NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing in_dress stage position program type subtype subsubtype
3751 1e5b 4623 cing dress 1-original 6 XPLOR/CNS distance NOE ambi

assign (resid 259 and name  he3 )
       (resid 259 and name   ha )      4.23 2.33 0.00 !  5
assign (resid 259 and name  hh2 )
       (resid 316 and name   ha )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  1
assign (resid 259 and name  hh2 )
       (resid 257 and name  hg+ )      4.62 2.72 0.00 !  4
assign (resid 259 and name  hh2 )
       (resid 262 and name  ha1 )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  1
assign (resid 259 and name  hz2 )
       (resid 316 and name   ha )      4.23 2.33 0.00 !  5
assign (resid 259 and name  hz2 )
       (resid 263 and name   ha )      4.23 2.33 0.00 !  5
assign (resid 259 and name  hz2 )
       (resid 262 and name  ha1 )      4.23 2.33 0.00 !  5
assign (resid 259 and name  hz2 )
       (resid 318 and name  he+ )      4.62 2.72 0.00 !  4
assign (resid 260 and name   hn )
       (resid 259 and name  hb+ )      2.50 0.60 0.00 ! 10p
assign (resid 262 and name   hn )
       (resid 319 and name  he+ )      3.55 1.65 0.00 !  7
assign (resid 262 and name   hn )
       (resid 319 and name  hg+ )      5.04 3.14 0.00 !  3
assign (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 318 and name   ha )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  1
assign (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 262 and name  ha2 )      4.62 2.72 0.00 !  4
assign (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 319 and name  he+ )      2.50 0.60 0.00 ! 10p
assign (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 319 and name  hg+ )      3.26 1.36 0.00 !  8
assign (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 255 and name   ha )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 325 and name hg2+ )      5.04 3.14 0.00 !  3
assign (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 317 and name hg1+ )      3.88 1.98 0.00 !  6
assign (resid 263 and name  he+ )
       (resid 318 and name   ha )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  1
assign (resid 263 and name  he+ )
       (resid 319 and name  hg+ )      4.23 2.33 0.00 !  5
assign (resid 263 and name  he+ )
       (resid 326 and name  hb+ )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  1
assign (resid 263 and name  he+ )
       (resid 326 and name  hd1 )      3.26 1.36 0.00 !  8
assign (resid 263 and name  he+ )
       (resid 325 and name   ha )      3.26 1.36 0.00 !  8
assign (resid 263 and name  he+ )
       (resid 325 and name hg2+ )      3.55 1.65 0.00 !  7
assign (resid 263 and name   hn )
       (resid 263 and name  he+ )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 263 and name   hz )
       (resid 323 and name   ha )      4.62 2.72 0.00 !  4
assign (resid 263 and name   hz )
       (resid 325 and name   ha )      2.73 0.83 0.00 ! 10
assign (resid 263 and name   hz )
       (resid 325 and name hg2+ )      5.04 3.14 0.00 !  3
assign (resid 263 and name   hz )
       (resid 265 and name hg2+ )      4.23 2.33 0.00 !  5
assign (resid 263 and name   hz )
       (resid 317 and name hg1+ )      3.26 1.36 0.00 !  8
assign (resid 264 and name   ha )
       (resid 316 and name   ha )      2.73 0.83 0.00 ! 10
assign (resid 267 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 253 and name  hb+ )      2.73 0.83 0.00 ! 10
assign (resid 267 and name  he+ )
       (resid 325 and name hg2+ )      3.26 1.36 0.00 !  8
assign (resid 267 and name  he+ )
       (resid 328 and name  hb+ )      2.50 0.60 0.00 ! 10p
assign (resid 267 and name  he+ )
       (resid 279 and name hd++ )      2.50 0.60 0.00 ! 10p
assign (resid 267 and name   hh )
       (resid 326 and name  hb+ )      2.50 0.60 0.00 ! 10p
assign (resid 275 and name  hd1 )
       (resid 311 and name   ha )      5.04 3.14 0.00 !  3
assign (resid 275 and name  hd1 )
       (resid 306 and name  hg1 )      5.04 3.14 0.00 !  3
assign (resid 275 and name  hd1 )
       (resid 272 and name  hb+ )      3.26 1.36 0.00 !  8
assign (resid 275 and name  hd1 )
       (resid 273 and name   ha )      2.50 0.60 0.00 ! 10p
assign (resid 275 and name  he3 )
       (resid 277 and name   ha )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 275 and name  he3 )
       (resid 276 and name   ha )      2.73 0.83 0.00 ! 10
assign (resid 275 and name  hh2 )
       (resid 306 and name  hb1 )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 275 and name  hh2 )
       (resid 277 and name hg++ )      4.62 2.72 0.00 !  4
assign (resid 275 and name  hz2 )
       (resid 311 and name   ha )      2.50 0.60 0.00 ! 10p
assign (resid 275 and name  hz3 )
       (resid 304 and name hg1+ )      2.73 0.83 0.00 ! 10
assign (resid 275 and name  hz3 )
       (resid 269 and name hg2+ )      4.62 2.72 0.00 !  4
assign (resid 291 and name  hd1 )
       (resid 291 and name  hb2 )      2.73 0.83 0.00 ! 10
assign (resid 291 and name  he3 )
       (resid 291 and name  hb1 )      3.26 1.36 0.00 !  8
assign (resid 291 and name  hh2 )
       (resid 316 and name   ha )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 291 and name  hh2 )
       (resid 266 and name hg2+ )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 291 and name  hh2 )
       (resid 316 and name hg2+ )      5.04 3.14 0.00 !  3
assign (resid 291 and name  hz3 )
       (resid 316 and name   hb )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 294 and name hd2+ )
       (resid 294 and name   ha )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 294 and name hd2+ )
       (resid 293 and name   ha )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 311 and name   hn )
       (resid 269 and name   hb )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 313 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 313 and name   ha )      4.23 2.33 0.00 !  5
assign (resid 313 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 314 and name  ha2 )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 313 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 279 and name hd++ )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  2
assign (resid 313 and name  hd+ )
       (resid 267 and name  hb1 )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  1
assign (resid 313 and name  he+ )
       (resid 315 and name hg++ )      4.62 2.72 0.00 !  4
assign (resid 313 and name  he+ )
       (resid 279 and name hd++ )      4.23 2.33 0.00 !  5
assign (resid 319 and name   hn )
       (resid 319 and name  hg+ )      3.26 1.36 0.00 !  8
assign (resid 321 and name   hn )
       (resid 319 and name  hg+ )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  1
assign (resid 322 and name   hn )
       (resid 319 and name  hb+ )      3.26 1.36 0.00 !  8
assign (resid 322 and name   hn )
       (resid 319 and name  hg+ )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  1
assign (resid 324 and name   hn )
       (resid 322 and name   ha )      3.55 1.65 0.00 !  7
assign (resid 324 and name   hn )
       (resid 285 and name  hg+ )      5.50 3.60 0.00 !  1
! Ambiguous NOEs start here!
assign  (resid 267 and name   hh )
       ((resid 326 and name  hd1 ) or (resid 327 and name   ha ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign  (resid 267 and name   hh )
       ((resid 326 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 265 and name   hb ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign  (resid 267 and name   hh )
       ((resid 253 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 279 and name  hb+ ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign  (resid 267 and name   hh )
       ((resid 315 and name hg++ ) or (resid 265 and name hg2+ ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign  (resid 267 and name   hh )
       ((resid 265 and name hg1+ ) or (resid 317 and name hg2+ ))    3.26 1.36 0.00   ! 8
assign  (resid 259 and name  hd1 )
       ((resid 259 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 262 and name  ha1 ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign  (resid 275 and name  hd1 )
       ((resid 271 and name  ha+ ) or (resid 274 and name   ha ))    4.23 2.33 0.00   ! 5
assign ((resid 259 and name  hz3 ) or (resid 259 and name  he3 ))
        (resid 263 and name   ha )                                   4.23 2.33 0.00   ! 5
assign ((resid 259 and name  hz3 ) or (resid 259 and name  he3 ))
        (resid 259 and name  hb+ )                                   2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign  (resid 275 and name  hd1 )
       ((resid 275 and name  hb1 ) or (resid 249 and name  hb2 ))    2.50 0.60 0.00   ! 10p
assign ((resid 259 and name  hz3 ) or (resid 259 and name  he3 ))
       ((resid 257 and name  hb2 ) or (resid 257 and name  hg+ ))    3.88 1.98 0.00   ! 6
assign ((resid 259 and name  hz3 ) or (resid 259 and name  he3 ))
       ((resid 257 and name  hb1 ) or (resid 258 and name  hg+ ))    3.26 1.36 0.00   ! 8
assign  (resid 259 and name  hz2 )
       ((resid 257 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 318 and name  hg+ ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 1
assign ((resid 259 and name  hz2 ) or (resid 264 and name hd2+ ))
        (resid 316 and name hg2+ )                                   2.50 0.60 0.00   ! 10p
assign  (resid 275 and name  he3 )
       ((resid 277 and name hg++ ) or (resid 251 and name hg++ ))    2.50 0.60 0.00   ! 10p
assign  (resid 275 and name  he3 )
       ((resid 306 and name  hg1 ) or (resid 279 and name hd++ ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 1
assign  (resid 275 and name  he3 )
       ((resid 269 and name hg1+ ) or (resid 279 and name hd++ ))    4.62 2.72 0.00   ! 4
assign  (resid 291 and name  he3 )
       ((resid 291 and name   ha ) or (resid 290 and name   ha ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign ((resid 291 and name  hd1 ) or (resid 291 and name  hz3 ))
       ((resid 291 and name   ha ) or (resid 290 and name   ha ))    3.88 1.98 0.00   ! 6
assign ((resid 291 and name  hd1 ) or (resid 292 and name hd2+ ))
        (resid 292 and name   ha )                                   5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign ((resid 292 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 291 and name  hb1 ))
       ((resid 291 and name  hd1 ) or (resid 291 and name  hz3 ) or
        (resid 292 and name hd2+ ))                                  2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign ((resid 291 and name  hd1 ) or (resid 291 and name  hz3 ))
        (resid 314 and name  ha1 )                                   5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign ((resid 291 and name  hz3 ) or (resid 291 and name  he3 ))
        (resid 289 and name  hb+ )                                   2.50 0.60 0.00   ! 10p
assign  (resid 263 and name   hz )
       ((resid 324 and name   ha ) or (resid 325 and name   hb ))    4.62 2.72 0.00   ! 4
assign  (resid 263 and name   hz )
       ((resid 285 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 263 and name  hb+ ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 263 and name   hz )
       ((resid 326 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 285 and name  hb2 ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 263 and name   hz )
       ((resid 326 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 285 and name  hb1 ))    5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 263 and name   hz )
       ((resid 265 and name hg1+ ) or (resid 317 and name hg2+ ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign ((resid 259 and name  hh2 ) or (resid 294 and name hd2+ ))
       ((resid 263 and name   ha ) or (resid 306 and name   ha ))    4.23 2.33 0.00   ! 5
assign  (resid 259 and name  hh2 )
       ((resid 288 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 257 and name  hb2 ) or
        (resid 257 and name  hg+ ))                                  3.00 1.10 0.00   ! 9
assign  (resid 259 and name  hh2 )
       ((resid 316 and name hg2+ ) or (resid 256 and name  hb+ ))    4.23 2.33 0.00   ! 5
assign ((resid 263 and name  he+ ) or (resid 285 and name he2+ ))
       ((resid 319 and name   ha ) or (resid 281 and name   ha ))    3.26 1.36 0.00   ! 8
assign  (resid 263 and name  he+ )
       ((resid 324 and name   ha ) or (resid 325 and name   hb ))    4.62 2.72 0.00   ! 4
assign  (resid 263 and name  he+ )
       ((resid 326 and name  hd2 ) or (resid 322 and name  hb+ ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign ((resid 263 and name  he+ ) or (resid 285 and name he2+ ))
       ((resid 322 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 323 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 324 and name   hb ))                                  3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign ((resid 263 and name  he+ ) or (resid 285 and name he2+ ))
       ((resid 255 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 285 and name  hg+ ) or
        (resid 263 and name  hb+ ))                                  2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign  (resid 263 and name  he+ )
       ((resid 326 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 285 and name  hb2 ))    5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign ((resid 263 and name  he+ ) or (resid 285 and name he2+ ))
       ((resid 285 and name  hb1 ) or (resid 326 and name  hg+ ) or
        (resid 319 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 265 and name   hb ))    3.88 1.98 0.00   ! 6
assign  (resid 263 and name  he+ )
       ((resid 319 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 319 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 319 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 255 and name  hg+ ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign  (resid 263 and name  he+ )
       ((resid 315 and name hg++ ) or (resid 265 and name hg2+ ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign ((resid 263 and name  he+ ) or (resid 285 and name he2+ ))
        (resid 281 and name hd++ )                                   5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 313 and name  he+ )
       ((resid 317 and name hg1+ ) or (resid 279 and name hd++ ))    3.26 1.36 0.00   ! 8
assign  (resid 313 and name  he+ )
       ((resid 265 and name hg1+ ) or (resid 317 and name hg2+ ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign ((resid 313 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 307 and name hd2+ ))
       ((resid 290 and name   ha ) or (resid 291 and name   ha ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 313 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 315 and name hg++ ) or (resid 267 and name  hb2 ))    3.00 1.10 0.00   ! 9
assign  (resid 313 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 295 and name hg++ ) or (resid 277 and name hg++ ))    3.88 1.98 0.00   ! 6
assign  (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 263 and name   ha ) or (resid 323 and name   ha ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign  (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 325 and name   ha ) or (resid 319 and name   ha ))    5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 258 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 326 and name  hg+ ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 255 and name  hb1 ) or (resid 258 and name  hb+ ))    5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 265 and name   hb ) or (resid 319 and name  hb+ ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign  (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 319 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 319 and name  hd+ ) or
        (resid 319 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 255 and name  hg+ ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign  (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 255 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 256 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 319 and name  hg+ ))                                  4.62 2.72 0.00   ! 4
assign  (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 315 and name hg++ ) or (resid 265 and name hg2+ ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign  (resid 263 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 317 and name hg2+ ) or (resid 265 and name hg1+ ))    3.26 1.36 0.00   ! 8
assign ((resid 275 and name  hh2 ) or (resid 278 and name hd2+ ))
       ((resid 313 and name   ha ) or (resid 277 and name   ha ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 1
assign ((resid 275 and name  hh2 ) or (resid 278 and name hd2+ ))
       ((resid 293 and name   ha ) or (resid 301 and name   hb ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign ((resid 275 and name  hh2 ) or (resid 278 and name hd2+ ))
       ((resid 269 and name   hb ) or (resid 301 and name hg2+ ))    4.62 2.72 0.00   ! 4
assign  (resid 313 and name  he+ )
       ((resid 277 and name hg++ ) or (resid 295 and name hg++ ))    3.88 1.98 0.00   ! 6
assign ((resid 282 and name hd2+ ) or (resid 264 and name   ha ))
       ((resid 324 and name   ha ) or (resid 316 and name   hb ) or
        (resid 325 and name   hb ))                                  5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 282 and name hd2+ )
       ((resid 324 and name   hb ) or (resid 323 and name  hb+ ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign ((resid 267 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 313 and name   hz ))
       ((resid 328 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 293 and name  hb+ ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign  (resid 267 and name  hd+ )
       ((resid 265 and name hg1+ ) or (resid 317 and name hg2+ ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
!assign  (resid 256 and name   hn )
!       ((resid 255 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 263 and name  hb+ ))    4.23 2.33 0.00   ! 5
assign  (resid 256 and name   hn )
       ((resid 256 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 255 and name  hg+ ))    2.50 0.60 0.00   ! 10p
assign ((resid 257 and name   hn ) or (resid 323 and name   hn ))
       ((resid 259 and name  hh2 ) or (resid 285 and name he2+ ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
!assign  (resid 257 and name   hn )
       !((resid 257 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 257 and name  hb2 ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
!assign  (resid 257 and name   hn )
       !((resid 257 and name  hb1 ) or (resid 258 and name  hg+ ))    3.26 1.36 0.00   ! 8
assign  (resid 258 and name   hn )
       ((resid 259 and name  he3 ) or (resid 259 and name  hz3 ))    4.62 2.72 0.00   ! 4
!assign  (resid 258 and name   hn )
!       ((resid 255 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 263 and name  hb+ ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 258 and name   hn )
       ((resid 257 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 257 and name  hb2 ))    3.26 1.36 0.00   ! 8
assign  (resid 259 and name   hn )
       ((resid 259 and name  he3 ) or (resid 259 and name  hz3 ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign  (resid 259 and name   hn )
       ((resid 259 and name  hh2 ) or (resid 259 and name  hz3 ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 259 and name   hn )
       ((resid 259 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 262 and name  ha1 ))    3.88 1.98 0.00   ! 6
assign  (resid 260 and name   hn )
       ((resid 260 and name   ha ) or (resid 260 and name  hb+ ))    2.50 0.60 0.00   ! 10p
assign  (resid 261 and name   hn )
       ((resid 319 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 319 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 319 and name  hg+ ))                                  5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 262 and name   hn )
       ((resid 319 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 319 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 319 and name  hg+ ))                                  3.88 1.98 0.00   ! 6
assign  (resid 263 and name   hn )
       ((resid 319 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 319 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 319 and name  hg+ ))                                  5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 263 and name   hn )
       ((resid 317 and name   hb ) or (resid 317 and name hg2+ ))    3.26 1.36 0.00   ! 8
assign  (resid 264 and name   hn )
       ((resid 259 and name  hz2 ) or (resid 264 and name hd2+ ))    5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 264 and name   hn )
       ((resid 264 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 263 and name  hb+ ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign  (resid 264 and name   hn )
       ((resid 257 and name  hb2 ) or (resid 257 and name  hg+ ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 264 and name   hn )
       ((resid 257 and name  hb1 ) or (resid 258 and name  hg+ ))    5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 308 and name   hn )
       ((resid 308 and name  ha+ ) or (resid 292 and name   ha ))    3.00 1.10 0.00   ! 9
assign  (resid 309 and name   hn )
       ((resid 308 and name  ha+ ) or (resid 292 and name   ha ))    3.88 1.98 0.00   ! 6
assign  (resid 310 and name   hn )
       ((resid 309 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 273 and name  hb+ ))    3.88 1.98 0.00   ! 6
assign  (resid 310 and name   hn )
       ((resid 311 and name  hb1 ) or (resid 308 and name  ha+ ))    4.62 2.72 0.00   ! 4
assign  (resid 311 and name   hn )
       ((resid 273 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 309 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 312 and name   hb ))                                  5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 311 and name   hn )
       ((resid 311 and name  hb1 ) or (resid 292 and name  hb+ ))    3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign  (resid 311 and name   hn )
       ((resid 311 and name  hb2 ) or (resid 313 and name  hb1 ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign  (resid 321 and name   hn )
       ((resid 319 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 319 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 319 and name  hg+ ))                                  3.26 1.36 0.00   ! 8
assign  (resid 322 and name   hn )
       ((resid 321 and name  ha+ ) or (resid 323 and name   ha ) or
        (resid 285 and name   ha ))                                  3.55 1.65 0.00   ! 7
assign  (resid 322 and name   hn )
       ((resid 322 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 283 and name  ha+ ))    3.00 1.10 0.00   ! 9
assign  (resid 322 and name   hn )
       ((resid 321 and name  ha+ ) or (resid 322 and name  hb+ ))    2.50 0.60 0.00   ! 10p
assign  (resid 322 and name   hn )
       ((resid 282 and name  hb2 ) or (resid 320 and name  hb2 ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 322 and name   hn )
       ((resid 319 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 319 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 319 and name  hg+ ))                                  3.26 1.36 0.00   ! 8
assign  (resid 323 and name   hn )
       ((resid 322 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 323 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 324 and name   hb ))                                  2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign  (resid 324 and name   hn )
       ((resid 263 and name  he+ ) or (resid 285 and name he2+ ))    3.88 1.98 0.00   ! 6
assign  (resid 324 and name   hn )
       ((resid 324 and name   ha ) or (resid 325 and name   hb ))    3.00 1.10 0.00   ! 9
assign  (resid 324 and name   hn )
       ((resid 322 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 323 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 324 and name   hb ))                                  2.50 0.60 0.00   ! 10p
assign  (resid 325 and name   hn )
       ((resid 326 and name  hd1 ) or (resid 323 and name   ha ))    5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 325 and name   hn )
       ((resid 324 and name   ha ) or (resid 325 and name   hb ))    2.50 0.60 0.00   ! 10p
assign  (resid 325 and name   hn )
       ((resid 323 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 324 and name   hb ))    4.23 2.33 0.00   ! 5
assign  (resid 325 and name   hn )
       ((resid 324 and name hg2+ ) or (resid 325 and name hg2+ ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign  (resid 319 and name   hn )
       ((resid 263 and name  he+ ) or (resid 285 and name he2+ ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 1
assign  (resid 319 and name   hn )
       ((resid 323 and name   ha ) or (resid 285 and name   ha ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 319 and name   hn )
       ((resid 320 and name   ha ) or (resid 317 and name   ha ))    5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 319 and name   hn )
       ((resid 318 and name  hg+ ) or (resid 320 and name  hb2 ))    5.50 3.60 0.00   ! 2
assign  (resid 319 and name   hn )
       ((resid 319 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 319 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 319 and name  hg+ ))                                  2.50 0.60 0.00   ! 10p
assign  (resid 320 and name   hn )
       ((resid 318 and name   ha ) or (resid 322 and name   ha ))    5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 320 and name   hn )
       ((resid 323 and name   ha ) or (resid 285 and name   ha ) or
        (resid 321 and name  ha+ ))                                  5.04 3.14 0.00   ! 3
assign  (resid 320 and name   hn )
       ((resid 320 and name  hb2 ) or (resid 318 and name  hg+ ))    3.88 1.98 0.00   ! 6
assign  (resid 320 and name   hn )
       ((resid 319 and name  hd+ ) or (resid 319 and name  hb+ ) or
        (resid 319 and name  hg+ ))                                  2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10
assign  (resid 267 and name  he+ )
       ((resid 326 and name  hb+ ) or (resid 315 and name   hb ))    4.23 2.33 0.00   ! 5
assign  (resid 267 and name  he+ )
       ((resid 279 and name  hb1 ) or (resid 253 and name  hb+ ))    2.50 0.60 0.00   ! 10p
assign  (resid 267 and name  he+ )
       ((resid 265 and name hg1+ ) or (resid 317 and name hg2+ ))    2.73 0.83 0.00   ! 10

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