NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
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image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing stage program type subtype subsubtype
306547 1p94 5563 cing 4-filtered-FRED Wattos check violation distance


    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Sf_category                   distance_constraint_statistics
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_list_ID            1
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Constraint_count              68
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_count                    102
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_total                    628.185
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_max                      2.030
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_rms                      0.2592
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_all_restraints   0.0763
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Viol_average_violations_only  0.5599
    _Distance_constraint_stats_list.Cutoff_violation_report       0.500
Description of the tags in this list:
*  1 * Administrative tag
*  2 * Administrative tag
*  3 * Administrative tag
*  4 * ID of the restraint list.                                                              
*  5 * Number of restraints in list.                                                          
*  6 * Number of violated restraints (each model violation is used).                          
*  7 * Sum of violations in Angstrom.                                                         
*  8 * Maximum violation of a restraint without averaging in any way.                         
*  9 * Rms of violations over all restraints.                                                 
*  10 * Average violation over all restraints.                                                 
*  11 * Average violation over violated restraints.                                            
           This violation is averaged over only those models in which the restraint is violated.   
           These definitions are from: Doreleijers, et al., J. Mol. Biol. 281, 149-164 (1998).     
*  12 * Threshold for reporting violations (in Angstrom) in the last columns of the next table.
*  13 * This tag                                                                               

Description of the tags in the per residue table below:
*  1 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  2 * Residue number                                                     
*  3 * Residue name                                                       
*  4 * Maximum violation in ensemble of models (without any averaging)
*  5 * Model number with the maximum violation
*  6 * Number of models with a violation above cutoff
*  7 * List of models (1 character per model) with a violation above cutoff.
           An '*' marks a violation above the cutoff. A '+' indicates the largest
           violation above the cutoff and a '-' marks the smallest violation over cutoff.
           For models  5, 15, 25,... a ' ' is replaced by a '.'.
           For models 10, 20, 30,... a ' ' is replaced by a digit starting at 1.
*  8 * Administrative tag
*  9 * Administrative tag

Description of the tags in the per restraint table below:
*  1 * Restraint ID within restraint list.                                
           First node, FIRST member, first atom's:                              
*  2 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  3 * Residue number                                                     
*  4 * Residue name                                                       
*  5 * Name of (pseudo-)atom                                              
           First node, SECOND member, first atom's:                             
*  6 * Chain identifier (can be absent if none defined)                   
*  7 * Residue number                                                     
*  8 * Residue name                                                       
*  9 * Name of (pseudo-)atom                                              
           FIRST node's:
*  10 * Target distance value (Angstrom)
*  11 * Lower bound distance (Angstrom)
*  12 * Upper bound distance (Angstrom)
*  13 * Average distance in ensemble of models
*  14 * Minimum distance in ensemble of models
*  15 * Maximum distance in ensemble of models
*  16 * Maximum violation (without any averaging)
*  17 * Model number with the maximum violation
*  18 * Number of models with a violation above cutoff
*  19 * List of models with a violation above cutoff. See description above.
*  20 * Administrative tag
*  21 * Administrative tag


       2 16 GLY  0.000 0.000  .  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 17 GLU  0.110 0.110  2  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 18 ASN  0.000 0.000  .  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 23 ARG  1.405 0.784  3  1 "[  + .    1 ]" 
       2 24 VAL  4.259 0.784  3  6 "[*-+*. ** 1 ]" 
       2 34 ILE  9.579 1.275  1  7 "[+ * ***- * ]" 
       2 35 LYS  0.000 0.000  .  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 36 ARG  9.579 1.275  1  7 "[+ * ***- * ]" 
       2 40 ASN  0.000 0.000  .  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 41 PHE  5.454 1.315  4  4 "[ - +*    1*]" 
       2 45 LYS  2.153 1.315  4  1 "[   +.    1 ]" 
       2 46 HIS  0.388 0.388  2  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 48 ARG 20.870 2.030 11 11  [**-*******+]  
       2 49 PHE  9.294 1.315  4  4 "[ - +*    1*]" 
       2 52 ALA 13.206 2.030 11 10  [**-*.*****+]  
       2 53 CYS  1.897 1.102  4  2 "[   +.    1-]" 
       2 58 THR  1.897 1.102  4  2 "[   +.    1-]" 
       2 60 ILE  0.000 0.000  .  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 61 THR  5.216 1.529  3  3 "[  + .*   - ]" 
       2 62 ASP  0.000 0.000  .  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 63 VAL  2.803 0.835 10  3 "[ -  .   *+ ]" 
       2 64 VAL  1.673 0.835 10  1 "[    .    + ]" 
       2 65 ASN  4.596 1.529  3  3 "[  + .*   - ]" 
       2 66 GLN  6.705 1.573  3  5 "[ -+ . ***1 ]" 
       2 67 LEU  2.846 1.218  9  2 "[  - .   +1 ]" 
       2 68 VAL  0.000 0.000  .  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 70 ASN  8.247 1.573  3  4 "[  + . *-*1 ]" 
       2 71 TRP  1.271 0.464  2  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 72 LEU  0.000 0.000  .  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 73 LYS  0.000 0.000  .  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 75 ASN  1.271 0.464  2  0 "[    .    1 ]" 
       2 76 GLU  0.000 0.000  .  0 "[    .    1 ]" 


        1 2 16 GLY HA3  2 17 GLU H    2.500 . 6.000 3.223 2.588 3.543     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
        2 2 17 GLU H    2 17 GLU HA   2.900 . 4.000 2.816 2.270 2.947     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
        3 2 17 GLU H    2 17 GLU QB   2.800 . 3.800 2.356 2.057 2.949     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
        4 2 17 GLU H    2 17 GLU QG   4.100 . 6.000 3.436 1.890 4.377 0.110  2  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
        5 2 17 GLU H    2 18 ASN H    3.300 . 4.700 2.682 1.988 3.622     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
        6 2 23 ARG HA   2 24 VAL H    1.900 . 2.400 2.398 2.134 3.184 0.784  3  1 "[  + .    1 ]" 1 
        7 2 23 ARG QG   2 24 VAL H    4.500 . 6.000 4.084 3.288 4.919     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
        8 2 24 VAL H    2 24 VAL HA   2.700 . 3.600 2.914 2.818 2.952     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
        9 2 24 VAL H    2 24 VAL HB   2.300 . 3.000 3.092 2.521 3.591 0.591  1  5 "[+- *. ** 1 ]" 1 
       10 2 24 VAL H    2 24 VAL QG   2.700 . 3.600 2.126 1.858 2.629     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       11 2 34 ILE MG   2 36 ARG H    6.000 . 6.000 6.118 4.416 6.911 0.911  7  5 "[* * . +- * ]" 1 
       12 2 34 ILE MG   2 36 ARG QG   2.700 . 6.000 6.005 4.332 7.275 1.275  1  6 "[+ * **-  * ]" 1 
       13 2 35 LYS HG3  2 36 ARG H    4.400 . 6.000 4.858 3.144 5.577     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       14 2 40 ASN HA   2 41 PHE QD   3.600 . 5.200 4.240 3.777 4.716     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       15 2 41 PHE HA   2 41 PHE QE   3.300 . 4.700 4.538 4.257 4.789 0.089  6  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       16 2 41 PHE HB2  2 49 PHE QE   2.900 . 6.000 5.897 4.268 6.862 0.862 11  4 "[ - **    1+]" 1 
       17 2 41 PHE QE   2 45 LYS QD   3.300 . 4.700 4.339 3.602 6.015 1.315  4  1 "[   +.    1 ]" 1 
       18 2 45 LYS QG   2 49 PHE QD   3.600 . 6.000 5.017 3.356 6.169 0.169  8  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       19 2 46 HIS HB2  2 49 PHE QD   3.800 . 6.000 5.506 4.696 6.388 0.388  2  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       20 2 48 ARG H    2 48 ARG HE   6.000 . 6.000 5.065 3.761 6.427 0.427  4  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       21 2 48 ARG HB3  2 49 PHE QE   4.300 . 6.000 6.252 5.599 6.968 0.968  4  2 "[   +-    1 ]" 1 
       22 2 48 ARG QD   2 52 ALA HA   4.900 . 6.000 7.201 6.410 8.030 2.030 11 10  [**-*.*****+]  1 
       23 2 49 PHE HB2  2 52 ALA MB   4.000 . 6.000 4.862 4.600 5.262     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       24 2 49 PHE QD   2 64 VAL H    5.400 . 6.000 5.759 5.198 6.099 0.099  5  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       25 2 49 PHE QE   2 64 VAL MG2  2.100 . 6.000 2.231 1.900 2.747     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       26 2 53 CYS H    2 58 THR MG   4.200 . 6.000 5.579 4.997 7.102 1.102  4  2 "[   +.    1-]" 1 
       27 2 60 ILE H    2 60 ILE MD   3.300 . 6.000 4.179 3.935 4.368     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       28 2 60 ILE H    2 61 THR H    3.000 . 4.100 2.782 2.565 3.211     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       29 2 60 ILE HA   2 61 THR H    5.300 . 6.000 3.494 3.415 3.581     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       30 2 60 ILE HA   2 63 VAL QG   2.500 . 3.300 2.086 1.932 2.245     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       31 2 60 ILE HB   2 61 THR H    3.200 . 4.500 4.011 3.970 4.079     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       32 2 60 ILE MD   2 61 THR H    3.800 . 5.600 4.992 4.738 5.248     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       33 2 60 ILE HG12 2 61 THR H    3.100 . 4.300 3.361 3.228 3.583     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       34 2 60 ILE MG   2 61 THR H    2.500 . 3.300 2.149 1.907 2.460     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       35 2 60 ILE MG   2 62 ASP H    6.000 . 6.000 4.277 4.169 4.545     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       36 2 60 ILE MG   2 64 VAL H    3.300 . 6.000 5.430 5.025 5.758     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       37 2 61 THR H    2 61 THR HA   2.500 . 3.300 2.850 2.795 2.897     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       38 2 61 THR H    2 61 THR HB   2.400 . 3.100 3.096 2.807 3.254 0.154  3  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       39 2 61 THR H    2 62 ASP H    2.500 . 3.300 2.481 2.259 2.686     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       40 2 61 THR MG   2 65 ASN QD   2.700 . 6.000 5.824 4.294 7.529 1.529  3  3 "[  + .*   - ]" 1 
       41 2 62 ASP H    2 63 VAL QG   4.200 . 6.000 3.496 3.267 3.734     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       42 2 62 ASP HA   2 65 ASN QD   4.500 . 6.000 3.767 2.821 4.231     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       43 2 63 VAL H    2 63 VAL QG   2.000 . 6.000 1.854 1.706 2.067     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       44 2 63 VAL H    2 64 VAL MG2  3.600 . 5.200 3.769 3.383 4.253     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       45 2 63 VAL HA   2 66 GLN HE21 6.000 . 6.000 4.096 2.873 5.468     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       46 2 63 VAL HA   2 66 GLN HE22 5.800 . 6.000 4.963 3.633 6.709 0.709  9  2 "[ -  .   +1 ]" 1 
       47 2 63 VAL HB   2 64 VAL MG2  2.900 . 3.900 3.842 3.250 4.735 0.835 10  1 "[    .    + ]" 1 
       48 2 63 VAL QG   2 64 VAL MG2  2.400 . 6.000 2.502 2.056 2.988     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       49 2 63 VAL QG   2 66 GLN H    4.200 . 6.000 4.231 4.001 4.428     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       50 2 63 VAL QG   2 66 GLN QB   5.700 . 6.000 3.244 2.659 3.668     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       51 2 63 VAL QG   2 67 LEU H    3.700 . 6.000 4.561 3.888 4.902     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       52 2 63 VAL QG   2 67 LEU QD   2.300 . 6.000 3.186 2.464 3.497     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       53 2 63 VAL QG   2 67 LEU HG   3.000 . 6.000 4.366 3.369 4.791     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       54 2 64 VAL H    2 64 VAL MG2  2.000 . 2.500 1.940 1.575 2.168     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       55 2 64 VAL HA   2 67 LEU H    6.000 . 6.000 3.317 3.199 3.408     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       56 2 66 GLN H    2 66 GLN HE21 4.600 . 6.000 4.214 2.903 5.378     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       57 2 66 GLN H    2 67 LEU H    2.800 . 3.800 2.623 2.481 2.762     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       58 2 66 GLN HA   2 67 LEU H    2.300 . 2.900 2.730 2.713 2.740     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       59 2 66 GLN QB   2 67 LEU H    2.400 . 3.100 2.631 2.438 2.721     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       60 2 66 GLN QG   2 70 ASN QD   4.800 . 6.000 5.239 2.366 7.573 1.573  3  4 "[  + . *-*1 ]" 1 
       61 2 67 LEU H    2 67 LEU QD   2.700 . 4.500 2.708 2.578 2.835     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       62 2 67 LEU H    2 67 LEU HG   1.400 . 2.200 1.590 1.468 1.962     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       63 2 67 LEU QD   2 70 ASN QD   4.500 . 6.000 5.853 4.950 7.218 1.218  9  2 "[  - .   +1 ]" 1 
       64 2 68 VAL MG1  2 72 LEU MD1  2.800 . 6.000 2.332 1.869 3.630     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       65 2 68 VAL MG2  2 72 LEU MD1  3.200 . 6.000 3.858 1.885 4.377     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       66 2 71 TRP HE1  2 75 ASN HD21 3.600 . 5.200 5.049 4.027 5.664 0.464  2  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       67 2 72 LEU MD2  2 73 LYS H    3.800 . 5.600 4.059 3.754 4.553     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 
       68 2 72 LEU MD2  2 76 GLU QG   4.100 . 6.000 5.055 4.162 5.772     .  0  0 "[    .    1 ]" 1 


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