NMR Restraints Grid

Result table
 (Save to zip file containing files for each block)

image mrblock_id pdb_id bmrb_id cing stage program type subtype
630792 6esp 34190 cing 2-parsed STAR entry full


    _Study_list.Sf_category  study_list 
    _Study_list.Entry_ID     parsed_6esp 
    _Study_list.ID           1 


        1   "Conversion project"    NMR   .   parsed_6esp   1   


    _Entry.Sf_category                  entry_information 
    _Entry.ID                           parsed_6esp 
    _Entry.Title                       "Original constraint list(s)" 
    _Entry.Version_type                 original 
    _Entry.Submission_date              . 
    _Entry.Accession_date               . 
    _Entry.Last_release_date            . 
    _Entry.Original_release_date        . 
    _Entry.Origination                  . 
    _Entry.NMR_STAR_version             3.1 
    _Entry.Original_NMR_STAR_version    . 
    _Entry.Experimental_method          NMR 
    _Entry.Experimental_method_subtype  . 


        PDB   6esp   "Master copy"    parsed_6esp   


    _Constraint_stat_list.Sf_category  constraint_statistics 
    _Constraint_stat_list.Entry_ID     parsed_6esp 
    _Constraint_stat_list.ID           1 


        1   6esp.mr   .   .   "MR format"    1    comment                  "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_6esp   1   
        1   6esp.mr   .   .    DYANA/DIANA   2    distance                  NOE                 simple             0   parsed_6esp   1   
        1   6esp.mr   .   .   "MR format"    3   "nomenclature mapping"    "Not applicable"    "Not applicable"    0   parsed_6esp   1   


    _Org_constr_file_comment.Sf_category         org_constr_file_comment 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Entry_ID            parsed_6esp 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.ID                  1 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Constraint_file_ID  1 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Block_ID            1 
    _Org_constr_file_comment.Details            "Generated by Wattos" 
*HEADER    PROTEIN BINDING                         24-OCT-17   6ESP              
*COMPND    MOL_ID: 1;                                                            
*COMPND   2 MOLECULE: PROTEIN SCRIBBLE HOMOLOG;                                  
*COMPND   3 CHAIN: A;                                                            
*COMPND   4 SYNONYM: HSCRIB,PROTEIN LAP4;                                        
*COMPND   5 ENGINEERED: YES                                                      
*SOURCE    MOL_ID: 1;                                                            
*SOURCE   2 ORGANISM_SCIENTIFIC: HOMO SAPIENS;                                   
*SOURCE   3 ORGANISM_COMMON: HUMAN;                                              
*SOURCE   4 ORGANISM_TAXID: 9606;                                                
*SOURCE   5 GENE: SCRIB, CRIB1, KIAA0147, LAP4, SCRB1, VARTUL;                   
*SOURCE   6 EXPRESSION_SYSTEM: ESCHERICHIA COLI;                                 
*SOURCE   7 EXPRESSION_SYSTEM_TAXID: 562                                         
*EXPDTA    SOLUTION NMR                                                          
*NUMMDL    20                                                                    
*AUTHOR    N.C.CHI                                                               
*REVDAT   1   05-SEP-18 6ESP    0                                                


    _Distance_constraint_list.Sf_category         distance_constraints 
    _Distance_constraint_list.Entry_ID            parsed_6esp 
    _Distance_constraint_list.ID                  1 
    _Distance_constraint_list.Constraint_type     NOE 
    _Distance_constraint_list.Constraint_file_ID  1 
    _Distance_constraint_list.Block_ID            2 
    _Distance_constraint_list.Details            "Generated by Wattos" 


        1   "Restraints file 1: A.cco"    1   1   1   26   parsed_6esp   1   


         1   "3 MET   H       3 MET   HA       6.85    0.34  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"       2   4    2   83   parsed_6esp   1   
         2   "5 ALA   H       5 ALA   HA       5.08    0.25  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"       3   4    3   83   parsed_6esp   1   
         3   "7 ALA   H       7 ALA   HA       6.38    0.32  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"       4   4    4   83   parsed_6esp   1   
         4   "12 GLU   H      12 GLU   HA       8.43    0.42  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"      5   3    5   83   parsed_6esp   1   
         5   "13 GLU   H      13 GLU   HA      10.74    0.54  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"      6   3    6   83   parsed_6esp   1   
         6   "15 THR   H      15 THR   HA      12.63    0.63  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"      7   3    7   83   parsed_6esp   1   
         7   "16 LEU   H      16 LEU   HA      11.59    0.58  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"      8   3    8   83   parsed_6esp   1   
         8   "17 THR   H      17 THR   HA      11.96    0.60  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"      9   3    9   83   parsed_6esp   1   
         9   "18 ILE   H      18 ILE   HA      12.39    0.62  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     10   3   10   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        10   "19 LEU   H      19 LEU   HA       8.99    0.45  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     11   3   11   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        11   "20 ARG   H      20 ARG   HA       3.10    0.15  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     12   3   12   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        12   "21 GLN   H      21 GLN   HA       7.04    0.35  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     13   3   13   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        13   "27 ILE   H      27 ILE   HA      10.79    0.54  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     14   3   14   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        14   "28 SER   H      28 SER   HA       6.32    0.32  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     15   3   15   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        15   "29 ILE   H      29 ILE   HA       8.34    0.42  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     16   3   16   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        16   "30 ALA   H      30 ALA   HA      12.87    0.64  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     17   3   17   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        17   "35 SER   H      35 SER   HA       8.78    0.44  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     18   3   18   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        18   "36 THR   H      36 THR   HA       5.17    0.26  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     19   3   19   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        19   "41 ASP   H      41 ASP   HA       8.23    0.41  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     20   3   20   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        20   "42 ASP   H      42 ASP   HA       5.09    0.25  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     21   3   21   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        21   "43 GLU   H      43 GLU   HA       9.32    0.47  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     22   3   22   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        22   "45 ILE   H      45 ILE   HA       3.16    0.16  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     23   3   23   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        23   "46 PHE   H      46 PHE   HA      10.36    0.52  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     24   3   24   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        24   "47 ILE   H      47 ILE   HA       7.37    0.37  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     25   3   25   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        25   "49 ARG   H      49 ARG   HA       6.44    0.32  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     26   3   26   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        26   "50 VAL   H      50 VAL   HA       5.83    0.29  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     27   3   27   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        27   "51 SER   H      51 SER   HA       1.80    0.09  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     28   3   28   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        28   "52 GLU   H      52 GLU   HA       4.02    0.20  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     29   3   29   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        29   "53 GLU   H      53 GLU   HA      10.18    0.51  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     30   3   30   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        30   "56 ALA   H      56 ALA   HA       2.57    0.13  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     31   3   31   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        31   "58 ARG   H      58 ARG   HA       3.78    0.19  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     32   3   32   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        32   "59 ALA   H      59 ALA   HA       6.16    0.31  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     33   3   33   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        33   "61 VAL   H      61 VAL   HA       4.76    0.24  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     34   3   34   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        34   "63 VAL   H      63 VAL   HA       1.88    0.09  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     35   3   35   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        35   "65 ASP   H      65 ASP   HA       2.20    0.11  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     36   3   36   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        36   "66 LYS   H      66 LYS   HA       8.84    0.44  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     37   3   37   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        37   "67 LEU   H      67 LEU   HA       6.17    0.31  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     38   3   38   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        38   "68 LEU   H      68 LEU   HA       9.47    0.47  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     39   3   39   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        39   "69 GLU   H      69 GLU   HA       8.09    0.40  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     40   3   40   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        40   "71 ASN   H      71 ASN   HA       6.30    0.31  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     41   3   41   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        41   "74 ALA   H      74 ALA   HA       2.66    0.13  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     42   3   42   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        42   "75 LEU   H      75 LEU   HA      11.52    0.58  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     43   3   43   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        43   "76 GLN   H      76 GLN   HA       2.33    0.12  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     44   3   44   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        44   "78 ALA   H      78 ALA   HA       2.89    0.14  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     45   3   45   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        45   "79 GLU   H      79 GLU   HA       7.59    0.38  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     46   3   46   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        46   "80 HIS   H      80 HIS   HA       4.02    0.20  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     47   3   47   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        47   "81 HIS   H      81 HIS   HA       1.77    0.09  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     48   3   48   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        48   "82 GLU   H      82 GLU   HA       6.38    0.32  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     49   3   49   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        49   "83 ALA   H      83 ALA   HA       6.47    0.32  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     50   3   50   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        50   "84 VAL   H      84 VAL   HA       2.67    0.13  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     51   3   51   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        51   "87 LEU   H      87 LEU   HA       2.39    0.12  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     52   3   52   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        52   "88 ARG   H      88 ARG   HA       2.88    0.14  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     53   3   53   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        53   "90 ALA   H      90 ALA   HA       3.10    0.15  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     54   3   54   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        54   "93 ALA   H      93 ALA   HA       8.29    0.41  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     55   3   55   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        55   "94 VAL   H      94 VAL   HA      11.54    0.58  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     56   3   56   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        56   "95 GLN   H      95 GLN   HA       8.95    0.45  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     57   3   57   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        57   "96 MET   H      96 MET   HA      14.10    0.71  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     58   3   58   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        58   "98 VAL   H      98 VAL   HA      12.24    0.61  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     59   3   59   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        59   "99 TRP   H      99 TRP   HA      14.21    0.71  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"     60   3   60   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        60   "100 ARG   H     100 ARG   HA      11.75    0.59  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    61   2   61   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        61   "101 GLU   H     101 GLU   HA       7.36    0.37  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    62   2   62   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        62   "103 MET   H     103 MET   HA       6.29    0.31  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    63   2   63   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        63   "105 GLU   H     105 GLU   HA      10.72    0.54  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    64   2   64   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        64   "107 GLU   H     107 GLU   HA       5.14    0.26  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    65   2   65   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        65   "108 ASN   H     108 ASN   HA       9.98    0.50  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    66   2   66   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        66   "109 ALA   H     109 ALA   HA       5.04    0.25  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    67   2   67   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        67   "110 VAL   H     110 VAL   HA       9.40    0.47  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    68   2   68   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        68   "111 THR   H     111 THR   HA       9.97    0.50  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    69   2   69   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        69   "112 ILE   H     112 ILE   HA      10.02    0.50  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    70   2   70   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        70   "113 THR   H     113 THR   HA       9.72    0.49  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    71   2   71   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        71   "115 LEU   H     115 LEU   HA       6.74    0.34  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    72   2   72   83   parsed_6esp   1   
        72   "116 ARG   H     116 ARG   HA      11.35    0.57  1.00E+00   0.427  -1.191   8.167"    73   2   73   83   parsed_6esp   1   


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