NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id cing stage program type subtype subsubtype
396885 1sp2 cing 4-filtered-FRED Wattos check violation distance


    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Sf_category                   distance_constraint_statistics
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_list_ID            1
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_count              124
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_count                    17
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_total                    1.107
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_max                      0.182
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_rms                      0.0286
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_all_restraints   0.0089
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_violations_only  0.0651
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Cutoff_violation_report       0.500
Description of the tags in this list:
*  1 * Administrative tag
*  2 * Administrative tag
*  3 * Administrative tag
*  4 * ID of the restraint list.                                                              
*  5 * Number of restraints in list.                                                          
*  6 * Number of violated restraints (each model violation is used).                          
*  7 * Sum of violations in Angstrom.                                                         
*  8 * Maximum violation of a restraint without averaging in any way.                         
*  9 * Rms of violations over all restraints.                                                 
*  10 * Average violation over all restraints.                                                 
*  11 * Average violation over violated restraints.                                            
           This violation is averaged over only those models in which the restraint is violated.   
           These definitions are from: Doreleijers, et al., J. Mol. Biol. 281, 149-164 (1998).     
*  12 * Threshold for reporting violations (in Angstrom) in the last columns of the next table.
*  13 * This tag                                                                               

Description of the tags in the per residue table below:
*  1 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  2 * Residue number                                                     
*  3 * Residue name                                                       
*  4 * Maximum violation in ensemble of models (without any averaging)
*  5 * Model number with the maximum violation
*  6 * Number of models with a violation above cutoff
*  7 * List of models (1 character per model) with a violation above cutoff.
           An '*' marks a violation above the cutoff. A '+' indicates the largest
           violation above the cutoff and a '-' marks the smallest violation over cutoff.
           For models  5, 15, 25,... a ' ' is replaced by a '.'.
           For models 10, 20, 30,... a ' ' is replaced by a digit starting at 1.
*  8 * Administrative tag
*  9 * Administrative tag

Description of the tags in the per restraint table below:
*  1 * Restraint ID within restraint list.                                
           First node, FIRST member, first atom's:                              
*  2 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  3 * Residue number                                                     
*  4 * Residue name                                                       
*  5 * Name of (pseudo-)atom                                              
           First node, SECOND member, first atom's:                             
*  6 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  7 * Residue number                                                     
*  8 * Residue name                                                       
*  9 * Name of (pseudo-)atom                                              
           FIRST node's:
*  10 * Target distance value (Angstrom)
*  11 * Lower bound distance (Angstrom)
*  12 * Upper bound distance (Angstrom)
*  13 * Average distance in ensemble of models
*  14 * Minimum distance in ensemble of models
*  15 * Maximum distance in ensemble of models
*  16 * Maximum violation (without any averaging)
*  17 * Model number with the maximum violation
*  18 * Number of models with a violation above cutoff
*  19 * List of models with a violation above cutoff. See description above.
*  20 * Administrative tag
*  21 * Administrative tag


       1  2 PRO 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 
       1  3 PHE 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 
       1  4 MET 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 
       1  5 CYS 0.075 0.054 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1  6 THR 0.057 0.057 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1  7 TRP 0.156 0.057 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1  8 SER 0.014 0.014 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1  9 TYR 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 
       1 10 CYS 0.468 0.151 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 11 GLY 0.220 0.151 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 12 LYS 0.021 0.021 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 13 ARG 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 
       1 14 PHE 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 
       1 15 THR 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 
       1 16 ARG 0.093 0.093 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 17 SER 0.149 0.093 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 18 ASP 0.046 0.046 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 19 GLU 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 
       1 20 LEU 0.010 0.010 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 21 GLN 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 
       1 22 ARG 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 
       1 23 HIS 0.236 0.182 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 24 LYS 0.182 0.182 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 25 ARG 0.162 0.115 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 26 THR 0.115 0.115 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 27 HIS 0.164 0.108 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 28 THR 0.047 0.047 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 29 GLY 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 


         1 1 27 HIS H   1 28 THR H   2.579 2.180 2.978 2.254 2.254 2.254     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
         2 1 17 SER H   1 18 ASP H   3.717 2.888 4.546 2.842 2.842 2.842 0.046 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
         3 1  7 TRP HD1 1 27 HIS HE1 3.087 2.515 3.659 3.006 3.006 3.006     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
         4 1  7 TRP HD1 1 10 CYS H   3.789 2.928 4.650 4.683 4.683 4.683 0.033 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
         5 1  3 PHE QB  1 20 LEU QD  2.934     . 5.751 2.304 2.304 2.304     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
         6 1  5 CYS HB2 1 20 LEU MD2 3.018     . 5.064 2.106 2.106 2.106     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
         7 1 17 SER HA  1 20 LEU HG  2.936 2.419 3.453 3.463 3.463 3.463 0.010 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
         8 1 23 HIS HA  1 26 THR MG  3.634     . 5.926 4.698 4.698 4.698     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
         9 1 21 GLN HA  1 24 LYS QB  3.168     . 4.570 3.393 3.393 3.393     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        10 1  5 CYS HB2 1 20 LEU HG  3.704 2.881 4.527 4.514 4.514 4.514     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        11 1 14 PHE HB2 1 20 LEU HG  3.391 2.701 4.081 3.026 3.026 3.026     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        12 1 18 ASP HA  1 21 GLN QG  3.900 2.187 5.613 3.907 3.907 3.907     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        13 1 18 ASP HA  1 21 GLN QB  2.769     . 4.029 3.076 3.076 3.076     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        14 1  7 TRP HB3 1 10 CYS HB2 3.005 2.463 3.547 2.541 2.541 2.541     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        15 1  5 CYS HB3 1 23 HIS HD2 2.942 2.423 3.461 3.515 3.515 3.515 0.054 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        16 1 20 LEU HA  1 23 HIS H   3.112 2.531 3.693 3.410 3.410 3.410     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        17 1 25 ARG HA  1 26 THR H   2.910 2.402 3.297 3.412 3.412 3.412 0.115 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        18 1  7 TRP HB3 1  8 SER H   3.533 2.784 4.282 3.224 3.224 3.224     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        19 1 20 LEU QB  1 21 GLN H   2.868     . 4.162 3.025 3.025 3.025     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        20 1 16 ARG QB  1 17 SER H   3.600 2.022 5.178 3.855 3.855 3.855     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        21 1 16 ARG QG  1 17 SER H   3.037     . 4.390 2.683 2.683 2.683     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        22 1  2 PRO QB  1  3 PHE H   3.306 2.133 4.762 3.144 3.144 3.144     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        23 1  5 CYS HB2 1 23 HIS HD2 2.591 2.188 2.994 2.309 2.309 2.309     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        24 1 19 GLU QB  1 20 LEU H   2.893     . 4.195 2.778 2.778 2.778     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        25 1 24 LYS HA  1 25 ARG H   2.722 2.277 3.567 3.436 3.436 3.436     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        26 1 19 GLU HA  1 20 LEU H   3.376 2.692 4.060 3.516 3.516 3.516     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        27 1 26 THR HA  1 27 HIS H   2.972 2.442 3.502 3.290 3.290 3.290     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        28 1 25 ARG HA  1 27 HIS H   3.271 2.629 3.913 3.613 3.613 3.613     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        29 1  2 PRO HA  1  3 PHE QD  3.162     . 5.762 4.139 4.139 4.139     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        30 1  3 PHE QD  1 15 THR HA  2.828     . 5.308 3.351 3.351 3.351     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        31 1 13 ARG HA  1 14 PHE QD  3.026     . 5.575 3.438 3.438 3.438     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        32 1  3 PHE QE  1 17 SER HA  2.817     . 5.293 4.385 4.385 4.385     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        33 1  3 PHE QE  1 17 SER QB  2.833     . 6.044 2.316 2.316 2.316     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        34 1  3 PHE QE  1 16 ARG HA  3.043     . 5.599 3.560 3.560 3.560     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        35 1  7 TRP HZ2 1 27 HIS HB3 3.072 2.506 3.638 3.469 3.469 3.469     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        36 1 27 HIS QB  1 28 THR H   3.324     . 4.253 2.819 2.819 2.819     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        37 1 27 HIS HB3 1 28 THR H   3.324 2.661 3.987 3.293 3.293 3.293     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        38 1 25 ARG HA  1 28 THR H   3.107 2.528 3.686 3.733 3.733 3.733 0.047 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        39 1 14 PHE QB  1 16 ARG H   2.791     . 4.058 2.460 2.460 2.460     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        40 1 15 THR HB  1 16 ARG H   2.942     . 4.261 3.938 3.938 3.938     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        41 1 15 THR HA  1 16 ARG H   3.332 2.666 3.998 3.069 3.069 3.069     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        42 1  7 TRP HB3 1 27 HIS HE1 3.258 2.621 3.895 3.012 3.012 3.012     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        43 1  7 TRP HB2 1 27 HIS HE1 3.528 2.781 4.275 4.197 4.197 4.197     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        44 1 10 CYS HB2 1 27 HIS HE1 2.717 2.274 3.160 2.166 2.166 2.166 0.108 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        45 1 10 CYS HB3 1 27 HIS HE1 3.072 2.506 3.638 3.693 3.693 3.693 0.055 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        46 1  5 CYS HB2 1 12 LYS H   3.305 2.650 3.960 3.981 3.981 3.981 0.021 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        47 1  5 CYS HB3 1 12 LYS H   3.165 2.564 3.766 2.676 2.676 2.676     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        48 1 28 THR HA  1 29 GLY H   2.746 2.294 3.198 2.577 2.577 2.577     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        49 1 12 LYS HA  1 13 ARG H   2.331 2.005 2.657 2.213 2.213 2.213     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        50 1  7 TRP HA  1  8 SER H   2.406 2.059 2.753 2.388 2.388 2.388     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        51 1 18 ASP HA  1 21 GLN H   3.111 2.530 3.692 3.533 3.533 3.533     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        52 1  9 TYR HA  1 10 CYS H   3.034 2.482 3.586 3.249 3.249 3.249     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        53 1 20 LEU QD  1 21 GLN H   3.907     . 6.049 4.242 4.242 4.242     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        54 1 28 THR HG1 1 29 GLY H   3.972     . 6.419 3.853 3.853 3.853     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        55 1 10 CYS HB2 1 11 GLY H   2.880 2.382 3.378 3.426 3.426 3.426 0.048 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        56 1 10 CYS HB3 1 11 GLY H   2.639 2.221 3.057 2.070 2.070 2.070 0.151 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        57 1  8 SER QB  1  9 TYR H   3.110     . 4.490 2.944 2.944 2.944     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        58 1  8 SER HA  1  9 TYR H   2.418 2.067 2.769 2.254 2.254 2.254     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        59 1  8 SER HA  1 10 CYS H   3.563 2.801 4.325 3.224 3.224 3.224     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        60 1  2 PRO HA  1  3 PHE H   2.588 2.186 2.990 2.261 2.261 2.261     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        61 1 16 ARG HA  1 17 SER H   2.762 2.304 3.220 2.211 2.211 2.211 0.093 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        62 1  5 CYS H   1 13 ARG HA  3.690 2.873 4.507 3.772 3.772 3.772     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        63 1  4 MET HA  1  5 CYS H   2.839 2.355 3.323 2.378 2.378 2.378     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        64 1 13 ARG HA  1 14 PHE H   2.901 2.396 3.406 2.405 2.405 2.405     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        65 1  4 MET H   1 13 ARG HA  3.924 3.000 4.848 4.823 4.823 4.823     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        66 1  6 THR HA  1  7 TRP H   2.955 2.431 3.479 2.374 2.374 2.374 0.057 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        67 1 17 SER QB  1 18 ASP H   3.028     . 4.378 2.926 2.926 2.926     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        68 1 21 GLN HA  1 24 LYS H   3.328 2.663 3.993 3.728 3.728 3.728     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        69 1 23 HIS HB2 1 24 LYS H   3.447 2.734 4.160 3.836 3.836 3.836     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        70 1 23 HIS HB3 1 24 LYS H   2.860 2.369 3.351 2.501 2.501 2.501     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        71 1 17 SER HA  1 18 ASP H   3.482 2.755 4.209 3.489 3.489 3.489     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        72 1 13 ARG QB  1 14 PHE H   3.005     . 4.347 2.517 2.517 2.517     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        73 1  5 CYS H   1 20 LEU QD  3.158     . 5.256 2.892 2.892 2.892     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        74 1  4 MET QG  1  5 CYS H   3.727 2.136 5.360 2.191 2.191 2.191     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        75 1 14 PHE HB3 1 15 THR H   2.837 2.354 3.320 2.450 2.450 2.450     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        76 1  7 TRP HB2 1 27 HIS HD2 3.115 2.533 3.697 3.275 3.275 3.275     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        77 1 24 LYS HA  1 27 HIS HD2 2.450 2.090 2.810 2.777 2.777 2.777     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        78 1 24 LYS H   1 25 ARG H   2.611 2.202 3.020 2.635 2.635 2.635     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        79 1 23 HIS H   1 24 LYS H   2.851 2.363 3.339 2.446 2.446 2.446     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        80 1 26 THR H   1 27 HIS H   2.663 2.238 3.088 2.377 2.377 2.377     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        81 1 28 THR H   1 29 GLY H   2.780 2.316 3.244 3.230 3.230 3.230     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        82 1 20 LEU H   1 21 GLN H   2.756 2.300 3.212 2.575 2.575 2.575     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        83 1 21 GLN H   1 22 ARG H   2.993 2.456 3.530 2.793 2.793 2.793     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        84 1 15 THR H   1 16 ARG H   2.774 2.312 3.236 2.588 2.588 2.588     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        85 1 17 SER H   1 21 GLN QE  3.143     . 4.936 4.453 4.453 4.453     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        86 1 10 CYS H   1 11 GLY H   2.690 2.256 3.124 3.145 3.145 3.145 0.021 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        87 1 11 GLY H   1 12 LYS H   2.989 2.453 3.525 2.814 2.814 2.814     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        88 1  7 TRP HD1 1  8 SER H   3.399 2.706 4.092 2.692 2.692 2.692 0.014 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
        89 1 14 PHE HB2 1 15 THR H   3.282 2.636 3.928 3.432 3.432 3.432     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        90 1 20 LEU QD  1 24 LYS H   3.692     . 6.010 3.812 3.812 3.812     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        91 1 24 LYS QB  1 27 HIS HD2 3.596 2.020 5.036 4.405 4.405 4.405     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        92 1 20 LEU QD  1 23 HIS HD2 2.964     . 4.991 2.705 2.705 2.705     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        93 1  3 PHE QD  1 20 LEU QD  2.980     . 7.012 2.839 2.839 2.839     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        94 1 14 PHE QD  1 20 LEU QD  2.980     . 7.012 2.429 2.429 2.429     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        95 1 14 PHE QD  1 20 LEU HG  2.740     . 5.190 1.937 1.937 1.937     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        96 1 14 PHE QE  1 20 LEU QD  3.070     . 7.135 1.874 1.874 1.874     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        97 1 14 PHE QE  1 20 LEU HG  2.713     . 5.155 3.176 3.176 3.176     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        98 1 14 PHE HZ  1 23 HIS QB  2.939     . 4.257 3.597 3.597 3.597     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
        99 1  5 CYS HB3 1 14 PHE QE  3.221     . 5.843 3.362 3.362 3.362     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       100 1  5 CYS HB2 1 14 PHE QE  2.880     . 5.377 2.182 2.182 2.182     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       101 1 14 PHE QE  1 20 LEU HA  2.962     . 5.488 3.762 3.762 3.762     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       102 1  5 CYS H   1 14 PHE QE  3.612     . 6.395 3.026 3.026 3.026     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       103 1 16 ARG QG  1 19 GLU H   2.939     . 4.257 3.608 3.608 3.608     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       104 1 14 PHE QD  1 20 LEU HA  2.965     . 5.492 4.014 4.014 4.014     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       105 1 14 PHE QD  1 19 GLU QB  2.727     . 5.847 2.933 2.933 2.933     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       106 1 12 LYS QG  1 14 PHE HZ  3.078     . 4.446 3.285 3.285 3.285     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       107 1 12 LYS QD  1 14 PHE HZ  3.293     . 4.744 2.544 2.544 2.544     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       108 1 24 LYS HA  1 27 HIS H   3.327 2.663 3.991 3.556 3.556 3.556     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       109 1 22 ARG HA  1 25 ARG H   3.438 2.729 4.147 3.594 3.594 3.594     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       110 1 14 PHE HZ  1 23 HIS HE1 3.312 2.654 3.970 3.809 3.809 3.809     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       111 1 14 PHE QE  1 23 HIS HE1 3.387     . 6.075 4.828 4.828 4.828     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       112 1 23 HIS HD2 1 27 HIS HD2 3.044 2.488 3.600 2.958 2.958 2.958     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       113 1  4 MET H   1 20 LEU QD  3.692     . 6.010 2.855 2.855 2.855     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       114 1 22 ARG H   1 23 HIS H   2.822 2.344 3.300 2.575 2.575 2.575     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       115 1 19 GLU HA  1 22 ARG H   3.368 2.687 4.049 3.668 3.668 3.668     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       116 1 23 HIS HA  1 26 THR H   3.368 2.687 4.049 3.519 3.519 3.519     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       117 1 17 SER HA  1 20 LEU H   2.971 2.441 3.501 2.977 2.977 2.977     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       118 1 23 HIS HB3 1 24 LYS HA  3.352 2.678 4.026 4.208 4.208 4.208 0.182 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
       119 1 14 PHE HB3 1 19 GLU QB  2.893     . 4.195 2.462 2.462 2.462     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       120 1 14 PHE HB3 1 19 GLU QG  3.156     . 4.553 3.754 3.754 3.754     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       121 1  5 CYS HA  1 20 LEU QD  2.622     . 4.534 1.930 1.930 1.930     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       122 1 16 ARG QB  1 19 GLU H   2.662     . 3.887 3.012 3.012 3.012     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 
       123 1  7 TRP HB3 1 10 CYS HB3 2.932 2.416 3.448 2.365 2.365 2.365 0.051 1 0 "[ ]" 1 
       124 1  7 TRP HB2 1 10 CYS HB3 3.079 2.510 3.648 3.489 3.489 3.489     . 0 0 "[ ]" 1 


    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Sf_category                   distance_constraint_statistics
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_list_ID            2
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_count              10
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_count                    3
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_total                    0.009
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_max                      0.004
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_rms                      0.0015
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_all_restraints   0.0009
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_violations_only  0.0030
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Cutoff_violation_report       0.500
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Details                       .


       1  5 CYS 0.003 0.003 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 10 CYS 0.004 0.004 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 23 HIS 0.002 0.002 1 0 "[ ]" 
       1 27 HIS 0.000 0.000 . 0 "[ ]" 
       2  1 ZN  0.009 0.004 1 0 "[ ]" 


        1 1  5 CYS SG  2  1 ZN  ZN  2.300 2.250 2.350 2.247 2.247 2.247 0.003 1 0 "[ ]" 2 
        2 1 10 CYS SG  2  1 ZN  ZN  2.300 2.250 2.350 2.246 2.246 2.246 0.004 1 0 "[ ]" 2 
        3 1 23 HIS NE2 2  1 ZN  ZN  2.085 2.035 2.135 2.033 2.033 2.033 0.002 1 0 "[ ]" 2 
        4 1 27 HIS NE2 2  1 ZN  ZN  2.085 2.035 2.135 2.124 2.124 2.124     . 0 0 "[ ]" 2 
        5 1  5 CYS SG  1 10 CYS SG  3.701 3.418 3.984 3.703 3.703 3.703     . 0 0 "[ ]" 2 
        6 1 23 HIS NE2 1 27 HIS NE2 3.354 3.098 3.610 3.353 3.353 3.353     . 0 0 "[ ]" 2 
        7 1  5 CYS SG  1 23 HIS NE2 3.530 3.261 3.799 3.540 3.540 3.540     . 0 0 "[ ]" 2 
        8 1 10 CYS SG  1 27 HIS NE2 3.530 3.261 3.799 3.541 3.541 3.541     . 0 0 "[ ]" 2 
        9 1  5 CYS SG  1 27 HIS NE2 3.530 3.261 3.799 3.528 3.528 3.528     . 0 0 "[ ]" 2 
       10 1 10 CYS SG  1 23 HIS NE2 3.530 3.261 3.799 3.525 3.525 3.525     . 0 0 "[ ]" 2 


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