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       57 1 13 THR HB   1 14 GLY H    2.000 . 4.000 3.917 3.809 4.085 0.085  8 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       58 1 13 THR MG   1 14 GLY H    2.000 . 4.500 3.894 2.870 4.327     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       59 1 14 GLY H    1 15 CYS H    2.000 . 3.000 2.385 1.984 2.739 0.016  6 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       60 1 14 GLY HA2  1 15 CYS H    2.000 . 4.000 2.838 2.758 2.952     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       61 1 14 GLY HA3  1 15 CYS H    2.000 . 4.000 3.547 3.509 3.567     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       62 1 15 CYS H    1 15 CYS HB2  2.000 . 3.000 2.165 2.012 2.467     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       63 1 15 CYS H    1 15 CYS HB3  2.000 . 5.000 3.376 3.065 3.589     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       64 1 15 CYS H    1 16 LEU H    2.000 . 4.000 4.113 4.044 4.218 0.218  8 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       65 1 15 CYS HA   1 15 CYS HB3  2.000 . 3.000 2.676 2.426 2.880     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       66 1 15 CYS HA   1 16 LEU H    2.000 . 3.000 2.475 2.282 2.905     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       67 1 15 CYS HB2  1 16 LEU H    2.000 . 5.000 4.213 3.449 4.620     .  0 0 "[    .    1]" 1 
       68 1 15 CYS HB3  1 16 LEU H    2.000 . 4.000 3.421 1.886 4.086 0.114  9 0 "[    .    1]" 1 


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